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Edited by An Engram Full Of Bees: 11/30/2015 1:54:06 AM
An Engram Full Of Bees
An Engram Full Of Bees

open me. 6/11/2024 4:02:23 PM

Tower Food Fight (Part 2)

[b][u]Previously, on Tower High:[/u][/b] [spoiler][quote][i]*Voidwalker get's pushed into the counter and knocks over the deep frier*[/i] [i]*hot oil spills onto Eris' face*[/i] [b]Eris[/b]: FINGERCHIPS ON THE SURFACE OF MY MIND! [i]*Striker and Voidwalker are rolling around on the floor in a rumble*[/i] [i]*Cayde is on the floor in the background laughing at Eris*[/i] [b]Bladedancer[/b] [i](across the room)[/i]: FOOD FIGHT!!![/quote][/spoiler] [i]*The guardians immediately disperse into groups of classes.*[/i] [i]*The warlocks all stock up on ingredients from the salad bar*[/i] [i]*Sunsinger is lighting tomatoes on fire and throwing them left and right, laughing like a maniac*[/i] [b]Sunsinger[/b]: Praise the sun, bitches! Praise the sun! [i]*Stormcaller is throwing lightning-induced forks*[/i] [b]Stormcaller[/b]: Reduce, reuse, recycle. NOW DIEEEE!!!! [i]*The hunters immediately run for the condiments*[/i] [b]Nightstalker[/b]: Quick, Blades! Hand me that mayo bottle! [b]Bladedancer[/b] [i](winking at Nightstalker)[/i]: Hehe, I'll give you more than the bottle if you want- [i]*Crota tackles Bladedancer to the other end of the room, smashing him into the wall*[/i] [i]*Meanwhile, the Titans run for the sandwich bar*[/i] [b]Sunbreaker[/b]: Who needs hammers when you've got MEAT? [i]*Grabs clumps of ground beef and begins pelting them at other guardians*[/i] [i]*Gets hit by a crouton*[/i] [b]Sunbreaker[/b] [i](falling to the ground)[/i]: I'm hit! Defender, quick! Use your bubble! [i]*Defender sits on the ground, stuffing his face with pizza*[/i] [b]Sunbreaker[/b]: DEFENDURRR!!! [i]*Crota is slapping Bladedancer in the face with a grilled cheese*[/i] [b]Crota[/b]: See? How do you like it? HOW DO YOU LIKE IT, MOTHERF*CKER?! [i]*Oryx taps Skolas on the shoulder*[/i] [b]Oryx[/b] [i](winking)[/i]: That right there? That's my son. [i]*Skolas pats him on the back*[/i] [b]Striker[/b]: Get rekt, Purple-Nurple! [i]*Striker punches Nightstalker and takes her ketchup bottle, squirting it at Voidwalker.*[/i] [b]Striker[/b]: Take this you floofing little shit! [b]Voidwalker[/b] [i](dodging the stream of paste)[/i]: You first, asshole! [i]*Voidwalker throws a Nova Bomb at Striker, who uses her Fist of Havoc*[/i] [b]Cayde[/b]: Everyone, under the tables! Now! [i]*The students all slide under the tables, taking cover.*[/i] [i]*Striker's fist and the glowing purple orb collide, sending a wave of energy outward across the cafeteria.*[/i] [b]Defender[/b] [i](looking at the light show)[/i]: Oooh! Pretty colors! [i]*The lights flicker out, all the machinery turns off, and the windows explode in flurries of glass. When all quiets down, the students peek their heads up to see if it's safe.*[/i] [i]*Shortly after, they slowly climb out, laughing and gabbing about the destruction.*[/i] [b]Defender[/b] [i](giggling as he makes snow angels in the piles of food)[/i]: It's a Christmas miracle!

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