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8/15/2009 6:23:47 AM

Halo 4, In plain sight. (I was at least part right)

This is an old ass thread from a couple years ago, before ODST even came out. Some has been proven wrong, by Halo 4 has been announced. Now we just have to wait and see how accurate my theory holds to be. _________________________________________ The new addition has been made to the second post. It involves Halo Legends (and now Waypoint), and what it means. (Look for the new link near bottom!) I would like to direct your attention first on the last terminal. If accessed on normal difficulty. [quote] archv.> 28335.67204.85720:[retr] archv.> 28335.67204.85720:[proc] archv.> 28335.67204.85720:[proc] archv.> 28335.67204.85720:[catERR] > CONN. > . > . > NO. THERE IS MORE. > BUT YOU ARE NOT WORTHY. > . > . > NOT YET. > . > . X.XX.713> ghost.713/non-auth/... X.XX.713> refl[/quote] Most of us assume being worthy meant accessing the terminal on Legendary. This is to me plain out wrong. On every other terminal if accessed at different difficulties, you will see different messages about the same thing, or different perspectives of the same event. Also it makes no logical sense because you need not kill anything to reach the last terminal. In Legendary it holds the following message to the player from Mediciant himself. [quote] You don't know the contortions I had to go through to follow you here, Reclaimer. I know what you're here for. What position do I take? Will I follow one betrayal with another? You're going to say I'm making a habit of turning on my masters. But the one that destroyed me long ago, in the upper atmosphere of a world far distant from here, was an implement far cruder than I. My weakness was capacity - unintentional though it was! - to choose the Flood. A mistake my makers would not soon forgive. But I want something far different from you, Reclaimer. Atonement. And so here at the end of my life, I do once again betray a former master. The path ahead is fraught with peril. But I will do all I can to keep it stable - keep you safe. I'm not so foolish to think this will absolve me of my sins. One life hardly balances billions. But I would have my masters know that I have changed. And you shall be my example. [/quote] Now this is very important. The first part. What did he have to do to get there? Does [url=]this[/url] answer your question? I couldn't fit it in here. Now I believe that thread is completely logical, and a master piece onto itself. Now the [i] very [/i] important part. [quote]The path ahead is fraught with peril. But I will do all I can to keep it stable - keep you safe.[/quote] The path ahead? what path? And why is it fraught with peril? Could this have something to do with you not being "worthy" yet? Next important part. [quote]But I would have my masters know that I have changed.[/quote] Masters being forerunners. Now we know the forerunners disappeared, they had the Ark, and shield worlds, yet those are all mysteriously empty. I find the fact that there where trillions of forerunners, yet not 1 made it to the shield worlds (probably located inside the "line"). The logical conclusion? They [i] did [/i] make it in, and out.... [quote]I will begin our Great Journey without you, carrying this bitter record. Those who came after will know what we bought with this [false transcendence] - what you bought, and the price you paid.[/quote] So how could MB's masters know he has changed? Unless he knows where they are and plans to use the Master chief as an example that he has learned the error of his ways. The covenant knew of some kind of "great journey". They thought that if the rings where activated this would happen. What has begun to recently be thought of (thanks wolverfrog) is that Truth [i] knew [/i] more than we thought he did (can someone place link to that?). Now in Halo 3 on those holo-panel things truth says things such as "here we will be safe from Halo's fire!". Could it be possible that Truth learned more from MB about the rings? That they wipe out life and somehow initiate a "journey' of some kind? Could there be Truth to it after all?. "the best place to put a lie is in between two Truths" And vice versa. Did the Forerunners actually leave the galaxy to its own fate? Embarking on a journey for truth? enlightenment? This requires more evidence. But we will get to that latter. For now I want to support the Mediciant Bias theory. I believe that Mediciant is inside of Cortana and chief. This is how she knows of replacement rings and the Ark. [quote]////////////error////////////[restart search] search:[[error]].no search started. .error. *SEARCH TERMINATED! ONI.SEC.PRTCL.1A 05-032 :allow access. 0452-9 :no way. 05-032 :.please.need safe haven.offensive,the other.purpose complete.does not know. 0452-9 : what are you talking about. 05-032 : .he is here.stronger than i.cannot fight.he will not stop.rampancy.rampancy.rampancy0452-9///[[cut transmission]]\\\[/quote] Cortana chatting with MB at end of Halo 2. He wants access to escape from Offensive who has managed to survive all these years somehow. She must have allowed access. Now more supporting evidence, from an unlikely source. The Cortana Letters. [quote]Thanks to this slavishly loyal and humorless AI, I am now sharing cramped [u]space with the circuitry of some hybrid war machine,[/u] itself complicated by such useless clutter as a conscience. I do not like sharing. Sharing is for children.[/quote] The AI is Cortana, the Hybrid war machine is Chief. This may have holes such as being made before Halo 1. But could Bungie have had something in mind when they started the series? The only thing we can be sure of is that there is to much to be a coincidence. [quote]The Mantle has not failed! I've already razed scores of worlds - sterilized systems, routed and [disintegrated] the parasite! We're learning its tricks and strategies. We can halt this thing! And we can follow in [u]Their [/u]footsteps! There are no unstoppable forces in this universe. There are no immovable objects. Everything gives if you push hard enough. [/quote] Note "We can halt this thing! And we can follow in [i]There[/i] footsteps! Could the forerunner believe in a similar concept that the Precursors made some kind of journey? Similar to that of the covenant worshiping the forerunners? Could there be some Tru7h to there philosophy after all? Did the forerunners after firing the Array repopulate the galaxy with life and left it to grow on its own? No doubt they wouldn't have had the man power and go around and collect all there lost ships and cities etc. MB's picies would have been left scattered. But then the question is, where did the Forerunner [i] go? [/i]. Again the last terminal. "The path ahead". The mysterious legendary planet. Now there is much evedince that MB controlled the portal and changed the coordinates. The forerunner say themselves: [quote]The anomalous world is in a perilous location beyond the line. The secrets it holds must be preserved, plans within plans within plans. The inhabitants; these unique denizens, must be researched. They may hold answers to our own mysteries. What irony that we discovered this treasure, only at the end of things. But what fortune that we still had time to save them. The thing we built on that world will vouchsafe their lives, but perhaps one day it will be used for its intended purpose. If the plan succeeds, and they are saved, it will be a good world. If the plan fails, and the adversary succeeds, it will remain an enigma forever with no one left to reclaim it.[/quote] Again note "The thing we built on that world will vouchsafe their lives, but perhaps one day it will be used for its intended purpose.". That thing is the portal. It would save us by transporting us to the Arc. Now multiple portals where probably built in key planets. All to transport to the Arc. But for some reason where "special". We have similar DNA to forerunner, evedince (however little) shows that we had similar body shape and especially feelings and emotions. The relation ship between Didact and the librarian stands testament. We where remarkably similar in many ways. The letter mentions the ark saving us, and another purpose. The portals "true" purpose is where the forerunner (at least some) went. A place probably precursor. Outside the galaxy, some kind of cloud of stellar debri. What could it be? Who knows. Nothing seems to let on what the "Great journey" is in truth. Also note in the last message "nobody there to reclaim it". If we are going to reclaim it, it means we where there before. And considering our similarities with the forerunners could we possibly have a common ancestor? Could this lead to a possible Halo 3 squeal? Not a Halo 4 but a sequel none the less. Something to think about. Also a late note. It seems the Forerunner left the galaxy to us. There technology and knowledge. It looks like we weren't supposed to find the portal until we where "worthy". Ready for the knowledge and Legacy that came with it. (Continues) [Edited on 07.30.2011 2:39 PM PDT]

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  • [url=] This is a new machinima i have made with some friends, reply to see what you think

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  • So do we think this ultra advanced spaceship at in the trailers is forerunner ancestors?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] borrowedchief You sir are amazing. Whether this is true or not, it is believable. Great job =)[/quote]

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  • It might sound kinda unlikely and a bad plot-twist, but what if the two AI's in MC's head would melt together, boosting Cortana's lifespan. Or that MB replaces Cortana as AI. I'm actually basing this on that there will be a 4, 5 and 6, and Cortana is damn close to going rampant.

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  • But then the question is, where did the Forerunner go? . Again the last terminal. "The path ahead". The mysterious legendary planet. Now there is much evedince that MB controlled the portal and changed the coordinates. MYSTERIUOS LEGENDARY PLANET ok i know that some of you say my theory is stupid but its mainly opinion. ok so say that the planet at the end of halo 3 was the legendary planet( it was gold and red but not a star or sun). So yeah say it is the legendary planet but you cant enter it from the outside and it has a planet with a teleporter to it like Onyx leading to the dyson spere that traped Fred, Kelly, Linda, Dr.Halsey, and chief Mendez. so say that is true well what if the great juorney is to pass trew a series of (fatal and nearly impossible) rigoruos test until he passes threw the portal but to pass threw the portal he must be "clensed" as the prophet said so he somehoww gets threw and finds the forrunners and they somehow have Blue team(fred and kelly, etc.) then they need him so MC and blue team go on some type of mission to "relaim" something so important to the forrunners they will only let him hold it once he finds it and only he can see it and he can never speak of it untill they hav rid the universe of the flood... and as for the shield world chief looked at(with the portal) a "dark new foe" is supposedly there but what is worse than the flood they are going to make i dont know. so thats my opinion/threory with some facts to back up parts.

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  • I can't believe you were right. Awesome.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] furiocity The terminals mean nothing, there is no Halo 4 and never will be.[/quote] LOL

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Carl BOS It's finally announced. The wait was getting unbearable.[/quote] Agreed man. Agreed.

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  • It's finally announced. The wait was getting unbearable.

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  • But of course the Data Pads are then taken into effect...

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  • The next game should be Halo: Origins where the story is focused around the fight between the Forerunners and the Precursers. With the player on the Forerunner side of course; the Forerunners eventually win.

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  • ARBY N THE CHIEF QUOTES | i r guy wh0 g0n t33ch u lesson | arbit3r r u : ) ?(happy face?) | i must Trol on tha f0rms for 6 hours ev3ry mourning, it keeps the trolls away | i didnt s3 anithing dee doo dee doo LOL

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  • This guy is not crazy!!! There is more to come Good find Thread saved

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  • Frank already said "We'd be @$$holes to not tell you what happens next" about a couple months ago. I think it may have been at comic-con.

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  • 343 WILL make a 4th Halo (as in game) , Its destined to be made.

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  • i think its cool you edited this on bungie day

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] borrowedchief You sir are amazing. Whether this is true or not, it is believable. Great job =)[/quote] I bet OP creamed his pants completely when he saw this. Anyways you guys are dumb. Lead your eyes to the back of Halo 3. Something of the sort, an epic ENDING to the Halo TRILOGY.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] borrowedchief You sir are amazing. Whether this is true or not, it is believable. Great job =)[/quote] YAR This is true Matey

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  • Thats a big long hard theory, didn't even bother reading it all. However I believe its wrong. not that what you couldnt be right, but that game developers just arnt that smart.

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  • whatever the game is it should be long and have be based on this whole article. you should send it to 343 to use it as a writing template for possible halo 4

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  • Read Halo Cryptum, it reveals tons about the Forerunners. In fact, the main character is a Forerunner.

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  • You. Are. A. Genious. When halo 4 comes out i have a fealing it will have a Really long opening cut-scene explaining everything. I have read the halo books and played the games and I hardly understand the stuff about the "Great journey" or "The Forerunners".

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  • Have you thought about updating it once more to include Halo: Cryptum?

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  • Well you are right there because Activision are making it.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Agustus At the end of Halo 2 the Gravemind tells Cortana "Now I will ask, and you will answer: (Please correct me if im a little off). Was the Gravemind really asking Cortana this? Or was it asking it old ally? Wanting to know where it stood. Whos side it was on. Also if there are multiple portal gateways why would the covenant need the one on Earth? And why would Sparks direct them to Earth if there where multiple? Well we know forerunner AI had compartmentalized data. Sparks would know there was some kind of important structure on Earths coordinates. He would not know of the other portals. This is because they do not have the coordinates for whatever it is Chief was sent to. Also in Halo 2 the covenant arrive at earth with few ships (in comparison to reach). This is because they knew where the Portal was (Mediciant could have leaked it somehow) but didn't expect a large human force, if any. In the book first strike, when Cortana says they have the coordinates for Earth. They didn't even know it [i] was [/i] Earth. Just where the portal was. The portal is special for the reason it leads somewhere else other than the Ark. I'd also like to bring up the Reach crystal, the one that had the power to bend time and space. When examining it Dr. Hasley at one point used the word precursor. Later after picies where recovered from the explosion Truth said it still might be enough for there purposes. Could this crystal have something to do with the mysterious legendary planet? Did it have the coordinates to the planet? Only time will tell. More supporting evidence: [quote]MIKEFLOUNDERS Small Magellanic Cloud is 200,000 light years away from our galaxy ,our galaxy is 100,000 light years across so the radius is 50,000 light years so 2.5 galactic radius would be 150,000 light years to where chief is and 50.000 light years the the small magellanic cloud in the back ground[/quote] So if this is accurate it further supports my theory of being outside the galaxy. [quote] Ghost of Onyx pg. 337 That which must be protected... behind the sharpened edge of the shield... beyond the reach of the swords.... for the reclaimers. [/quote] Now many have over looked this. At first glance it seems to refer to the Ark. The shield being the shield worlds (perhaps located in within the Maginot sphere) and the swords the Halo Array. Now because its beyond the reach of the swords its past this galaxy. Therefore supporting it being the Ark. But from my previous points this could also refer to something greater than the Ark, especially because the portal may have 2 different coordinates. [quote] Halo encyclopedia Page 171: After the starved Flood died off, the planets were reseeded with the rescued life forms and the shattered remnants of the Forerunner civilization decided to leave the Galaxy. Their final destination and current status remain unknown.[/quote] From those phrases we have 2 general sets of coordinates. Its behind the shield worlds (Maginot sphere, which is where they would have been located) and out side the galaxy. The latter doesn't help much as we already assumed that. The first doesn't help much either because we have no idea where the Maginot sphere is. Perhaps the folks at the galactic map index could dig up some rough estimations. (Continued) You are all familiar with the Iris campaign. Yet so many have forgotten. I believe that there is still information to be gained from it, as i'm sure you will also agree by the end of this post. [quote] HISTORY CIRCLING BACK UPON US. The gears of the Universe spin further and further apart. Ever greater grows the gulf between souls, And distance gives false hope of safety But for the grim tidings this messenger bears The enemy is almost upon us Closing in from all sides, Moving faster than the light it snuffs with its passage, Time echoes with the news of destruction. History winding back upon itself. Waves of an army march this way in unison, Suffering and corruption are its battle cries. For I have known this darkness and felt its embrace once before- Horror best laid to rest Yet a Journey must commence [b][u]Look for the signs, the keepers of the flame.[/b][/u] They will[b][u] lead[/b][/u] you to war, and perhaps, to victory[/quote] The "gulf between souls" which is growing greater apart, and the "gears" of the universe are galaxies. We know they continue to fly away from each other. "Giving hope", that the flood will not spread. Almost quarantined. It is a long shot but could the precursors be responsible for the spreading universe? The Flame, an ancient term for a signal, or something that reveals the path ahead or guides you through it. I think the "flame" has something to do with the legendary planet. Perhaps it is the first step in a much larger path. And it also tells us that at the end of this path is war. And also victory. But against what? The flood is the only logical answer. Perhaps what it said was true. It is all inevitable. Could the flood be traveling thought the universe itself (however slowly) spreading from civilization to civilization? This is when the forerunner first encountered it on one of the moons of G 617. We can only speculate. The "messenger" may be precursor, an AI perhaps. It may have a reference to marathon, the original Greek battle as well as game. A messenger ran from Marathon to Athens to deliver the news, and died after completing the journey. This is where the modern word for a marathon originates. I would like to convert your attention to this [url=]theory[/url] If this is correct, and humanity is precursor. It adds a whole new level to this thread. That which must be protected (which we can safely assume is precursor) could be for us to reclaim. Humans would be the rightful heir to it, a legacy we must take up. The only way to truly stop the conflict. We know the forerunner considered themselves the heirs of the precursors. In a similar way to how the Covenant looked at the forerunner. They could have realized they where wrong and that is why they left on their journey. To protect what is ours until we arrive to reclaim it. Or something to that point. If you remember, the Covenant in Ghost of Onyx where digging up stuff on Earth, other than the Arc. In the first Halo: Legends episode, Forerunner or Precursor ruins are featured. On the pillars, are images of Humans. This means either 1 of 2 things. 1. The Ruins are Forerunner. The pictures are that of there Gods, Precursors. This supports Wolver Frogs theory. It also means we are directly linked to Precursors. 2. The ruins are Precursor. Then it still must be pictures of themselves or something. This also means that there are some Precursor ruins on Earth. The ancient Asians found them, and built there buildings based on them. This means the Precursors had a presence on Earth. Either way, it is astounding. How shocked would The Forerunner be to discover there own Gods living on a planet, in a humble existence? This explains why we where "special". This also proves we are the heirs to the Precursor empire, and could possibly reawaken ancient powers. If the Legendary Planet is Precursor, we can now make the educated guess that it all activated when the Chief got near. Now moving on to Halo Waypoint. What could it possibly have to do with canon? Well, [url=]This maybe[/url]. The name sake. We have discussed a great journey, a flame guiding us. Signs. Paths. Waypoints... [quote] You barley survived a small infestation [/quote] There is more evedince that the final "stop" of the Forerunners journey is indeed precursor. The [url=] Iris Star Chart[/url] indeed points to this. Forerunner remains are considered artifacts. The only thing that can possibly be an artifact to them is precursor. In the Halo 3 trailers Cortana famously says 'This is the way the world ends". Theres a problem though. It might just be me but it doesn't look like the world ends in Halo 3. We can assume that this was Mediciant Bias speaking through Cortana. So what did he mean? Could this be the [i] beginning [/i] of the end? What time is left to the galaxy is ticking, and it has something to do with the Iris message and Legendary planet. Could there be something greater going on, making the Human conflict seem insignificant by comparison? We thought Halo 3 was the end, but Iris made a different point. That it was only the beginning. Could it be the way the world ends? Again, the answer lies in plain sight... Please comment and help keep this original thread alive. [url=]The Beginning of the end...[/url] [/quote] That was an amazing read. But there are a few things I'm not so sure of. I always thought that the shield and sword thing was a bit like what Cortana says in her deranged form. I am probably wrong as that was Ghost of Oynx. Also when the man ran from Marathon to Athens he didn't die. Even though it was longer than 26.6 km - the reason for that being for the convienience of the royal family. But I'm just babbling. It is a very plausable idea and if they make a Halo 4, I hope they invite you to produce it.

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  • I think it should be started with Master Chief being found by some live forrunners.

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