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Edited by irishfreak: 10/19/2015 8:53:45 PM

World War 2 Was Soooo Lazy

I can't believe they let World War Two happen. All it was was a reskin of World War One. Who were the bad guys in World War Two? The Germans, again. It's ridiculous. And they even made America team up with Russia and France and Britain [i]again.[/i] We hardly got any new levels, either! All they added was a tiny Pacific Theatre and reskinned Nažis that they called "Japanese." We didn't even get new levels in South America or Australia or Antarctica! And the story was nonexistent! When we rolled up at Normandy, which was just a level that was reused from William's conquest of England, they just told us to "take the beach." What a lazy story. So, in conclusion, World War Two was lazy, and hopefully Earth can fix its shit in time for World War Three.

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