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7/14/2009 11:11:19 PM

El Hickox's "Recon For Dummies" Handbook (Now with edits! :D)

[i][u]New Update[/u][/i] [i]So recently I had a lot of friends messaging or telling me something that most people predicted that would happen. A lot of owners lacking commonsense keep giving out their account information. First, when somebody asks for your account information, I don't mean your gamertag and city you live in; I mean your email, password, and your personal question's answers. Please, think before you act on this. If somebody says they are from Bungie and they can give you something, they can't. Bungie will never ask for your account information to give you something. Secondly, if somebody asks to recover your account or anything, they are GOING TO HACK YOU AND KEEP YOUR ACCOUNT. So, to sum this up: Do NOT give out information, don't try to let your friends get your account to recover, and DONT TRY TO GET ANY MICROSOFT POINTS[/i] [i][u]How to Show PreODST owners[/u][/i] So, a friend of mine thought of this the other day while playing. Lets be serious, people will hate and put you down once you get recon from the vidmaster(s) in ODST. So, for the people that received pre-ODST and want to show they really got it before ODST came out, we thought of a way to say, "Hay, I ttly g0t it b4 0D5T!!!" How? Simply don't get the ODST vidmasters. Then, when people say something about it, you can simply tell them to refer to your achievement page and you can further show them up. Holla! [b]THIS IS NOT A RECRUITING THREAD FOR PEOPLE WITH RECON, SO IF YOU SEND ME ANYMORE INVITES OR MESSAGES REGARDING GROUPS, YOU WILL BE BLOCKED[/b] Since that very special day in the seventh month, I have noticed A LOT of new recon owners browsing the forums, custom games, and all over the Halo community. I also have noticed that many of them do not respect the golden rule of having recon. I am creating this to help these certain members not get their prized recon taken away, and yes, I have had recon before Bungie Day. Also, feel free to add veteran owners. [b]What To, and not To Do[/b] 1.) No bragging -A lot of people get their recon taken away for this (or banned from the forums). This, I have noticed, has been happening the most. In three games I have played, I got to listen to some younger, more arrogant owners scream and holler about "how they got theirs better." This will do you no good, if an employee sees you bragging and starting a fuss, you're in for a rude awakening. 2.) No Trolling -This is slightly more rare, but I have so far known two people who have gotten their armor revoked for either: spamming, flaming, or creating trolling threads. Once again, a big no-no. If the higher-ups see, then it's sad face time. :[ 3.) Use your commonsense - When people try REALLY hard to play with you, they don't want to be your friend because you're a "well rounded and good player." Trust me, recon is the ultimate nerd candy in matchmaking. You will get T-bagged, called out in postgames, get spammed, and more importantly, tried to get hacked. Seriously, use your mind for this one. If something asks, "I need your email, password, address, and mother's maiden name, they aren't getting you uber leet Microsoft points, they're hacking you. 4.) Don't think you're hot -blam!- compared to other players - Trust me, when you're asking people for 1600 points and you're not a well known community member, nobody buys it. The only thing you get for this is a lot of ultra mean face messages from players asking, "Are you -blam!- serious? You're garbage, nobody wants to be your friend." Seriously, people don't want to be your friend that bad. 5.) Selling/Trading/Recovering Accounts is Bee Aye Dee - This, is something a lot of people don't get. If an employee, or even a moderator sees that you're selling your precious armor account, it gets revoked and you're left ultra sadface. This is a big no no! You should never let anybody recover or use your account for you, especially people you do not know. When somebody asks to recover your account just to use offline, don't buy it. You can't use recon offline! 6.) Be respectful - You should be honored to get recon, so don't act a fool. Just because you are one of the now 2,000ish people with it, you are not any better than any of the other players that received it. So please, don't try to 1v1 out of a skirmish you get into with another receiver just because you think your 77 exp is better than his win against Bungie, because you will just make yourself look ultra not cool face to the rest of the recon community. 7.) Selling Friendslist space realllly isn't that 1337 - This is the sign of true sadness. So you wanna be 1337 like a pro? Selling spots on your friends list really isn't that cool. This just gets more and more people to spam you 1v1s. Why? It's human nature, people will always try to outdo the next and eventually you'll be blocking people on a regular basis. So please, you're not that cool, and neither is being pro, so don't try to sell your list. (Edit 1: Americanista) 8.) No charades! - Big, BIG no no; Do not impersonate an employee. This will get you pretty much effed in the aye no matter what. Be sure to let people no you have no real relation to Bungie. If not, you're gonna be ultra sad face. :[ (Edit 2) 9.)(ish?) This runs in with eight, but Bungie Favorites will now be your mortal enemy - Now that you're uber 1337 with your recon, people, young children rather, will be always asking, "CAN YOU LOOK AT MY SKREEENSHOOOO777ZZZ?!?!?" You should make it a point in your bio, or to everybody in your friends list that you cannot get them in Bungie Favorites. This is the most spammed message I get personally. Be respectful though, if you keep dissing and putting them down, they'll keep asking. A simple, "Nope, sorry, but I got recon for (fill in karazy reason here), so no, I cannot do that." (Edit 4ish, HOLYHUNTER) [b]Tips to help ease the FR and message troubles[/b] 1.) Your Bio -Bleep Bloop, the most dreaded sound ever! How to stop a lot of these? Simple, right a long, detailed bio. No, don't worry your little thumbs to death! You can edit all your information on Make sure you say how and why you got it, you don't accept random FR, and maybe a nice message to follow that. Also, if people talk trash to you in post game, don't say anything. This will just increase the ego hungry folks on the other side of the interwebz to keep on spamming you with, "BK GARBAGEEEE" messages. 2.)Stop knocking I'm in here! - This is commonsense if you go into EXP playlists like grifball, infection, and team games; Stay in a party that is invite only! These playlists are where the most flaming ensues for me. When you set up a party, please, do a favor, and make it [b]invite only.[/b] I can't tell you how many times people have joined my party, invited friends, and I was spammed with texty mayhem. This goes for matchmaking too; make your party invite only. People will join nonstop, spam you some more, and most likely invite their friends until you return to hit the power button and shut them all out. 3.)Invite, Invite, Invite, Messaged, Invite, Invite, Message, Invite, Party, Invite - When beating another team, don't be cocky. The worst thing you can do is start sending those lame ass, "Bad 50" pictures to the other team and go into pregame. This will just draw more attention to you. So now, not only are a prick with recon, you are a cocky one too. People will never let this down. You will get messages nonstop for a longgggg time about how much more of a bk you are than them. So do yourself a favor, don't be that guy. 4.) [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Achilles1108 One helpful piece of advice that will help the people on your FL to a degree. Hide your FL. Way back in the day when I first got it people on my FL were getting blasted with messages and FR because I had blocked people. Do your friends a favor and hide your FL. [/quote] 5.) [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BWO Pkitt Another piece of advice. Do not reply to a random message. The hacker can use the IP address and steal your account. This happened to my friend yesterday. She was just playing Halo 3, got a message, replied with out giving any information, then lost her profile with Recon. If this happens to you, call Microsoft and follow the instructions necessary for retrieving your account. Do not ask Bungie for the recovery, they do not handle Microsoft's department of xbox live profiles. [/quote] [i]more tomorrow![/i] [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Butane123 Just so I don't see anymore of these, no, it does not need to be pinned. There's not enough room for it to be so. However, if you guys save the thread, it will appear under the "Top Forum Topics" on the right. [/quote] [Edited on 07.29.2009 9:37 AM PDT]
#Halo #Halo3

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  • Great post. I'm sure it will really help.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] XxDEVlNXx Nice topic Hickox also if possible could you add something about people modding for recon cause I've seen people who claim they modded for it. Also do you wanna play someday?[/quote] Modding recon is possible, but they usually get what they have coming once they do. Sorry, I'm not going to add a point to it, it should be known you're effed in the aye if you mod. [Edited on 08.16.2009 11:35 AM PDT]

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  • The whole, "Don't do the vidmasters so you can feel better." thing is kind of stupid, tbh. No one is going to really care how you got your Recon once it comes out, and you only pass up the chance to do some of the fun achievements. Idk what I'm saying, I just feel that you should just be happy to have it now, it shouldn't matter what others think when ODST comes out.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] LHickox [i][u]New Update[/u][/i] [i]So recently I had a lot of friends messaging or telling me something that most people predicted that would happen. A lot of owners lacking commonsense keep giving out their account information. First, when somebody asks for your account information, I don't mean your gamertag and city you live in; I mean your email, password, and your personal question's answers. Please, think before you act on this. If somebody says they are from Bungie and they can give you something, they can't. Bungie will never ask for your account information to give you something. Secondly, if somebody asks to recover your account or anything, they are GOING TO HACK YOU AND KEEP YOUR ACCOUNT. So, to sum this up: Do NOT give out information, don't try to let your friends get your account to recover, and DONT TRY TO GET ANY MICROSOFT POINTS[/i] [i][u]How to Show PreODST owners[/u][/i] So, a friend of mine thought of this the other day while playing. Lets be serious, people will hate and put you down once you get recon from the vidmaster(s) in ODST. So, for the people that received pre-ODST and want to show they really got it before ODST came out, we thought of a way to say, "Hay, I ttly g0t it b4 0D5T!!!" How? Simply don't get the ODST vidmasters. Then, when people say something about it, you can simply tell them to refer to your achievement page and you can further show them up. Holla! [b]THIS IS NOT A RECRUITING THREAD FOR PEOPLE WITH RECON, SO IF YOU SEND ME ANYMORE INVITES OR MESSAGES REGARDING GROUPS, YOU WILL BE BLOCKED[/b] Since that very special day in the seventh month, I have noticed A LOT of new recon owners browsing the forums, custom games, and all over the Halo community. I also have noticed that many of them do not respect the golden rule of having recon. I am creating this to help these certain members not get their prized recon taken away, and yes, I have had recon before Bungie Day. Also, feel free to add veteran owners. [b]What To, and not To Do[/b] 1.) No bragging -A lot of people get their recon taken away for this (or banned from the forums). This, I have noticed, has been happening the most. In three games I have played, I got to listen to some younger, more arrogant owners scream and holler about "how they got theirs better." This will do you no good, if an employee sees you bragging and starting a fuss, you're in for a rude awakening. 2.) No Trolling -This is slightly more rare, but I have so far known two people who have gotten their armor revoked for either: spamming, flaming, or creating trolling threads. Once again, a big no-no. If the higher-ups see, then it's sad face time. :[ 3.) Use your commonsense - When people try REALLY hard to play with you, they don't want to be your friend because you're a "well rounded and good player." Trust me, recon is the ultimate nerd candy in matchmaking. You will get T-bagged, called out in postgames, get spammed, and more importantly, tried to get hacked. Seriously, use your mind for this one. If something asks, "I need your email, password, address, and mother's maiden name, they aren't getting you uber leet Microsoft points, they're hacking you. 4.) Don't think you're hot -blam!- compared to other players - Trust me, when you're asking people for 1600 points and you're not a well known community member, nobody buys it. The only thing you get for this is a lot of ultra mean face messages from players asking, "Are you -blam!- serious? You're garbage, nobody wants to be your friend." Seriously, people don't want to be your friend that bad. 5.) Selling/Trading/Recovering Accounts is Bee Aye Dee - This, is something a lot of people don't get. If an employee, or even a moderator sees that you're selling your precious armor account, it gets revoked and you're left ultra sadface. This is a big no no! You should never let anybody recover or use your account for you, especially people you do not know. When somebody asks to recover your account just to use offline, don't buy it. You can't use recon offline! 6.) Be respectful - You should be honored to get recon, so don't act a fool. Just because you are one of the now 2,000ish people with it, you are not any better than any of the other players that received it. So please, don't try to 1v1 out of a skirmish you get into with another receiver just because you think your 77 exp is better than his win against Bungie, because you will just make yourself look ultra not cool face to the rest of the recon community. 7.) Selling Friendslist space realllly isn't that 1337 - This is the sign of true sadness. So you wanna be 1337 like a pro? Selling spots on your friends list really isn't that cool. This just gets more and more people to spam you 1v1s. Why? It's human nature, people will always try to outdo the next and eventually you'll be blocking people on a regular basis. So please, you're not that cool, and neither is being pro, so don't try to sell your list. (Edit 1: Americanista) 8.) No charades! - Big, BIG no no; Do not impersonate an employee. This will get you pretty much effed in the aye no matter what. Be sure to let people no you have no real relation to Bungie. If not, you're gonna be ultra sad face. :[ (Edit 2) 9.)(ish?) This runs in with eight, but Bungie Favorites will now be your mortal enemy - Now that you're uber 1337 with your recon, people, young children rather, will be always asking, "CAN YOU LOOK AT MY SKREEENSHOOOO777ZZZ?!?!?" You should make it a point in your bio, or to everybody in your friends list that you cannot get them in Bungie Favorites. This is the most spammed message I get personally. Be respectful though, if you keep dissing and putting them down, they'll keep asking. A simple, "Nope, sorry, but I got recon for (fill in karazy reason here), so no, I cannot do that." (Edit 4ish, HOLYHUNTER) [b]Tips to help ease the FR and message troubles[/b] 1.) Your Bio -Bleep Bloop, the most dreaded sound ever! How to stop a lot of these? Simple, right a long, detailed bio. No, don't worry your little thumbs to death! You can edit all your information on Make sure you say how and why you got it, you don't accept random FR, and maybe a nice message to follow that. Also, if people talk trash to you in post game, don't say anything. This will just increase the ego hungry folks on the other side of the interwebz to keep on spamming you with, "BK GARBAGEEEE" messages. 2.)Stop knocking I'm in here! - This is commonsense if you go into EXP playlists like grifball, infection, and team games; Stay in a party that is invite only! These playlists are where the most flaming ensues for me. When you set up a party, please, do a favor, and make it [b]invite only.[/b] I can't tell you how many times people have joined my party, invited friends, and I was spammed with texty mayhem. This goes for matchmaking too; make your party invite only. People will join nonstop, spam you some more, and most likely invite their friends until you return to hit the power button and shut them all out. 3.)Invite, Invite, Invite, Messaged, Invite, Invite, Message, Invite, Party, Invite - When beating another team, don't be cocky. The worst thing you can do is start sending those lame ass, "Bad 50" pictures to the other team and go into pregame. This will just draw more attention to you. So now, not only are a prick with recon, you are a cocky one too. People will never let this down. You will get messages nonstop for a longgggg time about how much more of a bk you are than them. So do yourself a favor, don't be that guy. 4.) [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Achilles1108 One helpful piece of advice that will help the people on your FL to a degree. Hide your FL. Way back in the day when I first got it people on my FL were getting blasted with messages and FR because I had blocked people. Do your friends a favor and hide your FL. [/quote] 5.) [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BWO Pkitt Another piece of advice. Do not reply to a random message. The hacker can use the IP address and steal your account. This happened to my friend yesterday. She was just playing Halo 3, got a message, replied with out giving any information, then lost her profile with Recon. If this happens to you, call Microsoft and follow the instructions necessary for retrieving your account. Do not ask Bungie for the recovery, they do not handle Microsoft's department of xbox live profiles. [/quote] [i]more tomorrow![/i] [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Butane123 Just so I don't see anymore of these, no, it does not need to be pinned. There's not enough room for it to be so. However, if you guys save the thread, it will appear under the "Top Forum Topics" on the right. [/quote] [/quote] Excellent guide, i usually don't do those things so it didn't help me much, but it would have helped me a lot of i DIDN'T have common sense to know this lolz :) anyways nice guide BTW i am a guy, i wear pink, i think its cool, please don't be immature bout it

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  • TBH I wouldn't want to wear Recon. All it's going to do is create a whole bunch of one of three things: 1. Crap about doing it the "lame" way (Vidmasters as opposed to getting it from Bungie) 2. Crap about hacking, sucking up to Bungie, etc. 3. Questions along the line of "How'd you get it?" "Where can I get it?" "Do you work for Bungie?" and so on. Simply put, Recon isn't all it's cracked up to be anymore. I wouldn't be surprised if another unique armor variant is made now (perhaps a flaming Katana) so people featured in the community spotlight or Bungie favorites still have a way to have bragging rights. (okay, maybe I'm exaggerating a bit with that)

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  • Nice topic Hickox also if possible could you add something about people modding for recon cause I've seen people who claim they modded for it. Also do you wanna play someday?

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  • The threads looking good El Hickox. Your doing an awesome job keeping the thread updated. Good advice for those who don't know how to treat their gift with care.

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  • Good post OP, (referring to the first post) i also always get random group invites all the time, and I dont even have recon!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Sergeant Kyuun Hickox, also please add the stereotypes people think about Recon Owners. People are going to start a subject on that, so, let's just end it before it starts.[/quote] I would, but recently those stereotypes became true about a lot of the Recon community...

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  • Clever...I like it.

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  • Hickox, also please add the stereotypes people think about Recon Owners. People are going to start a subject on that, so, let's just end it before it starts.

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  • Very nice thread, Hickox.

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  • I'd like to make a point now to all the people that say, "I got my account stolen" or, "I got my account hacked!" First, when you give your information away, that isn't being hacked or stolen; it is YOUR fault. You need to understand that Bungie, nor pros, nor anybody can get you free Microsoft points, your rank up, or anything else that seems good. Seriously, I have gotten countless messages because people give their information out. So please, KEEP YOUR PROFILE ON YOUR XBOX ONLY

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] l aminflyer l1 You know what i met some little kid with recon armor. I was doing something with my friend and all he does is keep inviting my friend. He told him he would get recon if my friend beat him, he didn't want to. Then he threaghtened him, hack him, put him off xbox live, so my friend joined thinking he was true he made my friend do all types of stuff for him get an acheivement finish a campaign level, and the 1v1 game, infection, he did everything include beat him. guess what no recon, my friend was kinda dissapointed but he was mad he cause the recon kid kept sending 1v1 message sorry first time forum dont know how to use it[/quote] There's a lot of this going on too. My friend had a similar experience. I'll put a 1v1 point in the OP.

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  • What are you trying to say? Well 1v1 me right now! lol jk

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  • You know what i met some little kid with recon armor. I was doing something with my friend and all he does is keep inviting my friend. He told him he would get recon if my friend beat him, he didn't want to. Then he threaghtened him, hack him, put him off xbox live, so my friend joined thinking he was true he made my friend do all types of stuff for him get an acheivement finish a campaign level, and the 1v1 game, infection, he did everything include beat him. guess what no recon, my friend was kinda dissapointed but he was mad he cause the recon kid kept sending 1v1 message sorry first time forum dont know how to use it

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] JammyJack143 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] JaceT76 Yeah thank you for this! I've played with 9-10 Recon owners in my matchmaking career, and the first 9 were all pretty cool guys, they hardly talked, and when they did they were nice and trying to help out the team. However, today I met my first Recon jackass. I was playing social skirmish (one of my favorite playlists), and I got matched up against someone on the other team who had Recon. This guy was a douche! People kept asking him how he got it, and he just kept making smartass remarks back and telling them to shutup. He was also talking crap during the game and constantly telling my team and I how much we sucked. I won't name his gamertag because he may have Recon, but I have respect! I hope something is done about some of these guys, I don't think they all deserve their coveted armor.[/quote] Ive played with a few Recon owners, some in customs, theyre the really nice ones, then you go to the matchmaking, and youll have one guy in the recon owners party go, OMG hee haz Reconz Check him outz, then the Recon shows off and, theyre the people that dont deserve it[/quote] I've had that a lot when I first got it. My friends would always scream and freak out everybody in pregame. It's not fun :[

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] JaceT76 Yeah thank you for this! I've played with 9-10 Recon owners in my matchmaking career, and the first 9 were all pretty cool guys, they hardly talked, and when they did they were nice and trying to help out the team. However, today I met my first Recon jackass. I was playing social skirmish (one of my favorite playlists), and I got matched up against someone on the other team who had Recon. This guy was a douche! People kept asking him how he got it, and he just kept making smartass remarks back and telling them to shutup. He was also talking crap during the game and constantly telling my team and I how much we sucked. I won't name his gamertag because he may have Recon, but I have respect! I hope something is done about some of these guys, I don't think they all deserve their coveted armor.[/quote] Ive played with a few Recon owners, some in customs, theyre the really nice ones, then you go to the matchmaking, and youll have one guy in the recon owners party go, OMG hee haz Reconz Check him outz, then the Recon shows off and, theyre the people that dont deserve it

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] LHickox [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BWO pkitt Another piece of advice. Do not reply to a random message. The hacker can use the IP address and steal your account. This happened to my friend yesterday. She was just playing Halo 3, got a message, replied with out giving any information, then lost her profile with Recon. If this happens to you, call Microsoft and follow the instructions necessary for retrieving your account. Do not ask Bungie for the recovery, they do not handle Microsoft's department of xbox live profiles.[/quote] Added and updated[/quote] thanks ;)

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BWO pkitt Another piece of advice. Do not reply to a random message. The hacker can use the IP address and steal your account. This happened to my friend yesterday. She was just playing Halo 3, got a message, replied with out giving any information, then lost her profile with Recon. If this happens to you, call Microsoft and follow the instructions necessary for retrieving your account. Do not ask Bungie for the recovery, they do not handle Microsoft's department of xbox live profiles.[/quote] Added and updated

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  • Thank you for making this. I haven't lost mine, and thanks to this, I'm sure I won't.

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  • Can someone link this to the guy that's been bugging the crap out of me because I didn't worship him? By this I mean I kicked him multiple times from parties for being, well, a jerk, at which point he kept joining my party and sending me messages. Blocked communications with him, don't know how he hasn't gotten it removed along with the hundreds of others that do the same thing.

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  • Thankyou!, someone else who sees how cocky some people with recon cqan be, they better read this!

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  • i ran into two people who had recon one was called something like blood xx joker i cant remeber this they were being so arrogant to me and they were saying they let other people have recon to be honest i like recon but i prefer real hell jumper aromour but im gettin fed up of jerks treating me like a joke

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BWO pkitt Another piece of advice. Do not reply to a random message. The hacker can use the IP address and steal your account. This happened to my friend yesterday. She was just playing Halo 3, got a message, replied with out giving any information, then lost her profile with Recon. If this happens to you, call Microsoft and follow the instructions necessary for retrieving your account. Do not ask Bungie for the recovery, they do not handle Microsoft's department of xbox live profiles.[/quote] That really sucks. They keep coming up with newer ways of hacking.

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