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8/4/2009 1:06:26 AM

What is this Slender man thing?(Looking for new manager, read OP)

I have seen videos on youtube talking about a "Slender man" that seem pretty spooky. One of these is the [url=]Entry videos(watch the introduction to the right)[/url]. And then i found [url=]this picture[/url]. I think the entries and this picture are pretty creepy but i have no idea what these are. Can someone help me please? Okay, this is the first time I've edited this post in almost three years. Yes, I'm still around! :D Rarely. Anyway. [u]Important Channels[/u] [url=]Marble Hornets[/url] Marble Hornets is the story of a man named Jay being stalked by Slender Man(Or something damn close), while sort of looking for his friend from school, Alex. It's pretty much the most popular of the Slender Man related video series, so I highly recommend it. [url=]totheark[/url] Mainly responses to the entries in Marble Hornets, but pretty creepy nonetheless. It's not necessary to understand, and I use the term loosely, the events of Marble Hornets, but I still recommend it. [url=]Tribe Twelve[/url] I'm not all that sure about this one and its purpose, but it's still pretty creepy. I'll check with my informants and get more info on this one. Sorry for the lack on this one, guys. [url=]Here's pretty much just some stories about the Slender Man.[/url] I was just informed of a SLENDER MAN INDIE GAME! [url=]Video Link.[/url] [url=]Mac Download[/url] [url=]PC Download[/url] Nothing incredible, but if you're itching for more Slendy stuff, this is definitely worth checking out. That's all for now, but I'll ask around and check for more important channels and whatnot. Thanks for the literal YEARS of support. If anyone would like to make a new hub-type-post-thing in a page farther down the line, I would be incredibly grateful and I'd just put a link in the OP instead of all this stuff, which is mostly outdated anyway, due to my inability to keep updating. If someone wants to take the job(Preferably someone with Steam so we can stay in touch), message me and I'll get back to you. [Edited on 11.23.2012 2:48 PM PST]
#Offtopic #Flood

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  • You're a hipster, Peelo. <3

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] WeededDragon I feel like Slenderman is too popular for me now. It's amazing how far it's come though.[/quote] You can blame that bullcrap game called Slender for that. You honestly can't mention Slenderman without having some retards be all like "oh hay u talkign bout dat gaem called slender? man that game's so scary yo". Call me a hipster all you want, but I liked Slenderman a lot more when he was still "underground".

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  • Three years later still \_/

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  • which entry was the one where jay or alex gets up close to slenderman with a chestcam? and he starts blacking out and stuff.

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  • I feel like Slenderman is too popular for me now. It's amazing how far it's come though.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] iownedu720 In any city or country, get yourself to any game convention center. Look for the strange furry in the green suit, approach him with your mouth gaping open and scream "WHERE CAN I FIND THE HOLDER OF SHOOPZ?" Should he begin to look angry and open his mouth, he will release a SHOOP of such great intensity that it will destroy the Universe and Teh Mudkips. But if he then firmly grabs your -blam!-, you will be teleported to an episode of Dragon Ball Z. It will be the one with Cell, about to Shoop Goku. You MUST then close your eyes, focus all of your power to your mouth, and then scream "SHOOP DA WHOOP!!!" If your power level is over 9000, Vegeta will crush his scouter, screaming "IT'S OVER 9000!!!!" resulting in totalfail, which in turn will make Cell fire the Royal Rainbow, causing him to implode also from the totalfail. Goku will then fly down naked in Super Saiyan Form 4, with a huge errect -blam!-. You must then begin laughing arrogantly, and tell him to Suck your Kiss. Angry, he will then hold out a calculator, with the 1/0 typed in, but hasn't hit enter yet. He will begin to cry, threatening to hit the enter key. You must scream "THIS IS SPARTA" and kick him the hardest you can. He will fall into a massive hole formed behind him and be lost forever. Everything will go white, and you will feel the ultimate sensation of win flow over you. Revel in this pure win, and praise the Lords of WIn, or be cast into the -blam!- of Goatse, forever being raped with fail until your death. The Lords of Lulz will then descend and begin to play Stairway to Heaven. Listen to the entire song, and during the solo, scream "SHOOP DA POOP" and soil yourself. Then become errect and force the Lords of Lulz into giving you BJ's, and they will pleasure you. You MUST recite Bohemian Rhapsody while doing this, and you will be teleported back to the Gaming Convention Center, with a medallion. This Medallion is Object 9000 of 538. Will you be able to SHOOP when the time comes? [/quote] I laghed so hard I started to choke.

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  • :| Posts like these make me wonder... [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] theshadowstriker So is this Marblehornets thing fake, or do these weirdos really think they're being stalked?[/quote]

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  • I remember when this thread started, everyone thought Slendy actually existed. Good times...

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] theshadowstriker So is this Marblehornets thing fake, or do these weirdos really think they're being stalked?[/quote] Oh yes, the Operator really does exist, and their other channel is just what they do when they're not on the run.

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  • Man my cousin JUST NOW heard about Slenderman and thinks its the scariest thing ever. Its annoying when he talks about it because its over 3 years old.

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  • So is this Marblehornets thing fake, or do these weirdos really think they're being stalked? [Edited on 09.04.2012 4:30 PM PDT]

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  • Toasting in Incredibly Long Bread.

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  • idk.

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  • Where would you get that impression? Also was that Hoodie/TTA who picked up the camera? And did Tim get a new mask? [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] EuAn1196 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DorkLord54 [url=]Entry 62 is up.[/url][/quote]Did they... you know... [i]impregnate[/i] him? D:[/quote]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DorkLord54 [url=]Entry 62 is up.[/url][/quote]Did they... you know... [i]impregnate[/i] him? D:

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  • [url=]Entry 62 is up.[/url]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] IslocStarkiller [url=]For those of you that may think MH is real, please move on.[/url][/quote] Yeah, they do some pretty funny stuff when they're not working on Hornets. I made a little story out of it. Troy finds Joseph in his room with a trumpet, Joseph yells at him to leave, then later Troy bothers him again and the dog encourages Joseph to shoot Troy...and he does. Then Troy comes back to life and Joseph finds a grapefruit on his table that talks so Joseph eats it. Troy watches that old He-Man 80's video and Joseph kills him again, stuffs his body in the trunk with Tim, and goes for another jog. Troy is back to life again for whatever reason and kills himself by shaving. Meanwhile, Joseph daydreams about jazz and being in a suit. Then Dream Tim kills Joseph. Troy should really stop dying sometime.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Jornn_ *Rams his head through a brick wall* [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] IslocStarkiller [url=]For those of you that may think MH is real, please move on.[/url][/quote][/quote]*walks through hole in wall, stamps on head*

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  • *Rams his head through a brick wall* [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] IslocStarkiller [url=]For those of you that may think MH is real, please move on.[/url][/quote]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] EuAn1196 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] R0flc0pt3r I'm surprised this thread is still going o_o[/quote]As long as Marble Hornets, EMH and Tribe Twelve are still around it won't die. And then of course there's the new guys that come in here and inform us 'it's not real'[/quote] Like the guy I posted under.

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  • [url=]For those of you that may think MH is real, please move on.[/url]

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  • This thread has come a long way...

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] R0flc0pt3r I'm surprised this thread is still going o_o[/quote]As long as Marble Hornets, EMH and Tribe Twelve are still around it won't die. And then of course there's the new guys that come in here and inform us 'it's not real'

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  • 5555 replies! Aaaaaand it's gone.

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  • I'm surprised this thread is still going o_o

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  • Now, I haven't read every single comment, but I didn't see anything about an Egyptian Pharaoh with Slenderman on his heiroglyphic tomb. I saw a picture somewhere so if you think The Pale one was created by a forum post, you're wrong. Slendy has been around since the beginning of time. Now, I am not making it a habit to read this thread, so I most likely will never respond again.

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