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Edited by theDiamondFire14: 11/24/2015 4:35:51 AM

Wesson the Warlock Chapter 2.10 An Awkward Situation

[spoiler] There are some references to alcohol consumption. Please keep in mind that all of these characters are over the age of 21, and I do not condone underage drinking.[/spoiler] Wesson waved his hand in front of the scanner commanding the door to open. On the other side stood Ravyn, who was wearing a pink tank top and blue jeans that were artificially faded. Floating beside her was her ghost, Angelo. They were looking around at the sights of the Tower while they waited. "Hello. Can I help you?" Wesson said when he saw them. Ravyn turned around to face Wesson. "Hi, is Lucia rea... Oh... My." She said as her eyes immediately went down. She placed her hand over her eyes in an attempt to cover them, though she continued to look through the gap between her fingers. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize that you and Lucia were, um, 'busy.'" She said as her normally white cheeks turned a bright red. "What?" Wesson was fairly confused. Ravyn just smiled awkwardly and pointed down at his exposed midsection. He looked down to see what she was talking about. "Sh*t!" The door shut, then opened again with Wesson hiding behind the wall. "J-just hold on one second." The door shut again. "Okay." Ravyn's voice cracked as she choked on her words. "Art! Why didn't you tell me I was naked!" She could hear Wesson shout. "Well that was more of the Tower than I ever wanted to see." Angelo said in a fairly dull voice. "Oh, don't give me that bull sh*t!" They could only hear the half of the conversation that Wesson shouted. "Are you sure Lucia was staying here for the night?" Angelo asked. "Well, I don't care, just get me some clothes!" "Yeah..." She cleared her throat as tears filled her eyes from shock. "Yes, she said she was going to stay here to take care of her ex while he recovered from a concussion." "Does it really matter!" "Well, it looks like they're back together now." Angelo said. "Ugh! Never mind, just get me a pair of pants!" "Yeah." Ravyn's voice cracked again. "A pair of pants! How difficult could that possibly be?!" The door slid open again to reveal Wesson wearing a pair of blue jeans. "She'll be ready soon." Wesson said as he invited them in. "I am sooo so sorry about that." "Oh, it's okay. That's actually how my parents met." Ravyn said without thinking about what that could possibly mean to other people. "What?" Wesson said under his breath. Angelo floated up close enough to speak without Ravyn hearing. "Don't ask. Just, just don't ask." He said as if knew exactly what people might ask after hearing her speak. "Riiight. Got it." Wesson could tell what Angelo meant. "The living room is, uh, right here, sooo just pick a seat and make yourselves comfortable." "Or as comfortable as we can possibly get with that image." Angelo mumbled to himself. Ravyn paid no attention to Angelo. "Thank you." She said as she sat down on the couch. The room was awkwardly silent while Wesson and Ravyn avoided any mention of what happened a few minutes earlier. Wesson sat down in a chair across the room. He was leaning forward with his elbows on his knees in a posture that indicated a readiness to move at a moment's notice. He studied Ravyn, desperately trying to remember whether he had met her before or not. She sat up straight with her hands in her lap as if she had perfect etiquette, but her eyes just wandered around the room indicating that she was easily distracted. She would pat her knees in a rhythmic fashion, while her body swayed a little and her head bobbed as if she was dancing to a tune that played in her head. To Wesson, her behavior and the expressions on her face made her look young, or at least much younger than she actually was. Wesson had given up on trying to remember if he had met her before. "So, you're a friend of Lucia?" "Yes." Ravyn replied. "Okay. Cool." Wesson reached out to shake her hand. "By the way, my name is..." Ravyn interrupted him before he could finish. "Captain Wesson Llywelyn. Yes, I know who you are." She said as she hesitantly shook his hand. Wesson was confused at first as to how she could possibly know who he was. "Oh right. Lucia has probably told you about me." "She has." Ravyn giggled as if this was some kind of joke to her. "But we met yesterday. Remember?" "What?" Wesson just gave her a blank stare. "Oh my God, you don't remember." "To be completely honest, I can't remember much of anything that happened yesterday." Wesson said as he rubbed the back of his head. "Then I wake up here with an excruciating headache, so yeah I may have been drunk when we met." "No, you hit your head really hard." Ravyn's mind began to wander. "I mean really bad, no, badly, no. I'll just shut up now." Her cheeks were turning red again. "What she means is that you had a concussion." Angelo said. "Uh huh, yeaahh." Wesson said as he walked over to the refrigerator. "I'm sorry." Ravyn said with her hands covering her face in embarrassment. "You're good." Wesson said while looking for a drink. "I have no idea what you could have meant by that anyway." He said to himself." "What?" Ravyn asked "I said, 'Would you like something to drink?!'" Wesson lied. "Oh, what do you have?" "Let's see, I have milk, water, orange juice, wait..." He stood up to look at her over the door. "How old are you?" "I'm six." Ravyn said. "What? There's no way..." "She means that she was resurrected six years ago." Angelo explained. "She is twenty-two in terms of her actual lifespan." "Yes, I am twenty-two." "Well that's a relief. So, um in that case, I have Red Death, Hard Light, Devil's Dew, Icebreaker, Dragon's Breath, Thorn..." Wesson stopped when he saw the bottle labeled 'Thorn.' "Wait, Thorn? Ugh. Art! I thought I told you to throw that sh*t out like five months ago!" "Sorry!" Aristotle yelled from another room. "So, um, anything you like?" "Do you have Bad Juju?" "Do I have Bad Juju?" Wesson said to himself as he looked through his selection of drinks. "Yes I do." "I'll have that." "Okay, a Bad Juju for you, and I think I'll take a Hard Light." Wesson said as he pulled two bottles from the refrigerator and closed the door. He walked over to Ravyn and handed her a bottle. "You're not going to offer me one." Angelo said as if he was being left out. "Wait, ghost's can drink?" Wesson said in surprise. "Yes." "Well shoot, I didn't know. What do you like?" "Oh, I don't drink." Angelo turned to Ravyn who was already drinking. "Besides, one of us has to remain sober." Wesson glared at Angelo before sitting back in his chair. Before he could open his bottle, Lucia walked in the in the room. She was wearing a white dress that came down to her knees. "Wesson, you need to get ready if you are going to take me to the Light..." She paused when she saw Ravyn sitting across from Wesson who was only wearing pants. "Oh my God." She said as she face palmed. 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