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9/16/2009 11:19:45 PM

7 Billion Grunts - Community Challenge *Update 8* WE DIDI IT!!!!!

I would like to challenge the Halo players of the world to help us reach this number, [quote][b][i]7 Billion Grunts KIA[/i][/b] by 7/7/10.[/quote] We have one year to reach this goal. Can we make it? The current all time number of Grunts Killed in Halo 3 and ODST as of this post on September 16th 6:11 EDT [quote][i][b]3,685,902,124[/b][/i][/quote] This includes both Grunt Infantry and Grunt Specialist. So play Halo 3 Campaign and ODST and help us rank up the kills of thoes Grunts. I will update as the number grows. Good Hunting! [b]Sign up Here![/b] [url=]Open Season[/url] Follow the Carnage on Twitter: [url=]Grunt Hunt[/url] Update: I just want to say that I'm touched, and a little creeped out, that there are so many wanting to slaughter the Grunts. Check out the Group, link above, Open Season. I'm contacting Bungie for an RSS feed of the Carnage that will include Firefight. Update: Thanks to [url=] RoundedSnow[/url] for the guide on [url=] Maximizing Your Grunty Carnage[/url]. Update: We are on the Front Page of!!!! [url=]Read Here[/url] Update: Good news! Stosh has confirmed that the stats include Grunts killed in Fire Fight. Also thanks to Urk for putting me in the Weekly Update! UPDATE: We are at 6,994,439,427 Grunts KIA. we are almost there! Update! WE DID IT OUR GOAL HAS BEEN REACHED!!!!! [Edited on 02.17.2010 5:42 PM PST]
#Halo #Halo3 #ODST

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  • [quote] Grunts fail. I'll do the Covenant a favor and exterminate the Grunt race, since they're just a waste of supplies. Plus, I got a big number of Grunt headshots when I got Endure. [/quote] Already done. Their homeworld has been destroyed and whatever ships they have are being hunted. However I need your help. Two of their ships are being really irritating, destroying the UNSC Assault Carrier class [i] Devastator [/i] and crippling the Ancient Warship [i] Scorpio [/i]. If you have any ships to bring to bear, please send them. The [i] Phoenix [/i] and the [i] Destroyer [/i] are currently being refit. They will be online in 2 hours.

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  • well here are stats now Grunt Specialist: 625,594,525 Grunts: 6,222,975,343 add both u get: 6,848,569,868 so yeh we only need about 152m more kills lol and only 8 months left we can do it!

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  • As of January 25, 2010 KIA:6,847,936,772

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  • It's been a while since one of these challenges. I accept.

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  • The grunts shall die.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] KOA SPARTAN I cant figure out how to sign up. Can someone explain please?[/quote] Well, what do you need help with? All you really need to do is take out a bunch of grunts. You've already joined the group by the looks of it. There's no official sign up if that's what you mean.

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  • I cant figure out how to sign up. Can someone explain please?

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  • Gotta satisfy my grunty thirst.. [Edited on 01.24.2010 6:13 AM PST]

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  • [quote]KIA All Time: 6,214,296,146[/quote] On January 24, 2010. Lol.

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  • The Grunt Captain of the Rector Bringin sent a message to the Alongie Grawa "Fire all weapons and escape" In the Scorpio George climeed into a SOEIV and launched itself into the Rector Bringan. Tagee killed the marine's that killed his squad and headed to the other escape pods. The Alongie Grawa's Captian received the message and shouted "launch all weapons then were going to escape" In Puddle Jumper Major Richardson got ready and had one last look at his wife. George climbed out of the SOEIV and started to head to the Tagee finally got to the escape pods and found 3 more grunts in pod 5 Tagee said "Let's get to Alongie it's our only hope. The Alongie Grawa fired all its weapons at the Scorpio and escaped through a slipspace portal. The scorpio lost the engines and and all weapons they were stuck. Tagee was so happy he made to the Alongie on time and to find that there are 161704052 Grunts on board.

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  • Posted by Bryan AO: Grunts fail. I'll do the Covenant a favor and exterminate the Grunt race, since they're just a waste of supplies. Plus, I got a big number of Grunt headshots when I got Endure. No way to say it better.

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  • Just 1 thing to say..........................................................................................................................................................................................BBY FOREVER, LITTLE FOOLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • Grunts fail. I'll do the Covenant a favor and exterminate the Grunt race, since they're just a waste of supplies. Plus, I got a big number of Grunt headshots when I got Endure.

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  • [quote]The Rector Bringan was so damaged that the weapon systems went offline after the jump. The Grunt Captain was about to lose hope. Inside the Scorpio a ODST named George Samuel was looking out of window. He wondered when he get out there and join the fight. The Grunt Captain sent 50 Grunts to kill the humans as they were still a problem. Grunt Tagee was the best grunt in the ship he's killed 3 time's more than a normal grunt and he wasent about to stop. He needed to kill the humans that killed his squad. Major Richardson wanted the ODST's to attack the enemy ship. George was excited and grabed his gear because he wanted to kill all of the grunts. Just then a slipspace portal opened an out came a Covenant ship. The Grunt Captain shouted with glee "Another grunt ship" because it was the Alongie Grawa and it was a even fight. [/quote] [i] Seeing the second enemy ship, the Scorpio deployed Spacefighters to intercept. Turning its attention from the first ship to attack the second ship, the first ship was left alone. Major Richardson wasn't one to leave an enemy injured, however. Moving to the shuttle bay, he loaded up on BR55 ammo and crewed his modified Puddle Jumper (Stargate Atlantis Reference). He and 20 Pelicans flew out of the Scorpio and plotted a boarding course to the first ship. Smiling to himself, he muttered, "You alien SOBs are going to get utterly annilated. The Devastator shall be avenged." [/i]

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  • win.

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  • We are like left with about 300,000,000 grunts still to be killed.

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  • We're already way over 6 billion so I'd say we're doing pretty good.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] im1st2die why are people doubting about how we can't reach 7 billion...[/quote] Idk...we just need to get 1,081,871.37 gunt kills a day and we got it.

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  • for all those who buyd halo 3 odst special edition including the halo reach beta . they released informations to the offical start 2010 [url=][/url]

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  • Grunt Genocide!

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  • why are people doubting about how we can't reach 7 billion...

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  • We may get this, but probably not..

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  • ODST has a crap load of grunts and an infinite number of them in sixty seconds(i think) why not get 4 people go to firefight on normal and get a grunt massacre.

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  • When Halo: Reach comes out, not that many people may keep playing gewd ol' Halo 3, So lets send it off with a bang. As of 01/19/10 By my calcumilations 6,805,263,152 grunts have been exterminated sooooo... 194,736,848 grunts to go. [Edited on 01.19.2010 11:02 AM PST]

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  • The Rector Bringan was so damaged that the weapon systems went offline after the jump. The Grunt Captain was about to lose hope. Inside the Scorpio a ODST named George Samuel was looking out of window. He wondered when he get out there and join the fight. The Grunt Captain sent 50 Grunts to kill the humans as they were still a problem. Grunt Tagee was the best grunt in the ship he's killed 3 time's more than a normal grunt and he wasent about to stop. He needed to kill the humans that killed his squad. Major Richardson wanted the ODST's to attack the enemy ship. George was excited and grabed his gear because he wanted to kill all of the grunts. Just then a slipspace portal opened an out came a Covenant ship. The Grunt Captain shouted with glee "Another grunt ship" because it was the Alongie Grawa and it was a even fight.

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  • Grunt Infactry: 6,180,760,819 Grunt Specialist: 622,771,161 Total: 6,803,531,980 [Edited on 01.18.2010 9:20 PM PST]

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