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9/30/2015 9:07:48 AM

-blam!- you bungie

I have been an avid player since day 1 year 1. I have always suffered the ridiculous RNG drops I got because they at least made sense. Ive ran every strike, raid, story, patrol, etc multiple times and never been shafted like this time. I just spent the last 4 hours grinding with a team to beat oryx. Last week, I received a helmet, emvlem, and 2 guns. This week, I received 2 molderings shards. That's it. 2 MOLDERING SHARDS. VoG and Crota never did me that dirty, despite the same loot multiple times. I just beat the hardest end game content after hours of hard work and frustration to receive nothing. Screw you bungie, I'm done with destiny and done with your games.
#done #complaint

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