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Edited by The Jacket: 9/26/2015 11:51:26 AM

Warning: This post is solely meant for complaining about the stupid Crucible so I can relieve stress and feel a little better about how much I hate everyone that plays it

I hate Crucible so much. Not the concept of the multiplayer, but the people that play it. I hate all of you. And don't just say "Don't play Crucible" because i would very much rather play PvE because it's actually fun. The ONLY reason I'm even playing Crucible is because of these stupid quests that I want off my quest log and the one for the Chaperone. However I can't even get these freaking quests done because the only thing you troglodytes ever use are shotguns, and nothing but. You all sprint and slide with shotguns, jump and blink with shotguns, hide around corners with shotguns, you start getting your asses beat you turn and high tail it out of there and hide. And when you're not using shotguns, you're using your super on 1 person just so you don't die instead of taking the loss. None of you play to have fun. You play to win and ruin the fun of others. And it very much pisses me off. So thank you all and have a nice day. Oh and burn in the deepest pits of hell, if you would be so kind To all of you calling me salty or a "whiny bitch", like the post says, i made this to feel better and so i wouldn't go mental and throw my game out the window. It's a thing called "venting". It's a beautiful thing that lowers stress. You should all try it. It comes in the form yelling, complaining, etc. And before those of you which i like te refer to as the "profile snoopers" start going on about how i have more kills with shotguns than any other thing, let me educate you. 1. EVERY SINGLE TIME i go to the crucible for any reason, i get pissed, and when i get pissed, i equip my "rage loadout" which includes 1 Invective and 1 Atheons Epilogue. 2. Whenever my nephews come over to visit, the little effers are so cute i let them play whatever they want on my Playstation and it's always Minecraft and destiny and when it's destiny, they play crucible and run shotguns and i bug them about it every time i come in to check on them

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  • I like pizza.

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    53 Replies
    • I suck at sniping so I use immobius. That gun blows. It is the retarded cousin that you are forced to talk to at family get togethers but you still find them oddly entertaining. It is everything I hate in a pvp shotgun and everything I love in a pve shotgun. My simple solution is to try and outplay the shotgunner. Incendiary grenade with simmering flames ftw. But shotguns are fine WITHOUT rangefinder. It should be patched out imo. It is a tier above any other perk for shotguns. It is a crutch. It is a perk which wins you fights you have no right to win. Like what final round used to be

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    • Crucible = bad, we need custom playlists with the ability to allow certain weapons , no supers , etc... ala Tier 1 Mayhem was actually more balanced because it played into what the game actually has become. Releasing Zone Control while everyone is doing their Last Word and Sword Quests wasn't a great idea.

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    • Looks like you're the one that plays to win and ruin the fun

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      • So you only use shotguns yet complain about shotguns?

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        2 Replies
        • You are the reason I use shotguns, so that I can feel your hatred seeping through my controller as I dance over your ghost. Your frustration and rage are the sweetest nectar. Thank You For Playing.

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          • We what else can I say accept debuff shotguns Naaaah I don't use them a lot I prefer sniping and supporting my team in the back but when I look at the radar and see someone charging towards me with a shotgun I get what I deserved for camping either that I kill them with last word xD

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          • My Complaints would probably sound similar to this guy except the real reason why my average 15 to 20 kills a match has dropped to lucky if i get even 5 kills is not because my opponents are just freakin good and i just suck at this game. Its because these lame sorry excuse for a competitor are cheating with there lag switching bull crap. Im sick and tierd of being put in these matches where i shotgun someone 4, 5, 6 times and they dont die. Or how about when i malee one of thesr cheaters 4, 5, 6, maybe even 7 times and they dont die. Or hit one of these cheaters dead on with a rocket anf they dont die. Or hitting someone with suros ragime with the whole magazine, almost all head shots stop reload get multiple more head shots and they dont die. Or how about fist of havoc right next to one of these cheater and they dont die. Just last night i was playing and hit one of these cheaters at least 6 times with the sword and didnt die. All these sanerios of corse end with these cheaters killing me. I cant be the only one coplaining about this. Or maybe im the only dummy with wifi and no lag switch. Its obvious these lames are using a lag switch. Any idiot can look up how to make a lag switch and it shows you step by step. I message these people and its always the same bull crap. They say oh im just good and you suck, or whats lag switch. I know damn well they are lieing and i also know damn well they are cheating and how they are cheating. Let me saying something to these lag switching cheating lames. You are not good at the game or you wouldn't be cheating. Also i am good at the game but my average 20 kills a game has dropped to a lucky if i get 5 kills because everyone and there snotty little brother is lag switching. Last night i messaged this cheater hey stop that lag switching and this jack off messaged back lol hahaha. Like ya hes a cheater and thinks its funny. I dont care about the camping around corners and slide slide and shotgunning or using a super on only one person. Yes i agree thats lame aswell but nothing makes me more mad than being beat by one of these lag switching cheaters. Knowing damn well youre better at the game than one of these cheaters. Bungie im sick of these cheaters and you need to stop this. I use to like crusible now it makes me sick and cant stand to play it. I hate that i cant complete these quests because every time i play crusible these cheaters seem to be in every match i play. I not know damn well id be finnished with the crusible quests already if these cheaters where unable to cheat. If bungie can investigate these matches and determine if someone is lag switching then whey cant you some how make it if you are detected lag switching you get removed from the match back into orbit or just bann them would be fine with me. Do something about these cheaters because im sick of it and i can't be the only one. I report these cheaters when i see it and its every time i play crusible but nothing seems to be done about it. Im sick of being frustrated about not being able to complete these quests when i know perfectly capable because of these cheaters. Im sick of it im sick of it im sick of it. Please do something about these cheaters because cheaters suck and your skills are none if you have to lag switch. And i am very good at crusible but it dont show. Why? Because i dont cheat? Thats bull crap. It seems like it doesn't matter whos good anymore to win in crusible its who cheats the best and to me thats bull crap.

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            4 Replies
            • If they all sprint and slides you should have been used to it by the time. Hipfire TLW kill them fast

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            • Edited by The Jacket: 9/29/2015 6:17:02 AM
              By the way, to those of you complaining about the "play to win" part of my bitching, let me reiterate as i may not have elaborated as apparently necessary. I did not mean that playing to win in general is bad. What i was REALLY bitching about was when people want to win SO BADLY that they can't even accept a loss, so when they're afraid that there's even a possibility of a loss, they end up pulling cheap ass, almost unfair tactics that take the fun out of the entire competition, only giving the people executing these tactics the illusion of fun, thinking it's fun only because it makes the text "YOUR TEAM WON" pop up on their screen. Now if you'll excuse me i need to dig through my phone to find the notifications settings, as i had to explain to my girlfriend why my phone has been beeping nearly constantly the past 3 days

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              • I honestly feel you I hated shotguns since day one, I actually play more crucible of this game than anything else, because it has potential, but since day one I thought shotguns were terrible for this game, the regular shotgun is not that bad, because it requires a shot and a melee to kill, but man Bungie keeps doing these terrible shotguns with range over the board, it seems they never learn, they already nerfed shotguns 2 or 3 times, but they keep creating Felwinter's Lie clones over and over again, first there was only Felwinters lie, Found Veredict and the occasional "Crash" shotgun, then after the DLC it came party crasher and matador 64, they had to nerf shotguns because of those, you would think they'll learn, but no, TTK came out and they added "The next big thing" (ironic I know) and conspiracy theory, I mean what the -blam!-?, they just don't get it? stop adding -blam!-ing shotguns with that -blam!-ing range.

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                2 Replies
                • What about sword handle beaters. Lol

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                  • ...

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                    • Git [spoiler]good[/spoiler]

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                      • Don't try so hard learn to just have fun in there and u will get better

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                        • I liked crucible. Then I got teabagged. At least Oryx never teabagged me after a humiliating loss.

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                        • The crucible really sucks sometimes. The hit detection in it is atrocious. I've seen sniper body shots not get counted, and this has been happening far more often than before 2.0. Hand cannons also seem to have terrible hit detection and the accuracy has been nerfed to hell. "Increased hit detection" my ass

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                          2 Replies
                          • You know what I discovered yday? I do much better in the "legacy pvp" mode. I barely hit 1.2 in the TTK crucible modes nowadays, but I had a few 2.5's last night in the old 3v3 playlist. The old maps favour aggressive sniping and my playstyle in general. Last game I took on an entire team all by myself. People kept coming and quiting on me, but I stayed. In the end had more kills than all 3 of my opponents combined. And I used a sniper and MIDA with bladedancer. And yes I hate everyone in pvp as well. P.S. I teabagged a guy at the end of my first match. He used a sword and a shotgun. When I shut him down with mida and blink evasion I bagged him. He sent me hate mail claming I suck and he still won. Next match I own him and his team (I joined late on the first match), he leaves 2 minutes before the end and still keeps msging me about how I suck. I love that :)

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                          • I read your post, disagree with it, but your opinion is your opinion. I really respect your honestly, though. I truly do. No satire or anything, your post was honest and up front. Lmfao. If you're on playstation 3, go ahead and add me, bro. I'll get you into my clan, we'll run some crucible, and I'll show you how to MAKE it fun. Trust me, my stats say I suck, but I'm a -blam!-ing blast to play with, man.

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                          • I feel your pain, -blam!- Bungie for forcing people into the crucible just for a damn quest..... -.-

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                          • Dude shotguns are in ever pvp cod battlefield halo and ect. You won't find a fps with pvp were shotguns are used now me I don't like thim eather and I hate thim to death that's why I run sniper alot of times because shotguns are only effective if there close to you so I use long and mid range guns to keep my distance and kill thim long before they get to me so try that

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                          • Edited by Digit eYEz: 9/28/2015 7:05:21 PM
                            "You play to win and ruin the fun of others. And it very much pisses me off." I solely play to lose, myself. Glad I'm not part of your rant.

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                          • One time I went into a Rift game and this noob was around 265 light And im bad at crucible, like REALLY bad But this kid was not only terrible, but he was a scumbag He would blink shotgun, invis shotgun, snipe shotgun, all the dirty tricks But he sucked at it The only kill he managed to get on me was when my red death was taking a surprisingly long time to reload, and he charged at me from around a corner Oh yeah, charging through bullets was another one of his hobbies -blam!-ing sniper would have no scoped him if it would switch fast enough... So anyways, you guys ever encounter a noob scumbag?

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                          • I was using the suros regime, stillpiercer (hunter legendary sniper) and a sword. In the end I had gotten 30 kills one carry but no capture and scored highest on the team and I got ...............pause for dramatic affect.................... a blue pulse rifle.

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                          • One of the best things to do when against the gap is make sure they don't close the gap. Whether backing up or just getting the height advantage on them. Or just use a fusion rifle and destroy

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                          • I hate crucible also but when Iron banner or trials comes then I will be giving my 100% but until then I won't give 100% in regular crucible. i play for the 15 Marks, Win/lose doesnt matter as long as I have them.

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