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Edited by DarthBrando: 10/21/2015 1:48:57 PM
You cant has no grammar cuz dis aint no school houze bro! Schoolz out for evaz! (Jk but seriously, spelling and grammar are trivial concepts; which would you rather? Properly spelled but entirely misrepresented topics like creationists arguing that macroevolution and it's according to them non existence (it exists we have proven it in labs and nature and it is [b][i]exactly the same process of evolution as any other form so calling it macro is entirely un needed[/i][/b]) proves that evolution isn't real? Or a public service announcement referencing all current works that prove evolution with a few typos? (Also note; there are TONS of spelling and translation errors within [b][i][u]THE BIBLE[/u][/i][/b] and most college thesis' and publications are proof read and edited to eliminate spelling and grammar errors [b][i][u]SEVERAL TIMES[/u][/i][/b]; this is a social forum not a college public works; every one makes mistakes at times; Lets not crucify them for it please! Especially when their spelling errors [b][i][u]ARE YOUR ONLY ARGUMENT AGAINST THEM AND THEIR POINT![/u][/i][/b])

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