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10/7/2015 6:32:29 PM

Destiny is going to die without ranked playlists / Custom Lobbies

There is no easy way to say it... This game has so much potential, but without a way to track growth, or provide competitive goals to aspire to, Destiny is going to fall apart.

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  • Custom games would be fun so many of my friends were talking about playing mayhem rumble against each other or even a 3v3 elimination that would be amazing

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  • Just because a game isn't like cod doesn't mean it will die out. Destiny is here to stay.

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    6 Replies
    • Destiny's PvP is the least played activity in Destiny! And there's a reason most of us stopped playing! 1. Given dissapointing rewards after a match. 2. Joining late games where you are losing. 3. Losing tremendously. When I say tremendously, I mean like 3000-20000. 4. Winning tremendously. Winning by a landslide can cause good players to feel.....bored! 5. Not having the ability to host custom games. Therefore, no scrimmages or sweaties. Reasons to fix this: Destiny's PvP is so bad in its current state that eventually, Destiny will die. Yes. Players want to feel growth in the game! We don't want to just play for nothing. The feeling that you feel when you are in a team of below average players and going against a team of top tier players is just depressing and makes the meta unfair and unstable. How to fix this: 1. Ranked matches. Sounds like the Call of Duty days. Each player has a rank. So good players can go against good players and below average players can go against below average players. And when you get better, you can go up in the ranks! This lets us feel the growth of our skills. It lets us have that competitive feeling. Feelings such as: "Hmm, that guy seems really good and high ranked! I want to be like that!" And that makes us strive to play the game. 2. Custom lobbies. Custom lobbies=Tournaments, Scrimmages, Sweaties, competiton. Games like League of Legends, Halo 3 and Call of Duty have the option of custom lobbies! And this opens up a whole new experience! This gives us the options to hold tournaments! And we can go against each other to hone our skills. So Bungie, please really take a look and think about this. Destiny will die sooner than you think if we don't take notice to things like this. Hope you guys can share it around and hopefully, we can make something happen. Thank you for taking the time to read this.[/quote]

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      • Hello guys. I see you have come across my thread, if you looked for someone complaining about something, you can leave now. Not here for that guys. I am actually asking for help. I just started a [b][i]Twitch[/i][/b] account and am going to start streaming either early this morning, or sometime within the day. Now, this is where you guys or should i say, Guardians, come in. I know you guys probably already watch some of the best streamers out there. Such as [b][i]Goth, Triple, Broman, etc..[/i][/b] I, myself, just wanna get in touch with the community of [b][i]Destiny[/i][/b] or [b][i]Bungie[/i][/b] if you prefer that instead. You guys can stop by, hangout, chill, and even have some fun along the way. I'm not gonna be one of those dick streamers who is just doing this for [b]Fame[/b] or attention or just to be known, i wanna meet people and have a good time while doing it. [b][u]Things You Will See On The Stream:[/u][/b] [b][i]-Crucible (Trials, Iron Banner, etc.. with, and without viewers.) -Raids (Kings Fall, Crota's End, Vault of Glass, with and without viewers.) -Weekly Resets. -Quest Runs. -Bounty Completions. -Fun Times. -Raging (Jokingly and Seriously.)[/i][/b] As well as a lot more to come within the years of the [b]Destiny Franchise.[/b]I hope you see you guys there, and have a lot of fun and get to know you guys. My information will be listed below, and i guess this will be the end of my post. Thank you to anyone who comes by to have a good time as well as support me. It is [b]greatly appreciated.[/b] [b][i]Disclaimer: I do NOT want any donations, nor would any be accepted. Maybe sometime in the near future, but as of now, any donations will be turned out. As I am in this for my own love for gaming, and to have fun. -Solace.[/i][/b] [b]Twitch Account: [][/b] [b][i]*Streaming Now*[/i][/b]

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      • Destiny has survived longer than most games I'm pretty sure it's not going to die for a long time

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        13 Replies
        • So many stupid people in the world..stop breeding

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          7 Replies
          • Mtashed makes yet another forum appearance. I'm subbed to u mike just wanna say keep up the good work and I'm liking the humorous videos :p

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          • True

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          • It's funny how you can still go x-amount man fireteam and go against solo players

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          • The only "growth" you will ever see by bungie is more crucible maps

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          • Mtashed is awesome I agree 100%

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          • Bump

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          • Edited by Enochua: 10/9/2015 6:38:32 AM
            I would like to open a conversation to seriously discuss the bullet magnetism in destiny. I realize in a fps that aim assist is something that makes gun fights on consoles easier to manage and is necessary to make gun fights flow smoothly. But the bullet magnetism in destiny makes it hard to effectively strafe and or use corners and cover to make people miss. Its a skill that I acquired in the halo games and in COD. I am also aware that lag plays a roll in negative and positive hit makers but when everyone is showing green bars and im in a gun fight and trying to use a corner and or cover to strafe incoming fire and I am clearly no longer in their line of sight of an enemy and die from their shots, it is ridiculous. it takes out any skill advantage that anyone may have and plays into the advantage of non skilled players. I am also aware that in a fps these days they all suffer from lag compensation and needs to go the way of the dodo. please bungie take out bullet magnetism and lag comp for the sake of skilled players in destiny 2 and or fix it in a update. fingers crossed

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            • Lol

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            • Edited by FlandreScarlette: 10/9/2015 2:39:25 AM
              Except, Bungie is already WELL aware of the demand for playlists, they have already mentioned a list of things they are aware of and "might fix" . Screw them. We should be able to have custom lobbies, ranked lists (granted, teams also affect your ranked position and can/will screw you up the ass), access to all game modes (with the exceptions of IB and ToO) at all times, and the ability to be able to play those game types on the various maps in the expansions. 3 days in, and I already quit crucible because the maps were just Memento and Vertigo all day. Such simple things they could add in! No reason not to! I just...don't understand... Shotguns, terrible rewards, losing winnings, and DUDE the SPAWNS. The spawns are CoD level. You make a lot of valid points on the ranked playlists; I was only considering customs, but that works too. Someone understands competition, nice. Bungie has insanely lost my respect with the lack of playlists and good servers. They just don't understand how much money they could make with tournaments and the like. Also! The money they could make by making an actually good product that attracts players is something they don't even consider. I watched a couple of LoL championship games, and damn, that made me want to play their game. And it's free! Bungie could make some serious money with tournaments for a game that costs $60. Servers and core things like good spawns, rewards, etc, are not difficult things to fix. Yet another thing that bugs me. LoL did it in what...a month or so? And gave free EXP to everyone during the time they got put up? And LoL has 30 million+ players AND is a free to play game? Bungie is all about making the quick buck by conning people, they really are. If only they realized how much more money they could make in the long run and started doing business more intelligently. And maybe not with Activision xD EDIT: Seriously, PvP is only a "minority" because it freaking sucks right now. Plenty of games have started terribly, fixed the loose ends, and saved themselves from what would be a failure. PvE is incredibly lackluster atm, so I like to be able to head to PvP for my excitement and adventure. Fixing the numerous issues in PvP would attract people back, and stop making PvP the "minority". Heck, if they start promoting tournaments, that will attract even more people, and the ad revenue would feed Bungie's wallet more than all the suckers buying Emotes next week.

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              3 Replies
              • [quote]There is no easy way to say it... This game has so much potential,, Destiny is has fallen apart.[/quote] No it doesn't,and if people are still convinced bungie can offer up anything better they're delusional. TTK was a failure to me,and the micro transactions were the final straw

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                • It hasn't done those things... Yet TTK was the most sold item on the ps store... Hmmm

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                  • Edited by Calculated: 10/9/2015 12:20:15 AM
                    Bungie [b]was[/b] known for creating Halo, the original FPS that people played on LAN and binged custom games in. I fear that they don't focus as much on PvP in Destiny because it will [i]always be compared to[/i] the PvP experience from the Halo games they've made. This saddens me. I absolutely love the Halo franchise and I greatly enjoy the PvP experience in Destiny, as well. When Halo 5, Black Ops 3, and even Star Wars Battlefront are released I believe a majority of PvP players will be switching over to those games because the time spent playing will just feel so much more rewarding. The 2.0 patch for Crucible was great, but that better just be the start for more things to come. They need to completely revamp Crucible if they don't want to lose some of player base. I've spent nearly 1000 hours on Destiny over the past year and if something doesn't change PvP wise then I may begrudgingly move on to Halo 5. And so will a lot of other people. PLZ BUNGEE listen to our cries! :( Edit: And fix the Blam! - ing lag too. Thank you!

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                    • Destiny is going to die with titans in pvp. The pvp in the game is -blam!-ing trash now and is in no way fair to any other class with titan supers around. You can literally do nothing but sit back and watch yourself die.

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                      5 Replies
                      • Custom lobbies? Fine. Ranked play? No. That's -blam!-ing stupid. Considering how much they'd need to ban, rebalance, tweak and fix still makes it impossible for Ranked to be viable.

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                      • Edited by Fal Chavam: 10/9/2015 1:56:21 AM
                        No it won't. It's still got PvE. Raids 'n such. Even then if you want a challenge play trials or iron banner. Remember, not all games have to rely on PvP to keep going.

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                      • Destiny is going to die if it becomes pay2win

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                      • Ranked play at least it's not that hard.

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                      • I vote custom lobbies for ALL pvp FPS games. Rainbow 6 and Battlefield knew what makes a good pvp environment. Bungie learn to adapt please xD

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                      • People have been saying this since launch........yet here we are

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                        • Couldn't agree with you more. I hail from fighting game communities, the same rule applies. Bungie is putting more pressure than they need to to grow the game. Having things such as private lobbies allows players to host tourneys, CB's, streamed sparring, and much more. The players have the ability to help grow the game into something great and I honestly feel Bungie is robbing us of that right.

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