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9/23/2009 4:00:16 PM

Seasoned Veterans Guide to Vidmaster Challenge: Endure (Firefight)

Hello, and welcome to Seasoned Veterans' Guide to the Vidmaster Challenge: Endure Achievement for Halo 3: ODST. This thread is presented to you by Seasoned Veterans, and was written by I adJACENt I, and Pope Rex, with additional help from UEG PaniK and LB Terminator. I'd like to begin with a little bit of a background on how we got this achievement, and then end with a guide for you to go out there and get it. [b]NOTE:[/b] If you would like to do this on Alpha Site, please visit mastercmj2003's guide for [url=]that map[/url]. Last night, around 930 PM EST, myself (i adJACENt i) and 3 others (Pope Rex, UEG PaniK, and LB Terminator) started up a round of Firefight on Lost Platoon, on Heroic. 2 hours and 12 minutes later, we had finished the 2nd Wave of the 1st Round of the 5th Set, with [url=]1,434,587 points[/url], and an achievement. Pope Rex has also broken [url=]1.5 million[/url] just this morning. [b][i]We could not have done this without teamwork, and a well-defined role for each of us[/i][/b]. I will explain those roles, and much of our strategy, in the following paragraphs. [quote][/quote] The following text can be found on the Halo Wiki pages dedicated to [url=]Firefight[/url] and the Vidmaster Endure Achievement. [u][b][url=]Vidmaster Achievement: Endure[/url][/b][/u] is an achievement in Halo 3: ODST and one of the Vidmaster Challenges. It is unlocked when you play on Firefight, on any mission, and pass the 4th set (the 12th round and 60th wave) on 4 player Heroic co-op Live. It is worth 25 Gamerpoints. In Firefight, you fight against increasingly difficult waves of Covenant attackers. There are five Waves of reinforcements in a Round and three Rounds in a Set. The Set, Round, and Wave the player is in can be seen at the top left of the screen, with the number of players lives being 7 to share between your squad when Firefight is started. The Set is represented by a number from one to infinity, the Round a circle, going from left to right with the Wave the player is in shown under the Round. At the end of a round there will be a brief pause where the player will be allowed to recollect ammo, and get additional lives. The scores will be kept in the top right of the screen, with the Team score being on the top and the player's individual score below that. Regardless of the difficulty, the Tough Luck skull will be enabled from the start. With each new set, more skulls become enabled, more than one at a time. If one can stay alive, they will be awarded with higher scores and medals. Though each enemy class is worth a base number of points, earning medals can modify the player's tally as they go. Staying on lengthy streak without dying, and points will be augmented by a hefty multiplier. Additionally, once a team has survived a Set, they will go on to the Bonus Round. Because it is only a Bonus Round, any deaths will not be subtracted from the overall point pool. However, since the Iron Skull is activated at the start, one death will cause the Bonus Round to end. The Bonus Round provides players a chance to earn extra lives before the next Set. Exact number of lives per score is unknown to us at this time. I will update this post when we learn more. [quote][/quote] Now, we begin our specific guide to getting this achievement... For this specific achievement, our squad played on Lost Platoon (from the Uplift Reserve mission in Campaign mode). We turned on IWHBYD (for extra dialog) and Grunt Birthday Party (for the lulz, and it helps to verify that you actually killed a Grunt). Looking at the map, the South East side, where the big rocks with all the trees are, will be called the front. The East corner of the map is called the Front Left, the East corner of the map is the Front Right, the North corner of the map is the Back Left, and the West corner of the map is the Back Right. The Phantoms that drop off reinforcements will go to only those four spots. As each Firefight progresses, various difficulty-multiplying skulls come into play. Tough Luck, Catch, and Black Eye activate at the start of Rounds; Tilt, Famine, and Mythic activate at the start of Sets. The longer a Firefight lasts, the more skulls remain active simultaneously, so by the start of Round One of Set Five, all Round and Set skulls are active. The Iron Skull is only active during Bonus Rounds. Here is the skull breakdown for each Round and Set, Round skulls are italicized, Set skulls are bold.: Set 1 Round 1 - [i]Tough Luck[/i] Set 1 Round 2 - [i]Tough Luck, Catch[/i] Set 1 Round 3 - [i]Tough Luck, Catch, Black Eye[/i] Set 2 Round 1 - [i]Tough Luck[/i], [b]Tilt[/b] Set 2 Round 2 - [i]Tough Luck, Catch[/i], [b]Tilt[/b] Set 2 Round 3 - [i]Tough Luck, Catch, Black Eye[/i], [b]Tilt[/b] Set 3 Round 1 - [i]Tough Luck[/i], [b]Tilt, Famine[/b] Set 3 Round 2 - [i]Tough Luck, Catch[/i], [b]Tilt, Famine[/b] Set 3 Round 3 - [i]Tough Luck, Catch, Black eye[/i], [b]Tilt, Famine[/b] Set 4 Round 1 - [i]Tough Luck[/i], [b]Tilt, Famine, Mythic[/b] Set 4 Round 2 - [i]Tough Luck, Catch[/i], [b]Tilt, Famine, Mythic[/b] Set 4 Round 3 - [i]Tough Luck, Catch, Black eye[/i], [b]Tilt, Famine, Mythic[/b] Set 5 and up - [i]Tough Luck, Catch, Black eye[/i], [b]Tilt, Famine, Mythic[/b] The #1 Rule of Firefight: Don't die. The #2 Rule of Firefight: DON'T DIE! I cannot stress that enough. This is not Halo 3 Campaign where you can just run around and AR/Melee everything in site. Every death hurts your team in multiple ways. Besides having one fewer life for the game, you may also lose valuable resources by dying in an area surrounded by the enemy. Losing a Warthog, Laser, or other weapons may prove to be detrimental to your team in later Waves. Speaking of the Hog and Laser, at the start of the game, and every following Set (3 Rounds), you will get a Warthog that spawns at the bottom of the double sets of stairs, in the middle of the map (Bottom Mid, Warthog Spawn), in a large room to the North West. Against the South East wall in this room are two Health Packs. There are also two Health Packs at the top of the double stairs, to either side of them. In a side room on the East side, there will be a Laser that spawns at the beginning of the game and after each Round (5 Waves). You MUST be able to keep your Hog alive, and you MUST be able to reserve your Laser shots. You are given 5 Laser shots each round, and sometimes there are 5 Wraiths (one per Wave) in a Round. Your Hog driver and Gunner will need to take down Choppers from behind, as facing these things head on is pretty much suicide. Do everything in your power to only kill the Brute in the Chopper, and not to actually blow up the Chopper. If able, take each and every Chopper you can into the back or the Hog Room, behind the stairs. Store them for use in later rounds (at one time I think we had about 13 Choppers stored in that room). Communication is also key. Your Laser guy needs to know where the Wraiths are being dropped. Your Hog needs to know where the Choppers and Brute Chieftains are. You need to know when the Buggers are coming, so you can ensure you have an appropriate weapon (Plasma Rifle or SMG work best). The more info being passed around, the better prepared your squad can be. [quote][/quote] For your party of 4, you need to have the following types of personnel... Hog Driver / Warthog Driver; Hog Gunner / Warthog Driver; Laser / Support; Long Range / Support [b][u]Hog Personnel[/b][/u]: Driver - Pope Rex Gunner - UEG PaniK The Hog driver and gunners will run the hog as much as possible, taking care to not get it destroyed. During Rounds where the Black Eye skull is turned on (where you have to melee to regain Stamina), you do not want to be in the Hog. One or both of you may want to utilize your Choppers, if you feel comfortable enough, but if not, stay up top on the building. Since this is such a large map, you will want the enemy to come to you so that you can get some melees in when your Stamina gets low. When the Catch skull is activated (Covenant throw a ton of grenades), you may want to be wary of getting close to Grunts, as they have a tendency to unload 30 Plasma Stickies at the same time. [Edited on 09.23.2009 2:38 PM PDT]
#Halo #Halo3 #ODST

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  • This is a good guide. If i decide to try hard to pursue the Vidmaster achievements, this guide will be something that i will use.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] x Foman123 x This is an awesome guide. I played a 2.5-hour game of Firefight last night on Lost Platoon, but we were not trying for Vidmaster: Endure. We only had 3 players in our party, and for the two who were not me, it was their very first time playing Firefight (they play H3 Matchmaking all the time though). We [i]very[/i] quickly fell into these same roles that you describe, except that our use of the Warthog was limited -- with only three players in the match, we quickly found that choppers allowed us to attack from two sides at once and also to support our laser guy. All the same, when I do go for VM:Endure, I will be following this guide, and almost certainly doing it on Lost Platoon. *Thread Saved*[/quote] Everything he said. A+ job, SV.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] cfink Great guide. We found the level with the crashed pod was easiest and fastest. (Although we died on the final wave of the 4th set :( should be a sticky [/quote] If enough people click on the Save Thread button in the top right, this thread will eventually become a Top Forum Topic.

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  • Excellent guide! Great job!

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  • Great guide. We found the level with the crashed pod was easiest and fastest. (Although we died on the final wave of the 4th set :( should be a sticky [Edited on 09.23.2009 10:10 AM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] privet caboose My particular team is avoiding maps with vehicles, besides the tanks, is there any other difference with doing the large maps? Like, less enemies?[/quote]For 1, the vehicles provide an unlimited supply of powerful weaponry, esp the chopper which can splatter a brute chieftain even with mythic and tilt on. Moreover, the more open space gives maneuvering room not found compact zones. When grenades start flying, it's helpful to have space to dodge them, rather than being stuck in a corridor. It also reduces the effectiveness of an enemy hammer cause their advance is made extremely obvious.

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  • Great guide

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  • Me and Pope had a nice game going earlier but it D/Ced an hour and 15 minutes through. I think we're going for it again today. Really really really great guide. I might suggest adding weapons per map if you get the chance. -Phantom -SV Resident MM Tryhard.

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  • Extremely useful guide! I applaud you.

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  • I added a somewhat detailed Heat Map to the OP, on my third post. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] privet caboose My particular team is avoiding maps with vehicles, besides the tanks, is there any other difference with doing the large maps? Like, less enemies?[/quote] The wide open spaces make it difficult to get up close and personal for melees when Black Eye is on, but it also gives you a lot of space to work. I have heard from a few people that they wouldn't choose a large map because of Black Eye. However, Black Eye is only on for 3 Rounds (the 3rd Round of every Set), for a total of 15 waves. So for us, it wasn't that big of a problem.

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  • Awesome job. I'm definitely using this guide later tonight.

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  • My particular team is avoiding maps with vehicles, besides the tanks, is there any other difference with doing the large maps? Like, less enemies?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] III Kirby III [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] RighteousTyrant Well-done, guys.[/quote] Gettin our street cred up. [/quote]Word. [Thread Saved]

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  • This is a very cool guide, thanks for taking the time to make it! There's so many good tips i'm saving this thread for future reference :D

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Gojirra1 Apprx what skill level were you guys? [/quote] We are all 50s. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Steelspawn18 Why not try it on Security Zone? [/quote] Just haven't tried that one yet. Lost Platoon just seemed natural to our specific party, since we all play a lot of Squad Battle together. A buddy of mine, mastercmj2003, has a similar guide for [url=]Alpha Site[/url]. Once we get 5 million or so on Lost Platoon tonight, we may try that guide out. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] x Foman123 x All the same, when I do go for VM:Endure, I will be following this guide, and almost certainly doing it on Lost Platoon.[/quote] Wouldn't expect anything less from another BTB guy.

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  • This is an awesome guide. I played a 2.5-hour game of Firefight last night on Lost Platoon, but we were not trying for Vidmaster: Endure. We only had 3 players in our party, and for the two who were not me, it was their very first time playing Firefight (they play H3 Matchmaking all the time though). We [i]very[/i] quickly fell into these same roles that you describe, except that our use of the Warthog was limited -- with only three players in the match, we quickly found that choppers allowed us to attack from two sides at once and also to support our laser guy. All the same, when I do go for VM:Endure, I will be following this guide, and almost certainly doing it on Lost Platoon. *Thread Saved* [Edited on 09.23.2009 8:56 AM PDT]

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  • I was very close to getting Endure last night, I believe it was Crater Night. 2 people gaurd the left stair case, two people gaurd right. One person keep a plasma pistol to kill the engineers. One person sticks on turret until Catch/blackeye turns on. We made it to wave 45, with 7 lives when I got disconnected from Live...

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  • That level seems a lot harder to do with all the vehicles involved. Why not try it on Security Zone? You have the high ground. There are plenty of walls for cover. A full laser spawns often. The only problem is that you have to deal with 3 chieftains at a time but I get one of their hammers and go Jedi on that ass.

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  • does it really need a tut? we nearly got this when we had 2 ppl going afk and we were falling asleep from playing. 1 person lazers the top hill wraith everyone else has choppers. you kill the back wraith with the choppers. then you kill everything else. Once you get 3 ppl with choppers you can't loose. Its not hard. Just don't do it when you have been playing from midnight with 2 randoms.

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  • I ahvent played on this map i just hope my Team are good at driving warthogs. Other than that Apprx what skill level were you guys? And thanks for this guide it sounds epic.

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  • Very well done SV. This should help alot of people out with it. Endure is purely about teamwork, and strategy. Without it, your hopes will fail. Again, great great post.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] RighteousTyrant Well-done, guys.[/quote] Gettin our street cred up.

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  • wow that's a brilliant guide thanks :D anyone up for trying to do this now? none of my friends have odst yet :(

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  • Thanks for the help. Next week me and my friend will chose some non DC people like last time (got to 3rd set 3rd round 4th wave)

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  • Well-done, guys.

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  • [url=]Detailed Heat Map[/url], showing Phantom Drop Zones, Wraith Locations, Warthog and Laser Spawns, and Bonus Round Location. If anyone knows where I can get a more detailed blank Heat Map, maybe showing interiors or something, please let me know, I would greatly appreciate it. [Edited on 09.23.2009 9:07 AM PDT]

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