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Edited by MyRYNOrunshot: 11/13/2015 4:04:21 PM

Fallen Raid Idea - Ancients Spire Part 2 (Stage 1 - 4A)

[b]Stage 1: Altar of Avili[/b] • Players emerge from the wreckage of the ship and make their way through the "Garden" of the spire, a large circular platform surrounding the structures base, littered with wreckage from the surrounding area. The Party will make their way into the main room of the tower and the door will seal behind them, also causing the enemies inside to begin attacking. After a few seconds, parts of the ceiling will open up revealing a mass of Servitor eyes built into the structure. • To open the door in front of them, players need to first activate the Shadow Clusters by standing near them. This causes Plague Shells to spawn and tether to the Shadow Clusters. Once a Plague Shell is tethered, a damaging field will start spreading across the floor from the Cluster. Killing the Plague Shell will cause the field to rapidly retract and once it returns to the Cluster, it will explode and wipe the Party. Once all three fields from the Clusters are touching, they will dissipate and the Clusters will be absorbed into the Servitor in the ceiling. • For the next two steps, parts of the room will change. Sections of the walls and floor will separate, forcing players to platform across the room. Since parts of the room become separated by a chasm, players need to stand on certain pads to create a bridge for the Shadow Clusters effect to travel across. The Clusters also spawn further apart with each step. • Once this process has been done 3 times, the Servitor Eyes will separate from the room, a Chest will appear and the door will open. [b]Stage 2A: The Burning Loom[/b] • Players enter the room and see that the Servitor Eyes attach to a central core, connected by cyborg tentacles to both technology and some organic material in the room. This core also exits the room and this starts off the encounter. • Once the core disconnects, the Purifiers will start orbiting around the room and tethering to the core in the center. If any of them are tethered for too long, it will wipe the party. Players have to shoot the containers floating above the platform to make them fall and then stand on them to slow their ascent. This will block the tethers view of the core. • As the encounter goes on, the Purifiers will stop for a short period and parts of the platform will also change, forcing the players to use different containers to block the tethers. Refractors will also appear as the encounter goes on, that will split the beam and redirect it to multiple points on the core. These can be shot to temporarily deactivate them. • Once this phase is complete, the Purifiers will turn their tether to the containers directly below them, releasing the bosses for the next encounter. [b]Stage 2B: The Prophets of Lexus (Boss)[/b] • This encounter consists of a trio of Fallen Prophets. The platform has now split into several separate parts with the core floating in the center. • The bosses in this phase are called Prophets of Lexus, and all carry a powerful Lance weapon. Killing a Prophet will allow you to pick up the Lance and use it as a Relic Weapon. They can attack with their Lance, using it to slash at the players, fire a volley of projectiles or perform a diving stab attack. • Once all the Prophets have been defeated, Lexus will possess one of them and revive the others, bolstering their Max HP, granting all of them new Lances formed from Dark energy and making them immune to damage. Players have to kill the Host of Lexus to defeat the encounter. The Host will jump from Prophet to Prophet but will retain the same health between jumps. He also has several new abilities; He can fire spinning copies of his Lance in front of him and create a powerful burst of energy that launches players back by slamming his Lance into the ground. • To damage the Host, players need perform the Lances Super (A powerful downward stab) on the platforms attached to the Purifiers and make them fire into the core, this will remove the invulnerability on the body the Host is occupying but will also kill any players on the main platform. The Party will need to use the floating containers to avoid the Purifiers effects. Once the Host has taken too much damage he will switch bodies. • After a certain percentage of his health is lost, he will start using Siphon attacks on the Party. He will draw energy, either black or white in colour, from either of the two remaining Prophets and use it to rapidly fire streams of energy from his hands, that will grow in power and duration until they eventually wipe the Party. The Players with the Lance need to rapidly use their Super on the Prophet being Siphoned, in order to break the link. • Once Enraged: The Host will Siphon from both Prophets and rapidly spam his energy blast attack at the party. • Once the Host has been killed, the remaining Prophets will disintegrate and the Party will be awarded a Chest. The Core will also generate a Grav Lift to take them to the next encounter. [b]Stage 3: The Broken Path[/b] • This section is just a simple platforming section up the part of the tower that is exposed to space. Nothing dangerous or interesting, just some Fallen Skiffs fly past the outside of the tower. To open the door to the next area, players have to use the Prophet's Lances on the pads in front of it. [b]Stage 4A: Nekliuth (Boss)[/b] • The next fight is against a Fallen cyborg called Nekliuth. Her lower half has been replaced by four spider like limbs and all of her arms have blade launchers mounted onto them. She also carries a modified Wire Rifle. She can attack by firing her weapon, slashing at players with any of her limbs or hurling blades at them. These blades stick into the ground and generate Arc bolts at nearby players, meaning they need to be shot to remove them. • Nekliuth can be damaged but her health constantly regenerates as long as she is linked to the four cores around the room. To sever these links, players have to step into the links area of effect and take it themselves. Once linked, players cannot leave that area without trading the link to another player or they will die. Once at least 2 of the cores are linked to the players, they will start rotating around the room. • After all the cores have been linked to the players for about 30 seconds, they will deactivate the tethers and shortly after, each generate a containment field in a specific order that prevents players from exiting or shooting out. Nekliuth will then start a new attack that causes blast of energy to constantly strike the arena, culminating in a gigantic blast that will kill any player not in the containment field. Players will however, need to enter the last field to spawn to prevent being wiped. • After 40% of her health is gone, Nekliuth will increase the power of the cores, meaning they now tether to random players who then tether to her. This still continues the health regeneration but this can be removed by getting the players to stand near a different core. Once that happens, the core will tether to a another player and start following them. If the player gets too close to Nekliuth for too long, it will tether to her and be absorbed, granting her a permanent health regeneration for the remainder of the fight. The players tethered to Nekliuth need to move as close to her as they can to detach their tethers, after they remove their tethers to the orbs. If they do not, the orbs will tether to her, move close and be absorbed. HOWEVER, you will want to feed her at least one orb. • During the fight, she will repeat her rain of energy attack but before her final hit impacts the arena she will surround herself in a field of energy. For every orb she absorbed, this field will get larger and after absorbing one, it should be large enough for the Party to take cover but keep the orbs away from her. • At 10% health, the orbs will tether together and combine into an Ultra Orb. If Nekliuth absorbs this, it will be the equivalent to absorbing the combined 3 orbs and will likely mean a wipe. This orb will randomly select a player to tether and will tether them to Nekliuth if they get too close. While this is going on, Nekliuth will also create a new tether between herself and another random player (If there's only one player at this point who has the tether from the orb, this is basically an instant wipe). This tether will continue to randomly attach the players to the nearest player, until it reaches the Ultra Orb or the player tethered to the Ultra Orb. Players can slow it down by moving apart but this will give them about 2 and a half minutes to kill her before her health regeneration sky rockets. • Once Enraged: More Orbs will spawn until there are 8 total and tether to her. • After that the Ultra Orb evaporates and the next encounter starts. Pt 1: Pt 3: Note: If you have any suggestions for this idea or corrections to my grammar, spelling or lore, they are all very much appreciated.

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