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11/15/2015 6:51:52 AM
A proper transmog system. Doesn't make sense, bungie devs put a lot if hard work into the various armor and weapon skins wouldn't they be happy to see so many unique guardians?

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  • Infusion is the transmog system.

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  • Infusion is not transmog.

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  • Serves the same function. With infusion, the item you are keeping only takes on the light characteristics, and not the appearance and stats. But it allows you to take an item...and keep progressing it through the game with you. What you---and others----don't understand is that PVE isn't the only part of this game, and Bungie is NOT a pure MMO or RPG. There is also the Crucible and PVP to consider.....where PVP draws from the same pool of gear that PVE does. So Bungie needs to limit the size of the sandbox...and the capabilities of the items that enter it....otherwise it BREAKS the PvP end of the game. Bungie made that mistake last year with the exotic handcannons. Letting weapons that were too powerful into the PvP sandbox....and (basically) broke it for several months. Basically forcing PvP players to have to use only one of a very few weapons if they wished to be competitive. Especially in the level-enabled events like IB and Trials.

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  • Edited by TheKungLao: 11/16/2015 4:14:11 PM
    Who said anything about pvp? I'm talking customization for appearance, nothing more. You went completely went off the tracks with all that talk of pvp and Thorn.

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  • 1. PVP doesn't cease to be a part of the game just because you choose to ignore it. PvP draws from the same gear pool as does PvE in this game. 2. PvP---in order to work----needs to LIMIT the variation between players so that the game doesn't become impossible to balance, and people start winning simply because they have better gear than everyone else. A problem that happened a lot last year. 3. Infusion allows players to experience SOME of the benefits of Transmog, but without Bungie losing control of the sandbox that is PvP.

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  • It's cosmetic, remove the light and it won't make one difference in pvp, just like year one. You're trying to make an argument for something that isn't there.

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  • Your right buddy, this other guy doesn't seem to understand that a transmog system is purely cosmetic.

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  • Thanks. That's all I'm trying to say.

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  • Edited by TheKungLao: 11/16/2015 4:48:17 PM
    Exactly, with so many awesome designs, just think how diverse our guardians could be. The possibilities would be endless. Edit: @ Scully

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  • I think the DC Universe method is awesome. Give us a styles tab. Once you equip a piece of gear you own the style. Then you can apply any style to any piece and it doesn't cost anything.

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  • Maybe one day

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