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9/23/2009 4:00:16 PM

Seasoned Veterans Guide to Vidmaster Challenge: Endure (Firefight)

Hello, and welcome to Seasoned Veterans' Guide to the Vidmaster Challenge: Endure Achievement for Halo 3: ODST. This thread is presented to you by Seasoned Veterans, and was written by I adJACENt I, and Pope Rex, with additional help from UEG PaniK and LB Terminator. I'd like to begin with a little bit of a background on how we got this achievement, and then end with a guide for you to go out there and get it. [b]NOTE:[/b] If you would like to do this on Alpha Site, please visit mastercmj2003's guide for [url=]that map[/url]. Last night, around 930 PM EST, myself (i adJACENt i) and 3 others (Pope Rex, UEG PaniK, and LB Terminator) started up a round of Firefight on Lost Platoon, on Heroic. 2 hours and 12 minutes later, we had finished the 2nd Wave of the 1st Round of the 5th Set, with [url=]1,434,587 points[/url], and an achievement. Pope Rex has also broken [url=]1.5 million[/url] just this morning. [b][i]We could not have done this without teamwork, and a well-defined role for each of us[/i][/b]. I will explain those roles, and much of our strategy, in the following paragraphs. [quote][/quote] The following text can be found on the Halo Wiki pages dedicated to [url=]Firefight[/url] and the Vidmaster Endure Achievement. [u][b][url=]Vidmaster Achievement: Endure[/url][/b][/u] is an achievement in Halo 3: ODST and one of the Vidmaster Challenges. It is unlocked when you play on Firefight, on any mission, and pass the 4th set (the 12th round and 60th wave) on 4 player Heroic co-op Live. It is worth 25 Gamerpoints. In Firefight, you fight against increasingly difficult waves of Covenant attackers. There are five Waves of reinforcements in a Round and three Rounds in a Set. The Set, Round, and Wave the player is in can be seen at the top left of the screen, with the number of players lives being 7 to share between your squad when Firefight is started. The Set is represented by a number from one to infinity, the Round a circle, going from left to right with the Wave the player is in shown under the Round. At the end of a round there will be a brief pause where the player will be allowed to recollect ammo, and get additional lives. The scores will be kept in the top right of the screen, with the Team score being on the top and the player's individual score below that. Regardless of the difficulty, the Tough Luck skull will be enabled from the start. With each new set, more skulls become enabled, more than one at a time. If one can stay alive, they will be awarded with higher scores and medals. Though each enemy class is worth a base number of points, earning medals can modify the player's tally as they go. Staying on lengthy streak without dying, and points will be augmented by a hefty multiplier. Additionally, once a team has survived a Set, they will go on to the Bonus Round. Because it is only a Bonus Round, any deaths will not be subtracted from the overall point pool. However, since the Iron Skull is activated at the start, one death will cause the Bonus Round to end. The Bonus Round provides players a chance to earn extra lives before the next Set. Exact number of lives per score is unknown to us at this time. I will update this post when we learn more. [quote][/quote] Now, we begin our specific guide to getting this achievement... For this specific achievement, our squad played on Lost Platoon (from the Uplift Reserve mission in Campaign mode). We turned on IWHBYD (for extra dialog) and Grunt Birthday Party (for the lulz, and it helps to verify that you actually killed a Grunt). Looking at the map, the South East side, where the big rocks with all the trees are, will be called the front. The East corner of the map is called the Front Left, the East corner of the map is the Front Right, the North corner of the map is the Back Left, and the West corner of the map is the Back Right. The Phantoms that drop off reinforcements will go to only those four spots. As each Firefight progresses, various difficulty-multiplying skulls come into play. Tough Luck, Catch, and Black Eye activate at the start of Rounds; Tilt, Famine, and Mythic activate at the start of Sets. The longer a Firefight lasts, the more skulls remain active simultaneously, so by the start of Round One of Set Five, all Round and Set skulls are active. The Iron Skull is only active during Bonus Rounds. Here is the skull breakdown for each Round and Set, Round skulls are italicized, Set skulls are bold.: Set 1 Round 1 - [i]Tough Luck[/i] Set 1 Round 2 - [i]Tough Luck, Catch[/i] Set 1 Round 3 - [i]Tough Luck, Catch, Black Eye[/i] Set 2 Round 1 - [i]Tough Luck[/i], [b]Tilt[/b] Set 2 Round 2 - [i]Tough Luck, Catch[/i], [b]Tilt[/b] Set 2 Round 3 - [i]Tough Luck, Catch, Black Eye[/i], [b]Tilt[/b] Set 3 Round 1 - [i]Tough Luck[/i], [b]Tilt, Famine[/b] Set 3 Round 2 - [i]Tough Luck, Catch[/i], [b]Tilt, Famine[/b] Set 3 Round 3 - [i]Tough Luck, Catch, Black eye[/i], [b]Tilt, Famine[/b] Set 4 Round 1 - [i]Tough Luck[/i], [b]Tilt, Famine, Mythic[/b] Set 4 Round 2 - [i]Tough Luck, Catch[/i], [b]Tilt, Famine, Mythic[/b] Set 4 Round 3 - [i]Tough Luck, Catch, Black eye[/i], [b]Tilt, Famine, Mythic[/b] Set 5 and up - [i]Tough Luck, Catch, Black eye[/i], [b]Tilt, Famine, Mythic[/b] The #1 Rule of Firefight: Don't die. The #2 Rule of Firefight: DON'T DIE! I cannot stress that enough. This is not Halo 3 Campaign where you can just run around and AR/Melee everything in site. Every death hurts your team in multiple ways. Besides having one fewer life for the game, you may also lose valuable resources by dying in an area surrounded by the enemy. Losing a Warthog, Laser, or other weapons may prove to be detrimental to your team in later Waves. Speaking of the Hog and Laser, at the start of the game, and every following Set (3 Rounds), you will get a Warthog that spawns at the bottom of the double sets of stairs, in the middle of the map (Bottom Mid, Warthog Spawn), in a large room to the North West. Against the South East wall in this room are two Health Packs. There are also two Health Packs at the top of the double stairs, to either side of them. In a side room on the East side, there will be a Laser that spawns at the beginning of the game and after each Round (5 Waves). You MUST be able to keep your Hog alive, and you MUST be able to reserve your Laser shots. You are given 5 Laser shots each round, and sometimes there are 5 Wraiths (one per Wave) in a Round. Your Hog driver and Gunner will need to take down Choppers from behind, as facing these things head on is pretty much suicide. Do everything in your power to only kill the Brute in the Chopper, and not to actually blow up the Chopper. If able, take each and every Chopper you can into the back or the Hog Room, behind the stairs. Store them for use in later rounds (at one time I think we had about 13 Choppers stored in that room). Communication is also key. Your Laser guy needs to know where the Wraiths are being dropped. Your Hog needs to know where the Choppers and Brute Chieftains are. You need to know when the Buggers are coming, so you can ensure you have an appropriate weapon (Plasma Rifle or SMG work best). The more info being passed around, the better prepared your squad can be. [quote][/quote] For your party of 4, you need to have the following types of personnel... Hog Driver / Warthog Driver; Hog Gunner / Warthog Driver; Laser / Support; Long Range / Support [b][u]Hog Personnel[/b][/u]: Driver - Pope Rex Gunner - UEG PaniK The Hog driver and gunners will run the hog as much as possible, taking care to not get it destroyed. During Rounds where the Black Eye skull is turned on (where you have to melee to regain Stamina), you do not want to be in the Hog. One or both of you may want to utilize your Choppers, if you feel comfortable enough, but if not, stay up top on the building. Since this is such a large map, you will want the enemy to come to you so that you can get some melees in when your Stamina gets low. When the Catch skull is activated (Covenant throw a ton of grenades), you may want to be wary of getting close to Grunts, as they have a tendency to unload 30 Plasma Stickies at the same time. [Edited on 09.23.2009 2:38 PM PDT]
#Halo #Halo3 #ODST

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Jakapo93 Ok, i entered a ranked playlist for 7 on 7 on January 7 2010. i have 7 exp total when i entered the game, and i gained 0 exp when the game was over. i don't know if i have to have 6 exp then get up to 7 or what...if not, i would like to know whats wrong and if Bungie can give me the acheivement, you guys can check my service record and past games played to know i'm not lying, I did enter a ranked playlist with 7 exp, played through teh whole game, and i didnt get the acheivement.plz help by soon! i need this really bad![/quote] I think you needed to be at six and gone to seven.

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  • Good guide.

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  • Ok, i entered a ranked playlist for 7 on 7 on January 7 2010. i have 7 exp total when i entered the game, and i gained 0 exp when the game was over. i don't know if i have to have 6 exp then get up to 7 or what...if not, i would like to know whats wrong and if Bungie can give me the acheivement, you guys can check my service record and past games played to know i'm not lying, I did enter a ranked playlist with 7 exp, played through teh whole game, and i didnt get the acheivement.plz help by soon! i need this really bad!

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  • Hey I see you already have recon but my friends are shocking on ODST, do you think You Me and Some of your friends can do it together? Im good I swear. Just give me a Pistol and I will work the magic :) Message me on Xbox (Gamertag: Powelled)

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  • Excellent work, although I got my endure on windward in the spawn room. We each held up in a different roomlet and watched a different side.

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  • well done, me and my friends were going for Endure, and we got to the 4th set, 3rd round, last wave, and we had 3 dead, then the only one left was my friend, and another brute was still left, there was one brute, no shields, we had it, then one of the dudes lagged out, i was so -blam!- pissed. can anyone help me... plz

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  • for all those who buyd halo 3 odst special edition including the halo reach beta . they released informations to the offical start 2010 [url=][/url]

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  • hey good guide. I dont have live but me and my friends system link so I know what i'm doing. Normally we put our sniper right above the splazer room, and a guy behind him w/ smg and fuel rod gun. Then im in the pit next to the splazer room and our last guy is on a chopper directly out from the splazer room in the "courtyard." I lazer the wraiths and emp the choppers. At the end of the 5th set on Heoric we had like 20 choppers in the "backyard garage," behind the splazer stairs and in the normal spawning garage. For buggers we would all go to the garage and all jump on choppers w/ one person in the hog turret. Then we'd all shoot the doorway. Same with blackeye. Heres a rundown of our weps Me(lazerer and chopper collecter)-Smg & pp/splazer for wraiths sniper guard/ infantry support- smg & fuelrod/brute shot sniper/overwatch(intel)-sniper/beam rifle & automag(he likes it) Chopper guy/infantry-bpr & grav hammer It works good for us. Gunna try it on legendary next weekend also :)

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  • Yo i need three ppl to help get the achievements Endure and Deja Vu. If you wanna help it is VERY IMPORTANT that you have the following... -At least 2 or more hours of playing time. -A good connection -And just dont suck I am sick of ppl quitting and lagging out when i am about to get the achievement! So if you wanna help just send me a friend request on xbox live. gt: xNu bl00dx (also make sure you have a mic that works) :)

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  • I was just about to unlock Endure, but our Last Man tried to SMG beat-down and got beat down by 1 single brute, whom was the last thing to before we got the achievement.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] TimmyRiggins534 I need some help on what we did wrong...Me and 3 friends tried for this, but all 3 had to leave so they left on their XBOXes. I tried to protect them, but they ended up using up all of our lives. I went around for the first 3 sets completely alone, dying maybe twice total, and then emailing a friend to get back on and finish the wave. This worked as far as set 4, round 3, wave 5, 2 enemies left when one of us got disconnected as I was going for the last Chieftan and Grunt in 1 splatter. Do you know of a way, other then having all people there, to make the game go quicker?[/quote] Playing on Alpha site is known to be quicker, less laggy, and easier to survive. As long as no one charges into the middle, no one really dies, I finished it with 36 lives left, and one of my friends was AFK for the entire 3rd set

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  • hey if anybody has some time now to do endure plz add me, Gt: Whitneyoaks11 oh and good guide!

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  • The aim sight for wraiths is right under the gunner, preferably head-on. If you don't kill the wraith, and are out of lasers, snipe the gunner, get on the wraith, and melee the heck out of it. If you're near the end of a set, ignore it and kill the ground units...the wraiths will explode at the end of a set. [Edited on 10.19.2009 5:52 AM PDT]

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  • I need some help on what we did wrong...Me and 3 friends tried for this, but all 3 had to leave so they left on their XBOXes. I tried to protect them, but they ended up using up all of our lives. I went around for the first 3 sets completely alone, dying maybe twice total, and then emailing a friend to get back on and finish the wave. This worked as far as set 4, round 3, wave 5, 2 enemies left when one of us got disconnected as I was going for the last Chieftan and Grunt in 1 splatter. Do you know of a way, other then having all people there, to make the game go quicker?

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  • Hey man. I plan on doing this on legendary next weekend. Alpha Site is just too time consuming. I already have the vidmaster, but am going for a high score. I was just wondering if you could help me solve a few problems, since it seems you guys did quite well. My first problem is how do you kill choppers after tilt (and later Mythic) are on? It seems incredibly hard, and when I approach the phantom planding area to splatter them I end up getting ripped up by turrets. Also, on the note of choppers in general, should I just drive everywhere or camp in one spot (probably near the bonus round drop off on the hill). My second problem is fuelrod cieftains. Should I just sit back and plant chopper rounds in them, or try something else? And last problem, I cant seem to kill wraiths one shot. Where exactly do I need to aim to kill (I know it is near the driver but I cant seem to find the hotspot). And if I run out of laser, how do I (or my team-mates) kill the beast? I appreciate nay answers you can give me. Thanks for your time (and hopefully your help). I will message you if we do get a highscore, so you know what the highest skull is unlocked at.

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  • Lost Platoon is by far the easiest map for endure

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  • the halo reach beta starts 2010 on march the 12th good thing that i got the special edition of odst =) i found that informations in the newssection on [url=][/url]

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  • hey i am up for it, add me my tag is imca13b and send me a message with a time and we can get a couple others and make this happen!!

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  • andrewex21 and javi2507 are up for it so add us well be on when ever

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  • I have a question. Why would anyone pay 60 dollars for this piece of trash? It is nothing more than an expansion and isn't worth anymore than 30 dollars. I'm glad I only rented it, because the campaign is weak, and firefight is extremely overrated and boring. You should all do yourselves a favor and go trade ODST in for a copy of Unreal Tournament 3, its a far more enjoyable game, but youll have to get used to not having halos unnecessary amount of auto aim.

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  • I have a quick question. Can I get Endure if it is me playing with one guest and 2 of my xbox live friends? Or does it have to be 4 separte accounts?

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  • making a team to get endure as well message me if you want to join, you got to be good thou, my gamertag is OnehitK0ed.

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  • endure is the last achievement i need in ODST. the hardest part is geting 4 people with the commitment to get it. my gammer tag is MIZZRO. if theres anyone out there just like me please help.

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  • Im pretty new to bnet but i have spent my time in the Halo 3 MM and realized how great this game would be if there we more helpful people such as yourself. i would say im nowhere near your guys skill but im not horrible with the Splaser. Hope to improve myself and at some point be as good as you. By the way excellent guide. will be trying this when i can find some others to do this with

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  • I need help with the Endure Achievement. Add GT Ds LLLusion. Its three L's.

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  • PAT2K9, did this help? I'd like to get past hat 5 million/4 hour mark and see what happens. If it's glitch it should be consistent, not sporadic. Even though it seems that way now, I'm seeing as many high scores uploaded as those claiming to have not. I'm not disbelieving those players, but we simply need more data before we jump to conclusions.

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