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Edited by Ezimatana: 10/16/2015 1:59:02 AM

If you still think this was for nothing or an over reaction, you are clueless. Good day


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  • I'm ok with this because I don't need to feel special playing a video game. My own achievements do not coincide with anyone else's, so if you have money and are willing to spend it, go ahead.

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  • lol You were saying?

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  • Was never gonna happen. Pls get rid of this post now tired of seeing it every day

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  • Can we have this filth of a thread cleaned off the forums now? The guy thinks we actually accomplished something when it was never even the case. Just some teenager freaking out cause they think datamined files are absolute truth.

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  • [quote]Why would they place consumables which alter drop rates AFTER the raid has been in the game for a month or longer?[/quote] Cause it's harder to find teams a month the raid comes out. Less people playing, less opportunities to complete it, less drops.

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  • this is NOT pay to win. pay to win is somethinf that you need to pay money to actually affect the gameplay for you. the only thing you may lose without the emotes is a danceoff at the tower.

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    4 Replies
    • Not pay to win. Rhodes consumables have been found to be connected to speaker and nothing to do with Tess in a data mine.

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      • Good post.

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      • Edited by Mr.Spartan126: 10/15/2015 12:45:58 PM
        LOL Luke Smith said they were cut from TTK, all you just did is make yourself look incredibly ignorant, good job op. *slow clap*

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        3 Replies
        • Ur both retarded did u not read the thread, they're not talking about emotes, they're selling experience and armor just like eso, maybe read the post before you comment

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          • Cosmetics are fine by me. But NOT increased dropps/loot

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          • Edited by ObiOrion: 10/16/2015 12:48:53 AM
            All I see are folks who think of game gear as bragging rights or something that denotes status and the ability to buy these items with real money converted to game currency is thus a "threat" to their self imposed world order. We heard the same cries about Gjallarhorn. Suddenly there were two classes of players those that earned it (a laughable concept) and those that Xur'nd it. Such supremist thinking is just plain sad. No one has yet explained how items held by some other player, regardless how obtained, diminishes my personal enjoyment of playing the GAME destiny. Everyone calling this "Pay to Win" is getting it all wrong. Pay to win would be a situation where an aspect of the game was locked/gated/or beatable ONLY if you had a certain item that was ONLY available via purchase. That is pay to win and that would, rightfully, be considered unfair. What you all are complaining about is Pay Not to Grind. And from what I've seen people complain most about grinding.

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            • My friend can't afford this game, and because of his financial situation he's 40 levels below me. Bungie needs to fix this.

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              • Did you really say "christmas noob"? Just because you got it for christmas doesnt make you a noob dumbass

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                8 Replies
                • Edited by sixeightmkw: 10/15/2015 8:17:43 PM
                  [i]"Who here who has grinded to level 25 and fully levelled your subclasses wants someone to come along and obtain a level 25 character with a fully levelled subclass and several telemetries INSTANTLY? This shouldn't be acceptable."[/i] Why would this even matter? It affects you in no possible way ever in the history or the future of the world. It is truly one of the dumbest things I have ever read, and now I am dumber for even reading it.

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                  2 Replies
                  • Some people on this forum take this game WAAAAAAAAAAAY to seriously. Jesus...

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                    • serious question. Name me 5 triple A games(games that you pay 60$ plus tax for) that went "pay to win" that people still play. WoW has microtransactions and has been out for years, show me the pay to win bit of that. Sure you can insta level to 90 in WoW but that is hardly pay to win when you still have to get good gear. ESO has been out for over a year, dropped the monthly sub fee, has microtransactions, show me how that went pay to win, oh wait you can't because its not pay to win. You know why there are pay to win games? because those games are released for the price of FREE (and mostly on mobile devices) so the devs have to squeeze out every nickle and dime they can. I think destiny's biggest problem is that it is an FPS game with MMO elements and I'm willing to bet 5 motes of light that a vast majority of destiny players haven't even touched an MMO and aren't familiar with the constant grind, COSMETIC microtransactions with some items that have xp gains, and the buffs/nerfs that come with each update.

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                      2 Replies
                      • I did not have a problem with emotes being sold for real money. Actually, I didn't have a problem with any purely cosmetic items being sold for real money. I have a [b][i][u]HUGE PROBLEM[/u][/i][/b] with extra loot drops being sold for real money. I do the raid and get literally nothing but [b][i][u]two moldering shards for killing Oryx, the pinnacle of endgame activities,[/u][/i][/b]. It pisses me the -blam!- off that Bungie seems to have intentionally shit on drop rates to encourage me to pay real money for better drops. I was so satisfied with TTK when it was released, but after the recent patch and newly acquired information, I am starting to feel like Bungie is -blam!-ing me just like they did when TDB was released. -blam!- you, Bungie.

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                        • Just gonna leave that there

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                          • aaaaand the dlcs will be free.

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                            • Lol have you ever played a pre 1.8 minecraft server ? If u haven't donated 50+ say goodbye to pvp

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                            • Bump

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                            • I think it's kind of funny that many folks here are getting super upset, when all we have currently is: 1. you can buy silver from your console store and you can use it to buy emotes. The rest of the data mined stuff is conjecture until it hits the actual game. Now, if they start selling things that directly impact the game, then they are going to see a backlash like no other. They have already started a little bit of that with the focused and sparks of lights, the red bull "quest," Personally, I don't see those as a big deal, as they really don't hurt my game. While we can debate the possible plans which have not been stated, I think the real point of all of this is: WHAT DO WE GET? They have said that this will fund the live team. Now regular DLC is already out there in the works at Bungie. That money has already been spent. What exactly will they bring us? Will it be more quests and rewards? There has been some talk as well about ending the community fragmentation with a one time annual purchase (Destiny, Taken King, Destiny 2, etc). Would this money and the live team support basically free content throughout the year that is similar to the prior DLCs (TDB and HoW)? I think many here can get on board with purchasing social and appearance items. Not all, but many of us can. I don't mind it. I love the game, warts and all. I've had more fun playing Destiny than bad, and I enjoy it more than my other games (Sure, call me names, I'm a big boy). I have no problem support it, as long as I know that my support is going towards the good of Destiny. I think I could even stomach things like focused light and sparks of light being sold for real money. As they are convenience items and do nothing but allow for people to do some tedious stuff faster. Honestly, I think there is a rather large amount of over reaction to data mined items and to the mistakes made by other games. I do find the time that people put into this game that they consider labor to be laughable. It's a game, it's fun, not work! The only people who should are the folks who get paid for this stuff - youtubers, streamers, testers, etc. Also, this talk of real money affecting ingame status, isn't that what DLCs have done? Like if you only had vanilla and Omnighoul or Taniks came up (prior to TTK)? Or like all the folks who still haven't bought TTK? As I wind down, I would ask everyone who'se angry and going to file a law suit (I swear, I'll actually do it this time forums!) to take a deep breath. Bungie and Activision have a desire to see this game through, not watch it burn. Look at ALL the PR this game gets in the form of articles, pod casts, community events and groups....there is an incredible media machine around this game. I seriously doubt that they are going to allow it to fall into the gross pay to win (Guns, Armor, Three of Coins, Mouldering Shards, etc). That would destroy the community, ruin any good will the game had, and lots of us would give our discs back, delete the game, and move on to something else. Personally, I wouldn't let it happen on my watch. Now, if I'm wrong, I'll happily leave with my memories of a fun game at the time. I won't post here because no one will care.

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                            • If you believe Puke Smith will be held accountable for anything he says, I have a magical terd I'd like to sell you right here in my pocket that makes your dreams come true if you smear it all over your face.

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                              5 Replies
                              • "Do not plan" is vastly different from "We will never."

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                              • So much butt hurt in one post. You are like the nerdy Mel Gibson from Conspiracy Theory with more grammatical errors. Your run on sentences make me cringe.

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