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Edited by REBELnationBMc: 1/1/2016 2:53:17 AM

The Future of Destiny (A Must Read)

Okay folks; we have a new addition to the list at #8. It's about pvp- also thank you to the community for giving feedback on these ideas for the future of Destiny! Continue to share your thoughts and ideas, think critically, and also; Happy New Years! 1) More, instance like, zones on Earth. Let's see Egypt, China, New York, the Amazon, and Mount Rushmore added into the game. (Someone said to add Israel into the game as well) 2) Fly that space ship and kill things. We'd like to have some space battles. Sparrow racing was just the beginning; maybe we could have an en event where we battle it out in space vs each other or even spaceship bosses (oh my) 3) Let's see some more customization. We have the sweetest weapons but maybe I want to go buy thermal optics from the gunsmith. We got these neat helmets but what if I want my visor to be a different color. We got the gnarly space ships but maybe I want my emblem printed all over it. 4) you added "silver"- let me trade my items to my friends now. Open up an auction house; let's give the game a real "treasure" like feel. We need to put this glimmer to use. We have enough heavy ammo synthesis now. [quote]If Destiny starts an auction house, there should be more exotic engrams to trade. Another idea is to have class set items (like in Diablo II and III). Would be interesting to see different weapons and armor working together to make your character even stronger.[/quote] -Jay9201974 5) we have 6 people in a raid. Why can't we have options for 10/25 (uh oh- like World of Spanky Crafting) <this is destiny though> Public events are groovy, but maybe we should have galactic bosses that are so huge my ego drops below freezing and I have to have 24 other goobs helping me shoot apart their left leg, legs, 5 eyes or even four tails. We all deserve a chance at some loot. 6) implement the rest of the planets, and move on. We got a galaxy to explore and around 8 and a half years to do it according to Lord Bungie. 7) This is for you guys; add your opinions, make a list; number it accordingly, voice your thoughts people. We are playing the best game in the world, a game with endless potential, and endless possibilities for Bungie to gain a larger player base. 8) Private matches for PVP, Dueling system, loot system based on rating in the crucible. PVP needs raid equivalent gear: achieved by how well a player performs in the crucible, iron banner or trials of Osiris, wins increasing the possibility for the loot to drop tremendously. [quote]More foundry weapons, extended social spaces/ more of them, ship & sparrow customisation ( ship and sparrow part blue prints can be bought for 10000 glimmer or can be found in chests) the same customisation idea can go to guns as well, animated grimoire library in Tower, more light elements, new weapon types, roaming interactive npc's, an exo stranger event and a chance to have class exclusive boss fights against corrupted guardian legends I. E. Dredgen yor, vell tarlowe (I know he died by the hive). Finally a new enemy race.[/quote] -Teamfailure34 (by the way, Bungie, this leads to a golden 'end of the year' sales report. What better way to shove it in Call of Little Squeakers face)

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  • I kinda just gave up on Destiny until they release new content. It's a shame. The exotic loot from Xur has been complete garbage for 4 months. I think the gamers are fed up.

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  • Weapon balance and dedicated servers for PvP. PvE needs a story and content to go with it.

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    • I used to play religiously, knowing it's not a very good game. Sunk somewhere around 1,200 hrs into it. What kept me going was the hope that the game could eventually, over time, reach the amazing potential it had. I've given up completely on that at this point. As others have said, it will never reach its whole potential. It has to do with the developer's motive and goal. They are NOT motivated to make the most badass game ever, they are just motivated to make a ton of cash off of the addicts they have created. It is a fact that they hired psychologists to help them understand how video game addiction works, and they've done that. They've gotten a ton of people addicted to the carrot on the stick that you can never get, and successfully added micro transactions to milk it even further. They have proven time and time and time again that they are content with milking it, doing as little as possible, and favoring $$$ over making a quality product. Destiny will always be "ok" because of the gameplay, but after I broke my addiction (thank you FO4!!!) I can see it for what it is. I just play very casually now, and I will never again invest crazy amounts of time into it again.

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      4 Replies
      • All of the bump

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        • Tl;dr

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        • Pvp has raid equivalent gear. It's called Trials.

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          • 10-25 people in a party wouldn't get anything done

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          • This

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            • Yes.

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              • Edited by VSeconds: 12/31/2015 10:26:21 PM
                I'll play a better game called Warframe, And guess what it is free, ALSO If you want you can level up faster buying ingame currency, Or just find the blueprint and built something that is sold for real money. Beside I find it funny all of those asked changes are in warframe, Except the raid with 10-25 people, thought I don't think any game dev would use uneven number.

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                • -blam!- all that 1) fix Crucible lag and matchmaking (teams vs team's first) 2) fix crucible lag 3) fix crucible matchmaking to match teams vs teams first 4) any if the above in no particular order

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                  • Btw, none of this is possible because of last gen. It they were cut off we would be able to see most of this stuff happen.

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                    • [quote]Okay folks; we are sitting around playing the best game in the world (Destiny)....[/quote] I stopped reading here[spoiler] [/spoiler]

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                      • Edited by Devasstator: 12/31/2015 6:53:44 PM
               game in the world?!? Hahahahah. It's not the worst game by far but beat game in the world? 6 out of 10 is no where near the best. Hopefully they make the series fun again with D2 and it's not a lame, no content grind. I do like many of these ideas and hope to see some of them in D2.

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                        2 Replies
                        • Bump I loved it

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                          • Edited by blueshirtguy: 12/31/2015 6:23:24 AM
                            I wish for a weapon or armor player to player renting mechanism / kiosk. It works like this: I have Spare Change that I hardly use sitting in vault, I put it up for rent at the koisk and it will cost me 3 LM as advertising charge. Any random player rented my Spare Change will cost him 5LM and gets to use it until weekly reset. I'll make 2LM in the process. The Spare change random player rented cannot be deleted, as the delete action actually triggers the end of rent and it will automatically be returned to me. Similarly, at each weekly reset, the rented unit is automatically returned to owner. I think it is a good way for other players to try out different weapons before they actually spend time to grind for it. Some mechanics to consider: 1. Max 3 items can be put up for rent / rented each week. 2. Cost of transaction is set by Bungie, not the player 3. The item rented out will be capped at 280 light irregardless of the original light level upgraded by the owner. 4. Items for rent must be fully upgraded and unlocked all the perks. 5. Items for rent can be of any rarity. Exotics will cost more. 6. Players that rented any exotic weapons will not have the Grimoire unlocked. 7. Same items (even of different perks) shall not be rented out in succession, a cool off period of 1 week is mandatory. Cheers! Edit: added 6 & 7.

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                            3 Replies
                            • 2

                              115 hostages held by hamas over 11months - old

                              You forgot israel in the start

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                              • Had me at "goobs".

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                                • How about Miami Beach? More aliens come in every day.

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                                  • As much as I'd love to see an AH implemented, this game doesn't have enough content to trade for it to work.

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                                    • If the game was only on Next gen consoles I believe a lot of this would be viable but since it's on 360 and PS3 the game could never handle this much information and content. This next gen game should only be on next gen consoles. If anything update the next gen consoles with new stuff and leave the game as is on old consoles. That way next gen gets the game it deserves and old consoles still have an opportunity to enjoy the game as well.

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                                      • "We have enough heavy ammo synths" you better hush your mouth!! You trying to get that nerfed or something?

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                                        • Bump

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                                          • Really hoping to explore additional planets in this system and beyond.

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                                            • Agreed! I've been saying what this game lacks is MOUNT RUSHMORE since day 1!

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                                              • 'the Amazon'... Reminds me of duck tales...

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