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10/19/2015 7:40:19 PM

Who's Ready For Next Dlc and old dlc improvements/Changes!

I'm ready for a new dlc thats bigger and better than ttk the only thing im running on now is doing the raid and waiting for trials this Friday after i get all the gear and weapons i want i'll play crucible all day until next dlc , and also i think old raids like crota and vog should be updated so we can have new light gear so theirs multiple gear to wear and we'll all look different , and poe should be updated as well what was the point of working our ass off for 6+ hours straight trying to get the elder cipher to get 1 of these new guns we cant use against taken unless you wanna get rekt, Let us use these guns and gear, update the raids make everything relevant for the people that actually buy the dlcs and want to continue to play. I know for a fact that people that didnt buy ttk is holding the rest of us back all they do is complain on how they dont wanna buy anymore dlcs. i know people are getting bored already and after a couple weeks of trials people will not play as much. Just think about if they updated everything no one would be limited to what gear or weapons they have to use we need a change!! Do you think they should update these dlcs we paid for and now are irrelevant, or no?

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