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Edited by OhhaiAri™: 12/3/2015 4:58:51 PM
You probably main a warlock. I'm not gonna knock you on that and before I even start with this retort. Hold on I'll wait for the "entitled" comment Aside my girlfriend buying me phantom pain, I haven't had a game I didn't buy with my own money from working two jobs in almost 5 years. Now that that bullshit is taken care of let's talk about the subject at hand. You're talking about a game that was sold to us in beta form (and yes it was, don't bullshit me) for full retail price, and an additional $80+ for it's expansions and added content. It's been over a year now, and the game STILL has yet to even talk about the idea of not only an in-game map to keep players from wandering aimlessly while patrolling, but also dedicated servers that would eliminate almost 90% of this game's network issues. It takes them almost a month to fix one glitch that singlehandedly broke the crucible, to the point where they have to cancel trials for one weekend so they could fix it. Have you also ever noticed that anytime a glitch/cheese pops up that's actually beneficial to the player immediately gets patched almost in no time, but anytime a glitch that needs checking still reign since day one. Some people in this community have blown up to $500+ dollars just on Destiny alone, I personally know people who bought it on both their consoles (I would include myself, but I gameshare) who had to spend ANOTHER $80 for The Taken Walle- I mean The Taken King just to get some -blam!-ing emoji that they could have included in their blatant cash cow called "micro-transactions" for $5-$10. Not gonna lie, I've even seen some that I would pay for myself, but that's not the point. But nah nah we're supposed to just suck it up and deal with it because that's what we're supposed to do right, just be quiet and don't ask questions cause "-blam!- you give us money!" Nah, that ain't how it works jack, if your game sucks I will tear it apart, and the thing is I don't hate Destiny, but there's just too much holding it back; more or less incompetent narcissistic idiots in positions of authority. So aside from that, you ship out a broken unfinished unreleased mass effect dlc and when people who paid for a finished product complain about what's wrong and give feedback your immediate response is "well they expect too much from us." LIKE REALLY?! WTF! You wouldn't shop at a store that would sell you a broken appliance and then say it's your fault when you try to return it, so why are you defending a person who obviously doesn't gaf about you or your satisfaction as a customer who basically just butt-blam!-s your soul takes your wallet and wants you to like it while he does it? I'll wait.

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