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Edited by Wikkedplay: 9/25/2015 11:43:39 AM

TTK Has made people selfish and greedy *highly unsatisfied*

I can't stand this. Back in the day VOG or crota we would run into some rude people kicking is out if we didn't have Gally or making us feel less blah blah. But this time it's worse. Not only have I lost my team to play with, they ditch me for whoever has more "light" or better weapons. Being ignored and turned down because you aren't 300 light or 290. Separating friends All because you want to be greedy. Not to mention I have yet to complete a raid, only pieces. I have been yelled at. Asked 100 times what light lvl I am? Then rejected because of it. People not banding together to play for fun anymore. It's taken Way to serious. No exotic drops for me yet. And I used tons of tree of coins. Besides All the disappointing things iv found within this bug we call a DLC when I actually got to defeat the war priest the game wouldn't Re spawn us.... None of us got to pick up outr engrams and the post master was empty af. My ratings - The idea of destiny: 10 Executing the idea of destiny 4 Dark below 4 House of wolves 6 TTK in itself 7.2 The way TTK handles 5 Bullet sponges still exist**** To many people excluding others**** A very large amount of enemies in small areas*** Bungies support in helping us 2 :-/ Lag*** Filled with glitches*** Xur still sucks*** Giving out year 1 weapons knowing we don't need them**** Exotic engrams dropping old gear*** Ghost voice is boring af*** Ghost dosent do much still*** These ratings aRe based from 1-10 Game over all rating 1-10 give it a 6.8 Though I feel the game is much better than before. With a mixture of broken Elements and servers I like strikes and farming and collecting weapons. But I'm very disappointed in the outcome. But I do like playing it. It's much better than the old game. It's just filled with problems. Tell me what you think about some of the things I touched base on. -wikked [spoiler]Fallout 4 will make up for this feeling :)[/spoiler]

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