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10/7/2015 6:32:29 PM

Destiny is going to die without ranked playlists / Custom Lobbies

There is no easy way to say it... This game has so much potential, but without a way to track growth, or provide competitive goals to aspire to, Destiny is going to fall apart.

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  • Agreed. It boggles the mind why the PvP side of this game does not have proper in-game leaderboards or ranking/stat tracking. The crucible is a brilliantly original take on MP and could easily become properly competitive. Maybe come Destiny 2 things will change.

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    2 Replies
    • Oh no...unless the game gets custom lobbies for the smallest and most inconsequential part it, it's sales might be hurt! Whatever shall we do?

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      5 Replies
      • Edited by orthow: 10/8/2015 5:06:18 PM
        Yeah lets just keep pushing for more PVP .. that will kill the game. Guess the YouTubers are scrambling for content. Can only make so many Sniping Pub's videos before the content becomes stale.

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        3 Replies
        • I wish destiny was not just centered around all things pvp. But i can understand why it is as well... :/

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          6 Replies
          • "Competitive". "Destiny". Ha... hahaa.. BWAHAHAHAHA!

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          • Agreed 100%, PvE can only keep people busy for so long

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            28 Replies
            • It's called

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            • K[b][/b]

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            • Bump

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            • I would love ranked PvP. To the people who complain about try hards, if you're going to do something why not be the best at it?

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            • No it won't. Especially considering Crucible is not what most people play Destiny for. You mentioned that yet still pressed on that Destiny will die. Here's why it won't. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare tried out skill-based matchmaking and the vast majority of the community hated that as most of the time they would get one or two kills per life. Call of Duty had lost it's fun factor and as a result in comparison to previous iterations it's multiplayer was barren. This caused Activision to actually remove number which showed how many players were on at any one time. As I said, you mentioned but failed to mention address the fact that most people don't play Destiny competitively; they play it casually - or as I like to put it: for fun. People like you are in the minority and therefore Destiny won't die if people like you leave. Saying that it will just makes you sound desperate.

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              10 Replies
              • I'm all for it. I can play and just have fun. Sweaty tryhards can go play some were else because they red better than me. So they should play against better players. Me and the scrubs will stick to regular crucible

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              • Ranked would be nice. Give all the casual peasants their own lobbies to piddle around in while folks like myself who actually want to play competitively can do so without being dragged down by scrubs. I also personally feel like they should just ditch or remodel iron banner and make it the norm for ranked (along with Inferno modifiers). Custom lobbies would also be really nice. There have been times where my friends, who generally don't like Crucible too much, would have loved to just have a small interpersonal fight for funsies but we can't do that. And honestly, coming from the creators of Halo (and forge mode) it's not only surprising but disappointing, borderline unacceptable really. Reach was amazing for those features, they even went so far as to put in community made maps inot the official map pools and I for one loved Arena slayer (Reach also had a nice feature that would detect a crappy host and automatially select the next best connection).

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              • Destiny. Needs. Killstreaks.

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                9 Replies
                • Yes please

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                • If you want to be the best at something the very first thing you have do is tun off Xbox/PlayStation. Then get job and then work hard. Sorry man but this is a game. Try hards are what ruin the experience for alot of people. Let's not enable them by giving them a special try hard land and rank. Hopefully they will go elsewhere. Just look at trials and ib. Try hard laag heaven.

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                  8 Replies
                  • This is true in regards to the competitive vibe. Halo 3 ranks were almost perfect. They had some brokenness since you could boost, but having the visible ranking system was very motivating and kept me playing the PvP playlist for 6 straight years. Right now I only go into Destiny PvP for the Legendary Marks.

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                    1 Reply
                    • Since so many people are overwhelmed by in its bloody, current for maybe the crucible can be redesigned where guardians all join each other for group songs by the piano and engage im rousing parlor games. At the end we all get legendary marks and hot cocoa.

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                      3 Replies
                      • Ugh, I think ranked anything kills games. The PvP they have now is fine. You wanna aspire to something? Go dance at the lighthouse once trials comes back.

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                        2 Replies
                        • If you want COD then go to COD and take your scrub ass PvP try hard shit with you. Here's a better idea. Completely remove loot and rewards from PvP.

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                          16 Replies
                          • Bump

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                          • Bump, ranked playlists would make this game so so much better

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                            1 Reply
                            • Wouldn't it have fallen apart by now if this was true?

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                            • Private matches wouldn't only make the player base happy, it would make Bungie and Activision happy as well. Private matches = tournaments tournaments = exposure exposure = advertisements advertisements = revenue revenue = free content for players free content for players = happy consumers happy consumers = thriving business thriving business = room for growth room for growth = endless possibilities

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                            • It'll come. Gotta see what next week's iron banner brings.

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                            • I agree 100 percent

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