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6/22/2005 10:49:23 PM

Next Stop : Terminal

This week we venture into the heart of New Mombasa to take a closer look at Terminal, one of the new multiplayer maps coming soon to an Xbox near you. Find out what happens when you play too close to the tracks...

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  • ya relics next to be on a wwu nyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DivineRidley Well another whinney -blam!- who quit and still whines about. We know you don't like the game. You go to every forum just so you can -blam!- bungie out. For christs sakes play counter-strike. And that game is just as unbalanced if not more.[/quote] LMAO LMAO LMAO LMAO LMAO LMAO really?? counter strike aint balanced?? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm wel lets see, every one starts with a rifle, or shotgun, or pistol and a couple flash and frag gernades. just because you said that, i bet you didnt play counter strike yet. all you care about is grahpics dont you?? just graphics no game play. -blam!- you shooting some one in the -blam!- face and wips out his sowrd and rapes you, is that more balanced??? n igga SUCK MY DICK!!!! <<< yes

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  • why is every one so opssesed with the trian thing?? its just a train the runs by every 8 seconds I think. its very very fast that you cant jump on top of it.. and the thing is that the trian comes from a tunnel then runs in a tunnel, so dont think you gonna make it even if you jump on top of it. and why is every one so happy and wanna hit the trian, easy run the warthog by, explosion. BOOOOOM!!!!!! then spawn. its not like halo 2 became any better... but eh what can I say!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bungie, FIX SPAWNING FIX HOST ADVANTEGE FIX HACKING FIX STANDBBY then illl come back to halo 2, but no way im going back with those 4 things unfixed hell NO!!!

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  • That overshield's gonna' be hard to get with the train be'in right there

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  • I'm gonna love the train and house to house combat

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  • BATTLESUIT I think devine wants to give you a blow job :D

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DivineRidley Well see unlike your nerdy ass i don't play matchmaking all the time. And besides i play to have fun. You only think that people are cheaters cause you can't stand to lose. I bet you 90% of your stories are made up. And at least i am no -blam!- idiot.[/quote] lol I cant stand to loose??? LMAO LMAO LMAO n igga I am considered the best individual player in halo 2, I won tournametns in new york, and been in best clans like BC, F3AR, Delta force, N O S, and GTy. unlike you the only clan you went in is actully the one you made and I bet your the only one in it lol, dude I bet you wont even know you got cheated, your one of those reallllyyy bad noobs, that cant freaking snipe me even if im standing still. dude I beat stk ogre 2, fiber0ptix, hotshy, ll MOOSE ll and many many many more, how the hell do you tell me I dont stand looseing?? body I dont loose, I only loose as a team, But I dont loose a 1vs1 fight?? remmber im not talking about head to head, im talking about when you meet some one alone in team slayer and kick his ass, thats what I am talking about, every body that played me said I was good. but see, I started really getting mad at this game do to the really annoying advatage they give, like other team spwns by sniper bu we dont.... and specialy host advantage where the host can shoot me from across the map but I cant because hose is always ahead of you with about a split second. see I know you feel salty now because your A Realy bad noob. so plz, just cut it and shut up, you dont hae any thing to say to me, and no I look much better than your ass. I am 6,2 and 190 pounds, and I played basektball for my high school, but on spare time, I play video games, sorry but I am not interested in drugs, or drinking. so as I said, just drop it, your making a fool out of your self. so shut the hell up and go back and play halo 2.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DivineRidley [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BATTLESUIT put me in my place...[/quote] Sorry BATTLESUIT, you see i just hate vegamo. I see his posts all the time, and he sounds stupid in his posts. Your posts aren't stupid and annoying. You seem alittle more mature.[/quote] vegamo (crying)...... ohhh really?? you hate me?? are you sure?? well I rather have my ass impailed on a giant cactus. N igga I am more mature than you, I am better than you as a person, gamer, and brains. how you gonna say 90 % of my crap are lies?? what you still dont believe people are cheating?? you know as i said before, hackers dont show up with noobs like you, and no offense but i think hackers can own you with out even hacking lol. n igga how you dare to talk to some one like me?? I own the game just like you sh it head!!!! and to all, PS3 is more powerful than xbox 360, why?? because xbox 360 uses 1 tflop where ps3 uses 2 tflops PLUS BLUERAY technology, but Ill still go with xbox because I am a microsoft fan, and i hope that bungie quits crack and makes halo 3 good. but back to you, your just some 900 pound -blam!-et eating dounts while your typing to a pro like me about some non sense crap that I know more about than your ass. N igga go f uck your self you fruit.

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  • looks like a better human city level than Turf and headlong, (they were rubbish anyway) but yea, looks the best map so far.

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  • hey bungie, can't you take out the new maps(warlock,turf, sanctuary,containment) from matchmaking until you figure out a way to stop the modding? because every single game on those 4 maps i get caught up in modwars. for some reason there is a way to find out if you get a new map before it configures the game. because some people have 50 pages full of warlock on their game list. the modders have freaking unlimited sniper ammo and fully automatic shotguns with auto aim and they run faster than a boosting ghost. once in big team battle on containment a modder grabbed the flag and he just jumped and he flew 100 feet over the base and landed in our base and scored it 10 seconds after he grabbed it. and once a modder told me that he can delete his own feedback with a lenux or something? < wtf... i mean its sooooo god dam easy to tell if someones a modder or not, this one guy went 93 and 16 on assault on sanctuary and had 23 double kills, 10 triple kills, 6 killtaculars, 2 kill frenzys, 1 killtrocity, 69 sniper kills, 3 killing sprees, 2 running riots, 2 rampages, 2 berserkers and 2 overkills: and look at this... he gets 5 killanmanjaros... are u serious? isnt it easy to tell if someone cheats? u can just tell by how many kills and medals they get. please make a autoupdate to take banshee out of rifles and the killed by the guardians crap and the non modded superjumping...

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  • Terminal looks sweet. Cant wait to run into the train when i get bored. Keep up the awesome maps. Now all the people who thing bungie aint doing -blam!- about hackers thing of this. There are over 50,000 people online in halo 2 daily. It isnt possible to get all of them instantly. If you dont like getting hacked either do one of 3 things. 1. Play custom games. 2. Play other games besides halo 2. 3. Dont play video games!

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  • All of the people on this forum that put bungie down need to just leave. If you didn't like bungie or the games you wouldn't be on this forum. I'm sorry you people can only get attention by trying to put down people that actually work(unlike you who live off there parents, play video games, and whine to get attention). There is something for you to think about while you whine about other video games.

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  • [b]Terminal[/b] looks [i]AWESOME[/i]!

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  • Lets see what happens when you put a Scorpin in front of the train...........

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  • terminal looks sweet! i can't wait for relic next week. someone will try to jump the tracks first thing at the first LAN that my friends and i have the maps

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  • some one help me the printer will only print one page of this story how do i get it to print it all and i do want the pics too

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  • woot more maps to get moded on great job bungie!!! thanks alot for the great game play and incase anyone of you noobs on this fourn including bungie doesn't know how to mod go to and figure it out. Woot you could be a cheat -blam!- on the leader boards woot, wish i was as good as you guys woot, bungie can suck my balls woot

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  • heres my list of the 5 new maps: 1. relic- i love to snipe so that is y relic is my number 1 map 2. terminal- the train is the -blam!- 3. backwash- the fog adds a new aspect to the game 4. Elongation- riding a conveyor across the map.. the brute shots should be critical 5. gemini- idk it seems like it will be too much like campaign mode.. idk if i like that thats my rating of the new maps... Convaluter

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Armedsavage01 hello stupid there working on making halo2 better their probly not even thinking about halo3 and why the -blam!- would they sell their rights to the ps3 when any xbox game sells better than what they have and if it is true that the 360 and halo3 might be released around the time that the ps3 comes out the ps3 will probily have sucky sales because most people will go for the 360 or halo3 why would any one bother getting ps3 itll just suck and if any one is going to sell their rights itll be sony or some other compony not bungie or microsoft.[/quote] Dude you are right about microsft and bungie not selling their rights and Xbox 360 is gonna rock but man you are wrong about PS3 . There is no way it will suck. I mean have you seen the screen shots and the videos. Xbox 360 might be better but PS3 will by no means suck.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BATTLESUIT put me in my place...[/quote] Sorry BATTLESUIT, you see i just hate vegamo. I see his posts all the time, and he sounds stupid in his posts. Your posts aren't stupid and annoying. You seem alittle more mature.

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  • BUNGIE dont sell your rights to PS3 i dun wanna go buy a ps3 for 500 bucks when i can get xbox 360 for cheaper and get halo3 dont sell ur rights becuz if u do then i prob aint gonna get a 360

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  • this map owns man...i wanna play president on it.. it would be awesume..

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  • cant wait to that "Dukes of hazard jump"

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  • Man, is EVERYBODY on this forum retarded? Never ask me again why I post on this board, you all need me to explain even the most basic of consepts to you and your stupidity makes me feel smarter than I already am. Now, I will do God's work... 1. Bungle is definitly working on H3, since Bill Gates said himself that it's going to be released the same day as PS3. Given the rush this puts Bungle under, H3 will most likely suck worse than H2, and HELLO, their not making H2 any better. You can't polish a turd. 2. It would be insane to even think H3 or any Bungle game would release on PS3, Considering that the Halo franchise is a major Xbox seller and that Bungle is a second-party "developer", if you want to call them that. "Destroyer" is more applicable. 3. The 360 is coming out before the holiday season, which probably means November, which is no where near when the PS3 will be released. 4. The PS3 will definitly not have "sucky" sales. The spec demos Sony showed at E3 were amazing. Everything for the 360, barring Gears of War, looks like total ass. Most of it looks exactly like current-gen Xbox fare in higher resolution and better texture mapping. Not even in the same league of what the PS3 is capable of. Personally, I say screw them both, becouse online Smash Bros. with no fee? I'm so there. 5. Again, did you actually see the PS3 spec. demos in action? No? Well go to and watch the Killzone spec. demo. Then, forget all about H3 and strive to play something that might actually be good. Aahhh. Wasn't that exiting? Now you are all a little smarter for having read my post, and you all definitly need some smarts since you spend all your time playing a game full of cheaters, and a$$holes, and flaws...the list goes on and on. But I suppose since many of you already want to know if there is a super jump on Terminal so you can be cheap anyway, it's obvious you don't get it. You all make me sick. And use proper punctuation in your posts, for Christ's sake. God, your suckatude makes Baby Jesus cry!!! [Edited on 6/26/2005]

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