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11/15/2010 3:34:20 PM
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Shock120 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] KrownedKing Can you find me a quote saying it is impossible to add dlc armor to reach? not saying i dont believe you i just want to see[/quote]Can you find a quote that says they can?[/quote] Weather they can or can't it is up to bungie if they want to put the time and effort into a game like allot of other games out there. and if you are saying that things cannot be added to halo besides new maps and campain levels, then think about other games out there.. Burnout Paradice came out with big surf island with a 1GB download that ADDED a new island to the main play area.. So just because you think what you think doesn't make it true.

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