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Edited by Snarkii: 10/8/2015 5:09:44 AM

The Lives of Three Classes: Take 15 {D.R.A.M.A}

The feels are real...






[b]D[/b]ramatic, [b]R[/b]adically [b]A[/b]mazing [b]M[/b]isconceptions [b]A[/b]pparent [spoiler]Oh yeah, and normal drama too.[/spoiler] [quote]Missed the previous Take? No worries: (Take 14) (Snark's ☆.。.:*・°☆future☆.。.:*・°☆ Stories)[/quote] [quote][b]If you want to be kept up to date on my new Takes, just follow #gotclass! It's much, much, much easier than me trying to hunt you guys down.[/b][/quote] [b]Meet the Team... [I]Fire[/i]team[/b] [b]Warlock[/b] Awoken, Female Apple juice [b]Hunter[/b] Human, Male Orange juice [b]Titan[/b] Exo, Male "LEMONADE~!" [b]GUEST GUARDIAN[/b] [b]Rush "Deadeye" Falzone[/b] Hunter Human, Male Pomegranate juice... [quote]Rush belongs to Fiji and his fanfiction "Guardian Down". Guardian Down Table of Contents:[/quote] ________ "Alright, Hunt, how much farther to Venus...?" Rush asked. "About a few minutes... Or seconds..." Hunt answered. "I didn't ask that." "Pardon?" "I asked how much [i]farther[/i] to Venus." Hunt didn't reply. "Heh, why're you so quiet?" "...That's none of your business." "You mean you don't know?" "Ju... Just keep your eyes on the wheel, Rush..." "Right, right." Rush chuckled, nodding at his Ghost as he pressed a button amongst others on the ship's control panel. "So, Warlock," Rush started, "What exactly are we doing at Venus?" "Ikora Rey needs us to go inside the Ishtar Academy to dispose of Sekrion..." She replied, holding onto the wheel of her jumpship. "It should be a simple mission..." "Alright, got it..." Rush nodded before pressing the button once again to turn off communications. Going back to Venus... It brought back some memories of his own team. His own friends. Dennis... Emilia... ...[i]Emmy[/i]... ____________________ The Hunter reclined back in the pilot's seat of his Jumpship, thinking. He had definitely mellowed out since he and the Titan had found out the Warlock was a female. Did he like it? [b]No[/b]. He felt soft. Like he could get his feelings hurt easily, unlike before. [i]Why does it freakin' matter?[/i] the Hunter questioned himself mentally. It [i]shouldn't[/i] matter, he shouldn't be getting upset over the Titan talking to the Warlock. Or how the Titan wasn't paying the Hunter any mind, anymore... Or how... He was practically by himself, now. [b]Again[/b]... ____________________ The Warlock eyed the buttons on the control panel of her Jumpship, debating whether or not she should tap into the Hunter's communications. She [i]wanted[/i] to talk to him, there was so much she had to say. But ever since she revealed her gender, she and the Hunter hadn't been on the same terms, which [i]should[/i] have been normal. But this was different kind of "not getting along"; it was awkward. Before she revealed her gender, at least they could semi-work together, but now they would hardly talk to each other. She sighed, planting her head on the steering wheel. "I'm such a fool-- GUH!" She had planted her head onto the wheel too hard, and made the Jumpship honk, scaring herself. Hand on her chest, she takes a few, quick breaths. "Wh-why do I even [i]have[/i] that?!" ____________________ The Titan looked out the window of his Jumpship. It was pretty hard to stare at anything in awe, considering they were traveling at hyperspeed. But the Titan's mind was occupied with plans, so he really didn't care. "Okay, let's see..." He said to himself. "Make the Warlock feel welcome and at home again, check." He was checking off a list of things he had assigned himself to do. "Give Rush another hug, minus Rush running away, double check!" He continued to list off things he had to do. "Help the Warlock around the base, check." "Give the Warlock a massage, check." "Help the Hunter with target practice, uncheck." "Help the Hunter pick out those cloaks I promised I'd help him out with, uncheck." "Do a few Crucible matches with the Hunter like I'd promised, unche--" He stopped himself, starting to notice a pattern. Was he neglecting the Hunter...? The Titan couldn't help but sputter a laugh at this [i]ridiculous[/i] idea. "Nahhh!" ____________________ The Fireteam soon set foot on Venus, near the Ishtar Academy, a few feet away from the crossfire between the Vex and Fallen. The Warlock stood in front of the team and turned to look at them. "Is everyone prepared...?" The Titan nodded. "Ready!" Rush raised his Hand Cannon, signalling he was ready. The other Hunter sighed before nodding. "Ready." The Warlock nodded, before turning around to face the field. "Then let us press on, we won't involve ourselves with the enemies outside of the Academy." The others nodded and running into the field and into the crossfire, the Fireteam made a quick break towards the Academy. The Titan and the Hunter shot at the stomachs of the Hobgoblins that guarded the Academy while Rush and the Warlock hurried onward. Both Hobgoblins fell with a thud, splattering their sticky white stomach juices onto both the Titan and Hunter's armor. "Blegh..." The Titan shuddered with disgust, wiping some of the white goo off of his armor. "This isn't gonna wash out..." "Bet you won't lick it..." The Hunter dared. "Bet I will!" The Titan said, about to take off his helmet, but he was interrupted by a ticked off individual... "Anytime would be nice!" The Warlock shouted to the both of them, standing near the entrance of the door with Rush. "Oh boy... Alright, comin' 'Lock!" The Hunter called back as he followed up with the Warlock and Rush, leaving the Titan standing there, watching the three go on ahead. "Huh..." The Titan said to himself, examining the goo on his armored arm. Moving a finger across his arm, the Titan watched the slimy bridge of [i]something[/i] drip from his finger. "Wonder what it tastes like..." ____________________ The other three were inside of the Academy, finishing off the last Servitor and Fallen. The Warlock, stepping over a large chunk of the Servitor near the stairs, looked around. "Where is the Titan...?" She questioned both Rush and the Hunter. "I don't know..." The Hunter shrugged. "Me neither, sorry..." Rush answered, shaking his head and shrugging. "Ugh..." The Warlock groaned irritably. [i]Why[/i] couldn't she keep track of her teammates? "I'll go look for him..." She declared, about to leave from the two. "Wait!" The Hunter said, taking the Warlock's shoulder lightly. "What...?" The Warlock asked, turning her head to look at the Hunter. "What is it, Hunter?" "Uhh...." The Hunter said blankly. Yep, he wasn't going to say anything... "Becaaaauuuuse, you have to... Watch us...?" He pathetically answered. The Warlock frowned under her helmet, sighing. "Hunter I don't have time for thi--" The Warlock was interrupted by the sound of groaning. The Warlock turned her head, to see the Titan finally entering the Academy, holding his stomach. "Titan!" The Warlock said, running towards the Titan. "Are you okay? What's wrong?" "Bleh... I..." The Titan began, obviously feeling very sick. "I don't think that Vex stuff is good f-for you..." "Wait-- You actually [i]ate[/i] the stuff?!" The Hunter said aloud, surprised. "What the heck were you thinking, man?!" "Hunter!" The Warlock said in a scolding manner, holding the Titan. "You just go along with Rush, [i]I'll[/i] take care of the Titan." The Hunter growled under his breath. "For crying out loud..." He muttered under his breath, before walking up the stairs. Rush looked at the Warlock and Titan one more time before following the Hunter. "What was that all about...?" Rush inquired as he continued to follow the Hunter. "Just the Warlock giving the Titan [i]totally[/i] necessary TLC~..." The Hunter said, making gooshy baby talk when he says "TLC". Rush frowned slightly. This was going to be a long mission... [quote]Take 16... Nifty! (Nailed iiiiit!):[/quote]

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