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6/3/2005 11:19:37 PM

Weekly What's Update

With lots of help from Sketch, we bring you a brief look into the inner workings of the Halo community. Find out what's on people's minds, and what we're doing to soothe their fears. And see some ugly art.

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  • FRANKIE PLZ ANSEWER THIS. #1in halo2 theis a yellow warthog picture in headlong is the reason you did not put it in the game is because you did not have time will it be in 3 or is that clasifed? #2 i will awlays rember this line {game play has inproved with the new update} right have they played it for a long time.this stupid battle rifle sucks.beaver creek i miss my plasma and my dad play every day are stats are pretty good level 20 21 as of now in team slayer any how why could you not due somthing else like take the spefic guns out. in the new update plz tell me you have fixed it :( . #3 will there be vechile downloads? #4what would mastercheif look like in a pimped out warthog? thanks frankie

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  • Cool. Now how are you going to convince Ske7ch and Shishka to set their handicap to servere so you actually have a chance of beating them?

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  • Good update this week and that bit about making a Master cheif car on forza is a pritty kool idea i think.

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  • QUESTION: You know when you get like a running riot or a rampage or what not, then some loser decides to absolutely ruin your fun by killing you to end, the message appears you have just ended "joe's" KILLING SPREE, when in fact "joe" had a running riot + above spree instead of a "cheap" reg killing spree. So my question is, are you guys fixing this because i would like "joe" (myself) to be more acurate on my killings then say oh...5 kills...when in fact i would really had 10....15...heck even 20...not this cheap 5... So it would say "you have just ended joe's running riot" iuno...would be cool...AND TAKE OFF THAT BANSHEE ON TEAM RIFLES!!!..::coughs:: good update.

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  • this is for all of the people that are complaning about glitchs and auto aim stop complaning why dont you become a glitcher and fight fire with fire in this case glitching and glitching I am a pro glitcher but I dont use it in matchmaking so this is my advice become a glitcher if you want help my gt is my sig one other thing stop complaning about standby it is not going to stop you think it will with baning there is all ways a back door my friend and once again if you want to become a good glitcher I know the perfect website I will not tell you here thow if bungie knew they would sue and make sure it gets rid of some how if you want the site pm me I have probably said to much as it is btw this site gets at least five new glitchs a day one more thing bungie you thought you took out are dummy and rocket sword cancel you are wrong you might have stopped it for a while today a matter of fact I found out how to dummy again and as for the rocket glitch we got that back with in three weeks all you did was make it harder I also cant wait to see what these new maps bring us of glitching the same day the maps came we found out how to get out of containment four different ways I know by saying all of this it makes me sound like I do it in match making but for the last time I dont if I did I would have tons of bad feed back and I also woudnt be a 15 I would be a 40 that is all I have to say [Edited on 6/3/2005]

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  • 3 blodes were trying to decide how to get across a lake. they each had one wish each on how to get accross the lake. the fist blonde wished for a boat. so she got on and went accross the water. the second one wished she could have a raft so she went accross. the 3rd one wished to be a brunet so she walked across the bridge [Edited on 6/3/2005]

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  • I noticed something odd while I was playing matchmaking today. I would be clear on the other side of the map when a teammate would die, and he said the "Press X to Eject Player" would show up, and it was me. In other words, somehow, I'm betraying teammates without going near them once. That has had me kicked from several games so far. Any idea?

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  • The use of the words "Hitler" and "religion" in the same thought is the most insane and frightening thing I've ever heard. Screw them for having a clan called all hail hitler and screw them again for boosting!!! Anyone who wants to claim prejustice can suck one. Yea, the world is a little prejustice toward Hitler and -blam!-s-they tried to erradicate an entire race of people(who make kick ass deli meats and rockin' comedians) and murdered millions in their attempt to do so. As far as Halo 2 sucking, it does, but I also like playing online with my friends and Halo 2 just so happens to be where it's at with console online right now. As soon as something else comes along that's not Halo 2, I won't look back. Also, like I said, I'm still pissed that Bungis ruined one of my favorite things ever. If you don't agree that writing Halo 2 as if the books never happened was just thoughtless, then you're stupid.

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  • yo frankie, i know you cant and wont disclose whether there is a halo 3 or whatever, but for a while now youve been telling us how hard you've been working on the new project. when will you be able to tell us what it is and when it is due out? i realise that by releasing information, lets say hypothetically it is halo 3, then there would be major attempts at hackage, but a hint, or a date or SOMETHING?? thanks

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  • im afraid i hated that update

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  • Can Somebody tell me if you can find out what rank you are in leaderboards cause I am curios at what I rank.

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  • Halo 2 sucks That is why i am on these forums and play it all the time. I like chess. My favorite hobbie is underwater basketweaving I also like extream pacman.

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  • hey, i was looking through the leaderboards for minor clan match because we lost our spot on the front page, and i noticed a lot of boosting clans, and i was hoping that bungie could remove them from the leader boards so we can be on the first page again. Some that i found are, All Hail Hitl3r, I perfection I, LL Fire Arms LL, XI F4LL3N Ix, R3L04D 2 UNLO4D, Currupted Soul, I Team Marvel I, and Toasters Inc. Thanks A Lot

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  • What will happen to team preview when all the maps are released??

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] MasterBawney121 May I ask why the clan "All Hail Hitler" is still on the leader boards? Are you people blind? How can you let a clan of that name exist? How can you let a clan that cheats exist? All of there games are a boost with the main boosting clan being the "SPQR". Bungie, you are sick creatures for allowing this clan to continue. I've finally lost faith in Bungie's ability to prevent cheating and abuse in Halo 2...[/quote] Well as much as there is wrong in hailing hitler, theres nothing wrong with liking a religion. If you took that off there might be the case of Prejudice aginst -blam!-s...then all the other happy religions would have to be banned to prevent some sort of lawsuit. Unless Bungie can fanagle the name into a symbol of hatred(Which it is) which case its not allowed by XBOXLIVE.

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  • Not such a good update, there have been worse...but not many.

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  • Bungie, perhaps you can restore my faith in you by visiting this page and discovering the truth... http://link/ il%20Hitl3r [Edited on 6/3/2005]

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  • May I ask why the clan "All Hail Hitler" is still on the leader boards? Are you people blind? How can you let a clan of that name exist? How can you let a clan that cheats exist? All of there games are a boost with the main boosting clan being the "SPQR". Bungie, you are sick creatures for allowing this clan to continue. I've finally lost faith in Bungie's ability to prevent cheating and abuse in Halo 2...

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  • Can you please fix the spawn point system? Because it will 40% of the time place me either in the middle of a map in a sniper game, or place me 2 feet from my rival, or better yet have a grenade appear right when i magically appear on ground. Thanks.

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  • nice update

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  • Official XBOX magazine had alot of pics of the new maps this month, and alot of details, too.

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  • If YOU don't like auto aim, YOU play Halo PC. You'd be crying if you had to play a console FPS without auto aim. The fact that players can't mod on their personal games is stupid, but the extent of the infraction is simply ludacris. Bungie can't get involved in "Good Overlord vs. Bad Overlord" but they think it's cool to ban people for modding even if they aren't doing it on live at all. Yea, that's stupid. But I guess it's not as stupid as OKing books based on your blockbuster game and then writting the script for the sequel as if those books never existed. Now THERE'S a f@*k up!

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  • i played a team training game and it was called slayer "pro". is this major league gamer(it seems like it) because if it is i want it to show up on team slayer playlists because it was as fun as beating down someone weilding a sword while their are staring at you. [Edited on 6/4/2005]

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  • does anybody know where i can find pictures of the new maps that r coming out?

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  • Bungie can you please show us some more pictures of those new maps. What do you call a blonde skeleton in the closet? Last year's hide and seek champion! If you want to see some pictures of four of the five new maps go to: 98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this into your signature. ...[]....[]...[]...[]...[][][]....[][][][]... ...[][][][]..[][]..[]...[]..[].....[]..[].... ...[]....[].[]..[].[][].[][][]....[][][][]... [Edited on 6/4/2005]

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  • hey if people like mods well go play halo pc and get off the xbox. you guys got to fix the super jumps because there is one in almost every lvl(i cant find the one on beever creek). and on the new mpas try to make it so that there's no way for some one to get out of the lvl. the old assault rifle sucked and besides 2 smgs=1 old assault rifle( besides they already announced not putting in new guns or bringing back the old). make the PP charge shot weaker because if its weaker there's no more cheap noob combos. take away the auto aim, if some one cant aim a retinal at some one just doesnt mean you baby sit them and give them a hand let them do it by themselves (most sniperes who get headshots aint skill but the auto aim givin them a hand). the maps dont come out in 2 days they come out July 5th not june. Where's the new pics of the maps? my friend got a xbox magazine it has pics of all the new lvls and the people demand it so give the people what they want and we want the pics, come on. and i agree that this update was pretty weak, i knew most of the things that you mentioned today and im actually dissapointed Franky :(

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