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8/15/2009 6:23:47 AM

Halo 4, In plain sight. (I was at least part right)

This is an old ass thread from a couple years ago, before ODST even came out. Some has been proven wrong, by Halo 4 has been announced. Now we just have to wait and see how accurate my theory holds to be. _________________________________________ The new addition has been made to the second post. It involves Halo Legends (and now Waypoint), and what it means. (Look for the new link near bottom!) I would like to direct your attention first on the last terminal. If accessed on normal difficulty. [quote] archv.> 28335.67204.85720:[retr] archv.> 28335.67204.85720:[proc] archv.> 28335.67204.85720:[proc] archv.> 28335.67204.85720:[catERR] > CONN. > . > . > NO. THERE IS MORE. > BUT YOU ARE NOT WORTHY. > . > . > NOT YET. > . > . X.XX.713> ghost.713/non-auth/... X.XX.713> refl[/quote] Most of us assume being worthy meant accessing the terminal on Legendary. This is to me plain out wrong. On every other terminal if accessed at different difficulties, you will see different messages about the same thing, or different perspectives of the same event. Also it makes no logical sense because you need not kill anything to reach the last terminal. In Legendary it holds the following message to the player from Mediciant himself. [quote] You don't know the contortions I had to go through to follow you here, Reclaimer. I know what you're here for. What position do I take? Will I follow one betrayal with another? You're going to say I'm making a habit of turning on my masters. But the one that destroyed me long ago, in the upper atmosphere of a world far distant from here, was an implement far cruder than I. My weakness was capacity - unintentional though it was! - to choose the Flood. A mistake my makers would not soon forgive. But I want something far different from you, Reclaimer. Atonement. And so here at the end of my life, I do once again betray a former master. The path ahead is fraught with peril. But I will do all I can to keep it stable - keep you safe. I'm not so foolish to think this will absolve me of my sins. One life hardly balances billions. But I would have my masters know that I have changed. And you shall be my example. [/quote] Now this is very important. The first part. What did he have to do to get there? Does [url=]this[/url] answer your question? I couldn't fit it in here. Now I believe that thread is completely logical, and a master piece onto itself. Now the [i] very [/i] important part. [quote]The path ahead is fraught with peril. But I will do all I can to keep it stable - keep you safe.[/quote] The path ahead? what path? And why is it fraught with peril? Could this have something to do with you not being "worthy" yet? Next important part. [quote]But I would have my masters know that I have changed.[/quote] Masters being forerunners. Now we know the forerunners disappeared, they had the Ark, and shield worlds, yet those are all mysteriously empty. I find the fact that there where trillions of forerunners, yet not 1 made it to the shield worlds (probably located inside the "line"). The logical conclusion? They [i] did [/i] make it in, and out.... [quote]I will begin our Great Journey without you, carrying this bitter record. Those who came after will know what we bought with this [false transcendence] - what you bought, and the price you paid.[/quote] So how could MB's masters know he has changed? Unless he knows where they are and plans to use the Master chief as an example that he has learned the error of his ways. The covenant knew of some kind of "great journey". They thought that if the rings where activated this would happen. What has begun to recently be thought of (thanks wolverfrog) is that Truth [i] knew [/i] more than we thought he did (can someone place link to that?). Now in Halo 3 on those holo-panel things truth says things such as "here we will be safe from Halo's fire!". Could it be possible that Truth learned more from MB about the rings? That they wipe out life and somehow initiate a "journey' of some kind? Could there be Truth to it after all?. "the best place to put a lie is in between two Truths" And vice versa. Did the Forerunners actually leave the galaxy to its own fate? Embarking on a journey for truth? enlightenment? This requires more evidence. But we will get to that latter. For now I want to support the Mediciant Bias theory. I believe that Mediciant is inside of Cortana and chief. This is how she knows of replacement rings and the Ark. [quote]////////////error////////////[restart search] search:[[error]].no search started. .error. *SEARCH TERMINATED! ONI.SEC.PRTCL.1A 05-032 :allow access. 0452-9 :no way. 05-032 :.please.need safe haven.offensive,the other.purpose complete.does not know. 0452-9 : what are you talking about. 05-032 : .he is here.stronger than i.cannot fight.he will not stop.rampancy.rampancy.rampancy0452-9///[[cut transmission]]\\\[/quote] Cortana chatting with MB at end of Halo 2. He wants access to escape from Offensive who has managed to survive all these years somehow. She must have allowed access. Now more supporting evidence, from an unlikely source. The Cortana Letters. [quote]Thanks to this slavishly loyal and humorless AI, I am now sharing cramped [u]space with the circuitry of some hybrid war machine,[/u] itself complicated by such useless clutter as a conscience. I do not like sharing. Sharing is for children.[/quote] The AI is Cortana, the Hybrid war machine is Chief. This may have holes such as being made before Halo 1. But could Bungie have had something in mind when they started the series? The only thing we can be sure of is that there is to much to be a coincidence. [quote]The Mantle has not failed! I've already razed scores of worlds - sterilized systems, routed and [disintegrated] the parasite! We're learning its tricks and strategies. We can halt this thing! And we can follow in [u]Their [/u]footsteps! There are no unstoppable forces in this universe. There are no immovable objects. Everything gives if you push hard enough. [/quote] Note "We can halt this thing! And we can follow in [i]There[/i] footsteps! Could the forerunner believe in a similar concept that the Precursors made some kind of journey? Similar to that of the covenant worshiping the forerunners? Could there be some Tru7h to there philosophy after all? Did the forerunners after firing the Array repopulate the galaxy with life and left it to grow on its own? No doubt they wouldn't have had the man power and go around and collect all there lost ships and cities etc. MB's picies would have been left scattered. But then the question is, where did the Forerunner [i] go? [/i]. Again the last terminal. "The path ahead". The mysterious legendary planet. Now there is much evedince that MB controlled the portal and changed the coordinates. The forerunner say themselves: [quote]The anomalous world is in a perilous location beyond the line. The secrets it holds must be preserved, plans within plans within plans. The inhabitants; these unique denizens, must be researched. They may hold answers to our own mysteries. What irony that we discovered this treasure, only at the end of things. But what fortune that we still had time to save them. The thing we built on that world will vouchsafe their lives, but perhaps one day it will be used for its intended purpose. If the plan succeeds, and they are saved, it will be a good world. If the plan fails, and the adversary succeeds, it will remain an enigma forever with no one left to reclaim it.[/quote] Again note "The thing we built on that world will vouchsafe their lives, but perhaps one day it will be used for its intended purpose.". That thing is the portal. It would save us by transporting us to the Arc. Now multiple portals where probably built in key planets. All to transport to the Arc. But for some reason where "special". We have similar DNA to forerunner, evedince (however little) shows that we had similar body shape and especially feelings and emotions. The relation ship between Didact and the librarian stands testament. We where remarkably similar in many ways. The letter mentions the ark saving us, and another purpose. The portals "true" purpose is where the forerunner (at least some) went. A place probably precursor. Outside the galaxy, some kind of cloud of stellar debri. What could it be? Who knows. Nothing seems to let on what the "Great journey" is in truth. Also note in the last message "nobody there to reclaim it". If we are going to reclaim it, it means we where there before. And considering our similarities with the forerunners could we possibly have a common ancestor? Could this lead to a possible Halo 3 squeal? Not a Halo 4 but a sequel none the less. Something to think about. Also a late note. It seems the Forerunner left the galaxy to us. There technology and knowledge. It looks like we weren't supposed to find the portal until we where "worthy". Ready for the knowledge and Legacy that came with it. (Continues) [Edited on 07.30.2011 2:39 PM PDT]

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  • Probably the best post I have ever read on the forums. You make it sound so believable, it's brilliant.

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  • I hope 343 can make a decent Halo FPS...

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  • I think halo 4 will be made by 343.

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  • Can some one explain what the precurosrs are and this Iris thing is, apart from that I am sound with the therory :D

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Wolverfrog Most people who play Halo don't know what a Forerunner is, a lot of my friends think the Covenant made the Halo rings, and that the Flood were a Covenant experiment gone wrong. A game about the Forerunners would be confusing enough, bring the Precursors into it and everyone would be confused. If they do sequels to Halo 3, they should be set a few months after, with you clearing up the last remnants of the Covenant; after all, High Charity and it's fleet can't have been all that remained.[/quote] Well bull -blam!-, We don't care abou, "others" I think its genius!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] dibbs089 The only problem I have with this is that Halo 4 obviously is not in "plain sight" if you had to detail what direction Halo 4 might take over the course of two and a half posts. I kindly ask you to stop mocking our vastly inferior intelligence. (This is just a joke, I felt like I had to post something...uh...sup Augustus).[/quote] I lol'd. If you want a breakdown: Lots of explosions and weird -blam!-z!

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  • this is a hacked link to and once you sign in it will atuomaticly give you 1600 microsoft points

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  • You sir, are a Genius!

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  • Halo is a fun game. =D

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  • The only problem I have with this is that Halo 4 obviously is not in "plain sight" if you had to detail what direction Halo 4 might take over the course of two and a half posts. I kindly ask you to stop mocking our vastly inferior intelligence. (This is just a joke, I felt like I had to post something...uh...sup Augustus).

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] jameslieb1 No, there won't ever be a Halo 4. Reach will be the last Halo game. I'm fairly sure Bungie's already established that. And I'll explain to you why the Legendary ending of Halo 3 DOESN'T point towards a sequel. The planet that the Chief lands on is Reach, or at least what's left of it. The point is that John-117 ends up at the exact same place where his adventure began: on Reach. [/quote] You fail rock hard. I would love to rip apart the shallow logic that you call a post, but the Americans with Disabilities act prohibits picking on the mentally challenged. Note: I had too. Been waiting to use that for way to long. 1. This is [/i]Bungies[/i] last game, 343 will continue the saga. Im fairly sure Bungie already established that. 2. So, what's "Left of Reach" is a sprawling metropolis of Civilization forming several Forerunner and perhaps Precursor symbols across the entire surface of the planet? [Edited on 08.22.2010 10:11 PM PDT]

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  • No, there won't ever be a Halo 4. Reach will be the last Halo game. I'm fairly sure Bungie's already established that. And I'll explain to you why the Legendary ending of Halo 3 DOESN'T point towards a sequel. The planet that the Chief lands on is Reach, or at least what's left of it. The point is that John-117 ends up at the exact same place where his adventure began: on Reach. [Edited on 08.20.2010 4:23 PM PDT]

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  • THIS, this thread right here is the reason I love halo and bungie so much. there's just so much there waiting to be seen. Awesome job OP, I'm digging this theory

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  • But they're unlikely to have MC as the main character for the first part unless they make some kind of trilogy a good few years into the future of Halo, say around 2625. Kinda similar to the two star wars trilogies, but Halo 4's going to be hard to create as 343's got a limited amount of options to create a Halo sequel

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Capt Molo That is an amazing theory my friend it makes it so easy to believe.[/quote] Sums it all up right there. But I really do not see another installment of the chapter. It really should be done right there.

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  • In Halo Legends: Origins, you see the planets being teleported near other Covenant planets. Halo 3 legendary ending: MC gets stuck near the legendary planet. The AI Julianna was able to stave off rampancy by processing data and controlling the Rubble. Ghosts of Onyx Sequel and Halsey and co stuck in a Micro Dyson sphere. Shows that Cortana may not be rampant yet due to absorbing and processing the Halo data, that the forerunners almost certainly moved the Halo installations from where they were and possibly from the other planets to their final destination. Also, Halo 4 will likely follow up on these by following clues that the forerunners left. But we don't know. Yet. The Halo story bible probably contains the info, but we'll never know until Microsoft announces something about what they're going to do with Halo soon

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  • The "not worthy" part refers to you playing on a non-Legendary difficulty. Go on, check. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Shyahone I thought everyone knew that the legendary ending pointed to a sequal already.[/quote] And yes, whoever thinks otherwise is an idiot.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DaBomb 00000096 It seems that they left it open... I can see that they could open up a preview after reach like 3-5 years later and suprise everyone but totally agreed there is alot left open. I like how you put everything together nice work, how long did it take you?[/quote] I don't hoestly remember, was over a year ago. I bilieve 1 - 2 days to write though.

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  • It seems that they left it open... I can see that they could open up a preview after reach like 3-5 years later and suprise everyone but totally agreed there is alot left open. I like how you put everything together nice work, how long did it take you?

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  • You sir, have done [i]excellent[/i] work.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] stutzand A theory that bounces around a lot talks about how the legendary ending of Halo 3 shows a planet that strongly resembles Marathon. For those who don't know, Marathon is one of Bungies earlier games. Adding on to that theory, those people believe that the main character in Marathon is the Master Chief we so dearly love come back when he was asked to help out. The problem is, Marathon already tied in to a different game. I can't recall the name of that game though. I'll edit this post if I find or remember the name. EDIT: The game is called Pathways Into Darkness.[/quote] Bungie has already stated that the Halo and Marathon plot lines are completly seperate and do not intertwine in any way. Besides it wouldn't make any sense whatsoever.

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  • A theory that bounces around a lot talks about how the legendary ending of Halo 3 shows a planet that strongly resembles Marathon. For those who don't know, Marathon is one of Bungies earlier games. Adding on to that theory, those people believe that the main character in Marathon is the Master Chief we so dearly love come back when he was asked to help out. The problem is, Marathon already tied in to a different game. I can't recall the name of that game though. I'll edit this post if I find or remember the name. EDIT: The game is called Pathways Into Darkness. [Edited on 08.05.2010 3:18 AM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] milla da killa [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ScOuRgE3 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Wolverfrog Most people who play Halo don't know what a Forerunner is, a lot of my friends think the Covenant made the Halo rings, and that the Flood were a Covenant experiment gone wrong. A game about the Forerunners would be confusing enough, bring the Precursors into it and everyone would be confused. If they do sequels to Halo 3, they should be set a few months after, with you clearing up the last remnants of the Covenant; after all, High Charity and it's fleet can't have been all that remained.[/quote] Bungie has stated that they are done with Halo after "Reach," are also working on a non-Halo project, so if a sequel is made it will likely fall under the hands of another company, perhaps with some Bungie insight.[/quote] My question is, can they make a Marathon/Forerunner game, not entitled Halo, but which continues the story with a loose reference to MC? Perhaps you play as someone else, but MC is in the game?[/quote] No?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ScOuRgE3 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Wolverfrog Most people who play Halo don't know what a Forerunner is, a lot of my friends think the Covenant made the Halo rings, and that the Flood were a Covenant experiment gone wrong. A game about the Forerunners would be confusing enough, bring the Precursors into it and everyone would be confused. If they do sequels to Halo 3, they should be set a few months after, with you clearing up the last remnants of the Covenant; after all, High Charity and it's fleet can't have been all that remained.[/quote] Bungie has stated that they are done with Halo after "Reach," are also working on a non-Halo project, so if a sequel is made it will likely fall under the hands of another company, perhaps with some Bungie insight.[/quote] My question is, can they make a Marathon/Forerunner game, not entitled Halo, but which continues the story with a loose reference to MC? Perhaps you play as someone else, but MC is in the game?

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  • Good God.

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  • Predicition - Halo 4 2012 (343 nidustries) Halo Movie 2015

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