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6/22/2005 10:49:23 PM

Next Stop : Terminal

This week we venture into the heart of New Mombasa to take a closer look at Terminal, one of the new multiplayer maps coming soon to an Xbox near you. Find out what happens when you play too close to the tracks...

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BATTLESUIT Yes, they ruined it. Yes, I'm pissed about it. Yes, I play GTA. You play a game that is a flawed pile. It is you who is the ball licker, not I. Angry children are what makes H2 suck so bad...well one of the 33 reasons. Oh, and f.u.c.k you You're a jokey joke - excuse me while I smokey smoke...[/quote] you are a b****

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  • Holy Moley‼ This map is t3h -blam!-‼

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  • I think all the maps look cool and I say I buy retail disc exactly when it comes out ;)

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  • Yes, they ruined it. Yes, I'm pissed about it. Yes, I play GTA. You play a game that is a flawed pile. It is you who is the ball licker, not I. Angry children are what makes H2 suck so bad...well one of the 33 reasons. Oh, and f.u.c.k you You're a jokey joke - excuse me while I smokey smoke...

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  • bungie said they will not be resetting the ranks when the maps come out. they did it last time as a result of debugging the game

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  • are they gonna reset the levels when the new maps come out like they did with the other ones. i personaly think they should and maybe also ad double team training!

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  • So anyway... I think Terminal will be great for Crazy King. BATTLESUIT, get a life. They "ruined" your game, so now your mad. Do you have anything better to do with your time? Stay on subject and watch your language. You sound like an angry child.

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  • Ok, Vegamo you talk about -blam!-. But lets see, you sound like the biggest nerd on the planet. Wait no the universe, aliens look down on you and say, wow what a -blam!- nerd. I mean -blam!- you want to be famous for a video game. The only -blam!- you would get is hooker -blam!-. And you know what that means, thats right, the clap. So have fun clap boy, live your sad clap filled rich life. Oh and why is it that i have never been hacked on this game? I've had it since it came out, the only thing thats happened to me is stand-by. So tell me, why is it that your hacked and im not? [Edited on 6/24/2005]

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  • Well another whinney -blam!- who quit and still whines about. We know you don't like the game. You go to every forum just so you can -blam!- bungie out. For christs sakes play counter-strike. And that game is just as unbalanced if not more.

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  • This is going to be one of the best multiplayer maps so far. [url= 79F3FA2319] Myspace has a huge halo 2 group[/url] [Edited on 6/24/2005]

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  • Oh man, that crazy pwnage train of death is awesome! Never thought I'd say this, but I CAN'T WAIT TO BE RAILED BY IT!

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  • they definately need to take there time with halo 3 to make it the untimate game. they cant rush into it like h2. it will be worth the extra wait to make it even better

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  • Will Halo 3 suck? To sum it will if we rush Bungie into finishing it, like Halo 2. The first halo was in development for practically 6 years; that’s why everyone prefers it over H2. They should have listened to me when I said: “Remake Halo 1 with online support. That should buy you a year or so to make Halo 2 better.” And to add to the cheater thread: Cheaters only get busted if they get enough feedback Or You personally send an email to Bungie, with a link to the game and gamer tag of the cheater.

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  • i still say relics going to be cool with the covernet sniper post the pelican wepon drop offs and the huge area of play! bohhhyah

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  • just looking at this map i know its going to be one of my favorites, it's going to be so much fun to play on this map [Edited on 6/24/2005]

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  • ok, im gonna play some counter strike on xbox till i can get a freakin ride. bye bye, i might not post again cause its like wasting time, ok bye bye now !!!!!! ( ill still check for updates though) :)

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  • LMAO, I just told my dad I am gonna get counter strike and he was like why dont you play halo 2??? LMAO ( I gotta replay the whole freaking tape to him) [Edited on 6/24/2005]

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  • ya pc gaming has some good pointers to it besides graphic chips i hate graphic chips! but my pc sucks and i can barely play any good games on it besides battle field 1942 which is ok and yes half life rocks!

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  • No. My pc isn't strong enough for HL2. I'm stuck on consoles, so wish me luck...

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  • yes yes, I know bungie is working hard. good job. but just forget it. I leave and every thing is over. you just keep playing armedsavage01 till you reach the point that I always talk about, as i said before if you new in halo 2, your gonna love it. hey BATTlESUIT you getting CS source?? cause we got a team getting ready to play. [Edited on 6/24/2005]

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  • Awsome at taking four years to s.h.i.t

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  • vegamo you need to find something better to do than to rag on bungie. and good luck on your period [Edited on 6/24/2005]

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  • hey vegamo is it me or are u and battle suit on at the same time most of the time and i didnt read your last post either sorry but yah halo2 has problems but bungie isdoing alot of work on the maps plus they go through hundreds of game files and i would think its hard trying find cheaters

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  • I actully decided to sell my xbox, I need to buy more ram for my pc and get half life 2 ( that comes with counter strike source) I respect valve for not messeing up on anything, hell if there is one problem, you wake up the next day, and its fixed!! unlike bungie, we gotta wait for months.

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  • ArmedSavage, shut the f.u.c.k up. Everything Veg says about H2 online is true. Everything I said about the botched H2 campain script is true. It pisses me off becouse It's a$$clowns like you that made these f.u.c.kups completely OK for Bungie to make. You don't see Valve f.u.c.king their fans over like this, Rockstar dosen't do it. Why? Cuz it wouldn't be OK, But you f.u.c.k.ers make it totally cool for Bungie to do these things. Look at Halo 1 AS A GAME. Look at where we are now. They f.u.c.k.ed us. The difference is none of you want to see it P.u.s.s.i.e.s slurp slurp gag

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  • ah vegamo i change it but ya u did make some sense for once well u didnt have to yell at me , sniff sniff.

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