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5/27/2005 10:02:32 PM

Weekly What's update

Here we go - answering all your questions. This week we cheated and got all of our questions from the HBO forums, because ours were busted. The HBO crowd is a classy, curious lot, as you'll see inside.

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  • I have a question about feedback being left just because you beat someone badly. For instance, one time I was playing two vs two on midship and my team won like 30-4 and the other team said we used teleportation just becaused they got rocked. Then a couple of times some of my teammates were trashtalking when we won bad so the other team said they would leave feedback. I asked why on me and they said because I'm on the team that trash talked even though I didn't. Is there a way that I may lose my xbox live because of that?

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  • [Image Removed] copy and paste this [Edited on 6/2/2005]

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  • Will Halo 2 ever be made for the PC? I sold my Xbox and the only game I actually miss for it is Halo 2. I mean you guys made Halo 1 for PC so it only makes sense.

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  • i just feel like typing somrthing

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  • When will Bungie fix the imbalances between Spartans and Elites? You know what I'm talking about. Spartans melee faster with the SMG, plasma rifle, needler, battle rifle, and shotgun. Also, it's easier for Spartans to grab the active camo on Warlock. They can just walk into it, while Elites have to jump and turn sideways. And another thing is that Spartans board Ghosts faster; they just hop right into the driver's seat while Elites feel the need to stand on the hood for a second and give lots of time for the driver to jump out and shoot them. The ONLY thing Elites have going for them right now is that it's almost impossible to shoot one in the head from behind. This is balanced out by the fact that Elites are slightly wider, though. And what would Mister Chief look like naked?

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  • anybody know where i can get quality pics of the new halo 2 maps such as Relic or Terminal? PS hi brian

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  • first of all the plasma pistol u hav a point with because that is a good idea to only have one charge into it. secondly you r also right about the peons. that is kinda -blam!- that if u have three peons on at the same time u can just go and play and ruin the clans record. thirdly it would be cool to take auto aim off bc then it would make the true snipers show bc most of the snipers on halo2 rely mostly on the fact that there is Autoaim. all of this is directed to masterbrawneys posts.

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  • I noticed from day one of halo 2 that there is autoaim, i was wondering if it could be toned down or even removed for sniping. Most players can be decent, not amazing, but decent with the sniper because of the autoaim. Without autoaim sniping it would make sniping a true art of attack. Wouldn't tht be cool?

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  • I think that peons in clans should not be able to play clan matches unless an overlord or staff is present in the room.

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  • Whyd u make the plasma pistol? this is a serious question. I'll asumme it was made to counter the overshield but then tht defeats the purpose of an overshield if the pistol takes it down so easily. perhaps you should make the plasma pistol good for only one charghe. This eliminates the "noob combo" and if its purpose is Overshield take down, it still serves its purpose.

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  • well i am not german

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  • This is outraeous Ledzeppelin18 is on my friends list and i used to be in all hail hitl3r but then i left cuz i got put down to peon from staff it is wierd of how i got my clan to 18 leegit and he cant and he has better players in it

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  • I agree with the Jewish dude I'm German and let me tell you I am not one of hitlers biggest fans.

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  • Sorry for posting the same thing twice but the first took like 5 min to appear and I'm a very impatient person so I wrote it again.

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  • How come in big team battle all I get is assault on waterworks or headlong?

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  • I used to play ALOT of big team battle but since all I'be been getting lately is assault on headlong or waterworks I don't play much of it anymore. My question is, how come I have next to no variation when I play big team? [Edited on 6/2/2005]

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  • The fact that the clan All Hail Hitl3r is still on the leader boards is OUTRAGEOUS. I DO NOT ASK I DEMAND THAT THERE CLAN BE BANNED FOR AN OFFENSIVE CLAN NAME. NOT ONLY IS IT THAT THE CLAN IS OFFENSIVE TO ME, THEY CHEAT! I LOOKED AT TWO PAGES OF THEIR GAMES AND EACH ONE WAS A BOOST. AS HUMAN BEINGS HAVE SOME CARE FOR THE JEWISH HALO 2 POPULATION AND BAN THESE RACISTS NOW! sorry about the caps but if you were Jewish (and maybe you are) would understand how offensive this name is...

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  • What would mister chief look like if he were half goat?

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  • Bungie, what in hells name were you smoking when you put in snipers on colossus. I don't mean to be a little -blam!- because I know your all doing your best but I have to say it is not very good on colossus Containment, coag waterworks and hedlong yes, but colossus NO! [Edited on 6/2/2005]

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  • I remember something about the fuel rod gun not going into multiplayer because of it causing the frame rate to go down. Would there be a way to make a patch available on the xbox 360 to allow the fuel rod gun because the xbox 360 could definately handle it? When the xbox 360 comes out, I am going to want to play Halo 2 on it still, but will I be able to transfer my current game and profiles from my old xbox to the knew one. And, what would mister chief look like if he was getting ready for the annual bungie pentathlon?

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  • if ur talking about the 9 map expantion set (i may be wrong ) iv seen them at game stop

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  • I've been wondering about bots, I was hoping that they would be on Halo 2 but obviously that didn't happen. I think that playing against bots would be a lot more fun than most of the team training games and that's what I play the most since I always have a guest. So I was just wondering if you have any comments on Halo 3 and bots.

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  • ive said my last post in just about every weekly update since the gameplay update. 1-10 of july. i cant remember. [Edited on 6/2/2005]

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  • When is the Halo 2 expansion pack hitting the shelves?

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  • what the hell is wrong with u bungie? take banshee of acsension on slayer games and fix the superjump bull-blam!-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! people just get the sniper and get ontop of the wheel or base on zanzibar and freaking pwn u with the sniper and u cant do anything aboub it. u said the lvls are to get the players with the same skill to play together right? well how are u going to do that if some newb that doesnt know that u can dual wield gains team slayer lvls from superjumping and banshee using on team rifles and crap? other annoying things are burial mounds(good for skirmish) and colossus and freaking -blam!- foundation. those maps are horrible for team slayer. burial mounds is -blam!- in every possible way for slayer, colossus is who ever spawns closer to the sniper wins the game, foundation is with 2 rockets with no way to counter them. sure u can have all 4 ppl on your team battle rifle and smg the rocket guy at once. but then one of his teammates can just toss 4 overpowered frag grenades and get a killltacular. warlock isnt very great either. its not as bad as the other 3 maps i mentioned. on warlock u just get spawn killed when the other team has more than 1 battle rifle. and warlock is designed so that u just need to toss a few grenades and all the enemies would die. camouflage(spelled wrong) is stupid on warlock, how about overshield or nothing. warlock is so dark thats its already very hard to see the blue team. the beam rifle is gone!!!! only on headlong, colossus(only skirmish games), burial mounds. i think its really anoying that who ever gets host will pwn with the shotgun. i hate blasting 12 wholes in my enemy from really close range and he doesnt die. cant u fix that? by the way is it normal that when i throw a plasma grenade and it hits my enemies gun it bounces of the gun and doesnt stick and kill him? happens to me a lot. i think u should take rockets of every single map that doesnt have a vehicle. foundation, ivory tower........

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  • thers no way not to,it just means that your saying somthin

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