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11/19/2010 1:28:53 AM

The three things Reach NEEDS changed to be the Halo game it should be

Now first off, this is going to be somewhat of a wall, and heres a little backround on me. I bought a 360 simply because of the FIRST cutscene of Halo 3, I was at my friends house and he showed me it, I couldnt play PS2 any more I bought an xbox, that was in 2007 the day Halo 3 came out. I was addicted, I origonally didnt have live, so naturally I bought CE, and 2 and beat the campaigns in order. I was flabergasted. I am the campaign guy to my friends, I have beat the Halo 3 campaign on legendary for them and couldnt stop playing the 3 campaign. Now reach have an amazing campaign, but alas it didnt have the repalay value the other 3 had. H3s mission The Ark and The Covenant were simply put amazing I couldnt stop playing them and Reach is good but theres no standout missions IMO but thats not why Im posting Im doing this because there are 3 enormous problems in my eyes that need to be fixed: [b]1. Reason for playing[/b] I mean its self explainatory, Halo 3 had a rank system that worked something that had prestige (omg cod word) but having a 50 in halo for the most part ment something. In reach whats the point? i can play gruntpockalypse and get roughly 2x the credits in half the time, There is absolutely no drive for multiplayer for me rank wise. The credits for multiplayer arent the same as firefight so why get angry in multi when i can get easy ones in firefight, that needs to be changed Arena system is awful, I dont play it why should I? I think you need to have an overall reach rank and that needs to be shown at all times like when you play competitive so you actually have some presige with your rank. Thats something that needs to be changed for me to have drive to play. [b]2. The maps[/b] Good god there are so few and most of them arent good, now Im not saying I want new maps, I want the old ones back. Guardian, Last Resort, Construct, and High Ground need to come back, Some of the best maps of all time. These maps get old too easy, its the same look of all the forge world maps, they just arent the same and their boring to play. Thats one thing that really kills the game too, I played H3 RELIGIOUSLY for two years and off and on for the last one. H3s maps were oodles and oodles of fun and these maps, are boring, bland and most of all lame....Bring our old maps back! [b]3. Balance[/b] Lets be honest Bloom needs to go away I want my solid reticule like I had in H3 and for the love of god fix armour lock, if you use it you have to go full time, there its balanced not that hard. Thats all that needs to be said about that Now for everyone who didnt read [b] Short Version [/b] Muliplayer needs to be more competitive, New maps, and old ones, And most of all balence [b]One More Thing[/b] [i]Quitting is too prevalant and the quit ban just isnt working, ive been quit banned, There NEEDS to be a Cr drop when you quit start off at say 100 Cr and the more you quit that number goes up, See how few rage quit when that happens...that could literally save this game because I cant recall the last time I played a game without someone quitting[/i] So for all who read thank you, please rate, comment, and subscribe ect... and for anyone saying go play Halo 3 Then Im going to, and when I get black ops in a week it gets retired again until reach is fixed, This BTW is all coming from a Bungie Fan boy FYI. [Edited on 11.19.2010 8:33 AM PST]
#Halo #Reach

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] FalconStickr OP it sounds like you just want Halo 3 with new graphics. The Halo 3 servers are still running so go play Halo 3, the worst Halo. You were a 50 in Halo 3 because it was easy to boost. I bet you wernt even close to a 50 in Halo 2. You just seem to care about being the highest level and now that you have to invest time to get that rank. Not just boost in Team Doubles. And for the bloom you are just another crybaby who cant DMR for a damn. Reach>BK[/quote] ok troll...First I did play H3 recently...It was fun, I never played halo 2 online maybe if you read my post you would have seen Halo 3 got me to get an xbox...I can DMR fine I just liked the betas bloom better and it dosent make sense that were supermen and cant handle a little bit of recoil AND back to actually reading my post you would have seen that bloom is literally on the bottom of the list of changes, the drive to be competitive is non existent along with the repetition of maps, yeah I liked halo 3 maps and I would like to see SOME of them back and I dont wanna be the highest rank, i literally couldnt care less what rank I am I just wanted armour...and rank has absolutely nothing to do with skill in this game. I want a system where you can see what rank someone is like halo 3 or halo 2s system it should be shown all the time so before you go off on a rant read the post...and if you did read then you need to learn how to interperate what people say

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