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7/2/2005 2:02:42 AM

Laser War: Empires

Hello and wellcome to the Laser war. The old Laser war storyline is continueing in a privat forum this is a new universe where new player's can romp around and everyone has space to expand. This is a Story based Forum Role Playing Game here is the backdrop. It is the far future.Humanity has expanded acrost the star's and established empiere's.However Humanity is not alone for Ailens vye for teretory and glory.Not only that but Demons and other supernatural beings lurk around every corner.It is the Far Future every day Empiers Rise and fall Battles rage billions are born and billions die.And the stars themselve's burn... Here are the Rule's [*]You'r charechter(s) may be Male or Female(or both or neither) it may also be Human Ailen demon ect ect it is all up to you. [*]You may have as many charechters as you please. [*]You may have just a independent charechter or a charechter with a army behind Him/Her(?) again it is up to you. [*]You may use you'r own original sources or use a charechter or army from another source again it is up to you. [*]Please keep it at the very very least semi serius.Remember this is a story based RPG however joke's to lighten the mood are wellcomed(and quite frankly encouraged) but please dont let it get out of hand. [*]No instant army's.While you may have a small starting army to build up and train a large force takes time so please give it a few posts. [*]No insta kills.You must give the other player a chance to counter you cant say"dakka dakka Such and such's Charechter is dead" however this rule can be bent when fighting army's but only to a extent. [*]If you leave in the middle of a battle for more than 3 Day's the rest of the player's have the right to break the no insta kills rule and destroy you'r Force to keep the storyline going. [*]Take a fall once in awile.lets face it everyone has to lose sometime you can retreat and rebuild.If you'r charechter is killed you can bring them back by varius means or make a new charechter. [*]Dont spam the thread(i hope i dident need to say this) [*]And Most importantly have Fun! Note:Please ignore the following player's Charizard:He is the *shudder*-blam!- shock photo spamer. Blue elite:Frequent Laser war Rule breaker please ignore him. Well i belive that cover's all the bases Have fun everyone.Please obey the rule's,Oh and one last thing New Player's Are wellcome to join in at any point.
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  • BUMP!!!!!!!

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  • Vex was enragaged. He had HAD her, right there, and she got away! *sighs*. But, he decided that he would capture her some other time...he had already learned a great deal about her. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Vex had a hard time getting out of the catacombs, but eventually he did. He decided to move on. Sitri wasn't the only demon that needed to be killed. Later that day, after going to his temporary home in Gommorah, about 50 miles out side of the city and packing his few belongings, he drew a magical circle and left the city of Sodom(via teleportation),leaving the people living there to bear the price of their apathy... When Vex arrived at Mars, he expected to see a barren red planet, as he had seen it in the old papers when he was still alive, when earth was the only planet humans occupied....but, instead, he saw a lush green enviroment, with a large city that matched the landscape(it's formal name was lopia, but everyone called it "the emerald city", from the book the wizard of Oz.) "Well, i might as well drink a few glasses of beer before going..." he grumbled, fully aware that he had no need for food or drink. Vex stopped in a local bar and ordered a glass of wine. He found that he quite enjoyed the taste, but still he felt that never ending hunger that all undead felt. "Eh, you from around here? I ain't seen ya before." said a ahort man, sitting next to him. "No, i dont come here often. I'm to involved in the conflicts of other, more important worlds and people, to visit a desolate planet like this, with almost nothing appealing." he replied. "ah, i, i assume your a demon, ight? well, i must admit i dont see many people like yo-" "I'm not a demon, i am a renegade undead warrior who used to serve under the rule of the overseer Relox. "......ok, i see." the man said, obviously not grasping what Vex said. "What is your name?" Vex asked "oh, um, lets see, Orion Sebla!" Orion said. 'Sebla....Sebla!! wow, i cant believe it...was your grandfathers name George?" Vex asked, excitedly all of a sudden. "Why, yes, it was!" Orion replied, quite alarmed that this...skeleton, knew his grand father. " Wow...he was the one who freed me from the demons!!! He's a very powerful sorcerer, and he was a good friend. It's so sad that he died in the 1000 year wars...." "Died? Sorcerer?" Orion chuckled", Old gramps is just a farmer, and he's not dead, though i must say he is starting to loss some of his memory..." "What?! He's alive?!?!? I mucst see him!!" "Well, sure..." [b]1 hour later[/b] "well, this is Gramps house...go ahead in, ill wait outside." Orion said, unlocking the door Vex burst in and immeadiatly saw George, sitting in a rocker watching some Videos on an ancient TV. " that you?" Vex said softly The old man didnt hear, but did look to see the new comer.When he did, his mouth almost fell off, it was open so wide. "...Vex? My god....How...? But you..." "George, what happened? The last i saw you was 50 years ago in the 1000 year grasslands." Vex said 'Oh, im sorry that i said i was see, i knew that i couldnt win that war, nope, and i feared for my life. I went underground, you know to throw off those demons, and thats where i stayed, till i got on a shuttle to mars, where i could finally live in peace...but now your here..what do you want?" George said slowly "I want you to come with me...the opression of humans and demons alike is to much for this galaxy to bear. The worlds are slowly being devoured by the demon armies and humans and aliens alike are to arrogant to stop them! With your power and my cunning, we can stop this!" Vex said "You're a true dreamer, Vex, there is no way that us 2, a renagade bone warrior and a crippled spell caster, could defeat legions of demons and anything else. We'd need an army of our own!!!" cried The old man "Then we'll find an army. You freed me from the demons, can't you do that for more? I'm sure that many free undead would be willing to help!" Vex said "I'm not would require very rare magic items and powders, and just getting close enough to cast a spell like will be quite hard." George replied "But can you do it?" "Well, yes...." "Then lets go. Our first stop is Renos, that place has a thick air of magic, we should be able to find the supplies we need." "Well...ok, i guess i could do it, for old times sake." George replied. And with some goodbyes, and packing, the two unlikely partners caught a ride and journyed to the stars and beyond, with an epic quest and near certain faliure on the horizon.... [Im a horrible author lol] [Edited on 7/4/2005]

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  • Sitri looked around, she remembered traveling these catacombs as a child and knew everything about it. She drew her pistol and fired at the wall behind Vex, the wall crumbled and in its wake, was a torrent of water. It rushed in carrying Vex down, deeper into the catacombs. Sitri held onto the wall, till the water passed... She smiled, proud of her quick thinking, wiping herself off, she headed back into the higher levels of the catacombs to see how the battle faired...

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Fallen Seraph Even though the catacomb was sealed, the mens screams could still be heard below... Secret exits from the catacombs let demons out... But they knew to wait, they hid from view and all manor of sensors and waited... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sitri, let her mental shield fall, she no longer needed it. She leaped above Vex, clinging to the roof like a spider, she grabbed Vex by the shoulders and threw him into a wall... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "You came after us! Any being who listens behind anothers door, is not one to be left alive for the best interests of those being listened to." Seere said, she kept her hand against the holster...[/quote] Vex quickly retaliated, and used the dissapearence of sitris sheild to his advantage. With the flick of his wrist, he caused a large, formidiable rib cage to squeze sitri, dealing a crippling blow. Before she had the chance to stop him, he also cut away at the remaing strands of her whip around his legs....(You better act fast, im coming in for the kill!)

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  • nevermind [Edited on 7/3/2005]

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  • The incubi spoke "of course," he said so in a perfect Hivenian accent. Another incubus came from behind and snapped the two guards necks... Them and the rest of the disguised demons snuck into the base unnoticed... The whisps, after dealing with the straglers made their way up into the city...

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  • 2 Conscrips stoped the scubi and said"Hold it i need to see some proper identifactation with all these demons we cant be to carefull".Robert felt sickent from this place he wished he could have helped those men but Octavian was right he couldent have helped those men...

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  • Seere sighed in relief, she ran back into the cave. "Come on Abraxas, we have to leave now." They left the cave, Abraxas half being dragged by Seere. They walked along the side of the long road to Gommorah... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- La'Melza a succubus of high-prestiege watched the confrontation amongst the human troops. She could use that to her advantage, she called her incubus guards, they set her plan in motion. After clothing themselves in the suits of some of the dead enemy. They put a mirage around their face, making them look like nomal humans and entered the pre-made base... [Edited on 7/3/2005]

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  • "Fine, I came to your appartment, just to find out what you took, now, if you will excuse me, I have to take care of some bussiness." Celestine grabbed her sword and sheathed it, she put back on her cloak and stepped on her bike. She glared 1 more time at Seere, and then drove off. [Edited on 7/3/2005]

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  • Rober Heard the screams and started runing twards the ruble.Octavian and David ran up to him and grabed him.Robert yelled"We need to go back in there and get them".Octavian said"just forget about them there is nothing you could have done"Robert Yelled"Let go of me you basterd we need to get them out of there!".Octavian Grabed R9obert and punched him(well his suit) and said"thats enoughf Privat they knew the risks when they took this job now get to you'r post"...

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  • Even though the catacomb was sealed, the mens screams could still be heard below... Secret exits from the catacombs let demons out... But they knew to wait, they hid from view and all manor of sensors and waited... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sitri, let her mental shield fall, she no longer needed it. She leaped above Vex, clinging to the roof like a spider, she grabbed Vex by the shoulders and threw him into a wall... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "You came after us! Any being who listens behind anothers door, is not one to be left alive for the best interests of those being listened to." Seere said, she kept her hand against the holster...

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  • "I havent studied my prey, because I whas not paid to kill anybody, now if you are telling me the truth, give me a second to find out." Celestine started to search Seere's mind. "Okay, so you speak the truth, now, tell me why you attacked me." Celestine put her Desert eagle's back into their holster's, to avoid conflict.

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  • Octavian Yelled"Its to late for him keep moveing were allmost out".The Regular's managed to get out but several of there men remained inside there fates are known only to god now.The Regular's saw there reinforcements come and join them as 2 frigats moved down along the city center carrying prefab defence's and demo charge's.Several squads of Conscripts pile'd out and threw the explosive's into the catacombx and belw them sealing the catacombs behind a wall of rubble... [Edited on 7/3/2005]

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  • Vex was dazed momentarily, but quickly forced the images of death out of his mind. He had seen death enough already. Vex grabbed sitri's kama and threw it aside and quickly threw a special grenade he had made to distort ones mind, so that a hole may appear in sitri's mental sheild.

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  • Seere glared at Celestine, "you think I know anymore then you? Heh, you don't study your prey well do you. I know not of the affairs of others, only my own and of my companions." Seere's hand rested against the holster of her shredder pistol...

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  • "I want to know what is going on here?! Either you tell me, or your friend inside will tell me." Celestine showed her desert eagle's. "Now, are you going to tell me, or not?"

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  • Sitri, hit the bones away with a mental shield. She let her wings fold out, and her tail curl out... "So, you wish to fight, huh?" She chuckled, "very well." Sitri drew a rasor-wire whip and a wicked looking kama... Before she attacked, she sent a wave of images of possible demises into Vex's mind, to confuse him, then she attacked. Her whip coiling around his leg flipping him onto his back, as her kama flew towards his head... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seere knew that Abraxas' life could depend on this, she stepped out of the cave, "what do you want?" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the troops left the catacombs a presence followed them, some call them whisps, some spirits... Others death. One troop was flung into a wall by a invisible force, another ripped in half... [Edited on 7/3/2005]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Ghostkilla [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Darkness Howls [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Gladius 1000 One of the Regulars was picked up and 3 were swept down into the catacombs.Fighter's bombed the artilery peices to tiny bits.Octavian Yelled"Everyone into the Catacombs NOW".The Squad and what remained of the conscrips(as well as the other regular's) got into the catacombs with all due haste and for god reason to fore the demons claws had uptured the power core of the Regular and the power core exploded in the force equal to a small Nukeular bomb totaly obliterateing the 2 demons and a few conscripts who lagged behind.The Catacombs sheilded them slightly the conscrips soon fell to radiation poisoning.The Regular's got back up to the surface...[/quote] was i one of those 2 demons? If i was, isnt that against the rules or something, 1 hit kills?[/quote] No you are not, these demons were part of Fallens demon army, those can be killed at will, but the main characters you use may not be killed at will, but with army's, everything can be killed with 1 single shot if you want to.[/quote] Well to a extent you cant just blow apart a entier army in one hit but like squads and stuff are pretty much fodder and can be insta killed.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Darkness Howls [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Gladius 1000 One of the Regulars was picked up and 3 were swept down into the catacombs.Fighter's bombed the artilery peices to tiny bits.Octavian Yelled"Everyone into the Catacombs NOW".The Squad and what remained of the conscrips(as well as the other regular's) got into the catacombs with all due haste and for god reason to fore the demons claws had uptured the power core of the Regular and the power core exploded in the force equal to a small Nukeular bomb totaly obliterateing the 2 demons and a few conscripts who lagged behind.The Catacombs sheilded them slightly the conscrips soon fell to radiation poisoning.The Regular's got back up to the surface...[/quote] was i one of those 2 demons? If i was, isnt that against the rules or something, 1 hit kills?[/quote] No you are not, these demons were part of Fallens demon army, those can be killed at will, but the main characters you use may not be killed at will, but with army's, everything can be killed with 1 single shot if you want to.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Darkness Howls [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Gladius 1000 One of the Regulars was picked up and 3 were swept down into the catacombs.Fighter's bombed the artilery peices to tiny bits.Octavian Yelled"Everyone into the Catacombs NOW".The Squad and what remained of the conscrips(as well as the other regular's) got into the catacombs with all due haste and for god reason to fore the demons claws had uptured the power core of the Regular and the power core exploded in the force equal to a small Nukeular bomb totaly obliterateing the 2 demons and a few conscripts who lagged behind.The Catacombs sheilded them slightly the conscrips soon fell to radiation poisoning.The Regular's got back up to the surface...[/quote] was i one of those 2 demons? If i was, isnt that against the rules or something, 1 hit kills?[/quote] no you werent it was the 2 large demons that FS sent to attack my guy's holeing up in the center.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Gladius 1000 One of the Regulars was picked up and 3 were swept down into the catacombs.Fighter's bombed the artilery peices to tiny bits.Octavian Yelled"Everyone into the Catacombs NOW".The Squad and what remained of the conscrips(as well as the other regular's) got into the catacombs with all due haste and for god reason to fore the demons claws had uptured the power core of the Regular and the power core exploded in the force equal to a small Nukeular bomb totaly obliterateing the 2 demons and a few conscripts who lagged behind.The Catacombs sheilded them slightly the conscrips soon fell to radiation poisoning.The Regular's got back up to the surface...[/quote] was i one of those 2 demons? If i was, isnt that against the rules or something, 1 hit kills? [Edited on 7/3/2005]

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  • Celestine watched at the images, but then stopped them. "Nice, those picture's are verry entertaining, now, why dont you come out, I dont mean any harm... for now." Celestine drawed her desert eagle's, and hid her hands behind her back.

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  • One of the Regulars was picked up and 3 were swept down into the catacombs.Fighter's bombed the artilery peices to tiny bits.Octavian Yelled"Everyone into the Catacombs NOW".The Squad and what remained of the conscrips(as well as the other regular's) got into the catacombs with all due haste and for god reason to fore the demons claws had uptured the power core of the Regular and the power core exploded in the force equal to a small Nukeular bomb totaly obliterateing the 2 demons and a few conscripts who lagged behind.The Catacombs sheilded them slightly the conscrips soon fell to radiation poisoning.The Regular's got back up to the surface...

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Fallen Seraph Nothing much, but so you know just you know for clarrification Sodom is a very large city think bigger then NYC, and Sitri is underground in catacombs, but that doesn't matter. Sitri heard the sound of wings, as she walked the halls of the catacombs she turned around, "I know someone is there, reveal yourself."[/quote] Thanks for clearing that up, heres another part of my story. Vex forgot that his cloaking spell had gone as he sprouted wings and cursed himself for being so brash while walking the halls of this musky place. Still, he had to act quickly or he would lose his target. So, he lowered himslef to reveal his glowing red eyes(His face was concealed in a hood. Think Grim reaper) and the ghastly rags that covered his bones. "I am Vex, former servant of the demon army. You, sitri, are no longer an acceptible annoyance. You fall here." Vex said in a low, gravely voice, obviously undead. Before Sitri could reply, Vex uttered an incantation and the bones of those buried in the catacombs burst through the walls in heavy torents... [Edited on 7/3/2005]

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  • Seere hid Abraxas amongst the rocks, she turned back to the training her mother had given her... She took from her mind, the images and thoughts of death that filled the hearts and minds of men. She cast a mirage of such images on the entrance to the cave, that would fill any man or woman with dread...

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  • Celestine watched from a distance towards Sodom, watching how it whas being totally destroyed. Celestine jumped back on her motorcycle and went back to the area she fought Seere and Abraxas, she could see the footsteps towards a nearby cave. Celestine stopped before the entrance, she jammed her sword into the ground and took of her hood. "I know you are in there, come out now, or I will come in."

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