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originally posted in:We Could Be Better
9/22/2015 10:13:13 PM

Kings Fall --- setup recommendations

Hello everyone, this last week Oryx has been released to be beaten by any guardians strong enough. Now, with that in mind, this is just a small idea of the best way to go about this raid from how me and my group beat it. I hope some of these tips help some of you folks, so lets get started LIGHT LEVEL : i would recommend everyone in the party being a minimum of 292-293 to start. We didn't beat Oryx until everyone was at least 295. your light level plays a HUGE factor in your damage output. Example - shooting an ogre during Oryx at light level 295 did three hundred LESS damage per shot then being 296. So just one light level can make that much of a difference. SUB CLASSES : in our raid we had 1 hunter with nighstalker (changed to golden gun during Oryx battle), 3 titans with defender bubbles (mostly weapons of light unless we needed 1 person to use blessing of light), and 2 warlocks with one running self resurrection and another warlock using the storm caller sub class to help eliminate hordes of minions. This is what we used, but im sure others have made successful runs with differing classes. ARMOR : totally up to you depending on what you leveled up. the most helpful armors had quick revive as a perk so we could revive people as quickly as possible in the heat of battle. a leveled up saint-14 was awesome for blinding bubbles as well. WEAPONS : This is the question i've gotten the most. i dont have a perfect answer for this though. my advice, make sure it does at least 290 damage minimum, can hold an acceptable amount of ammo (lack of ammo drops is frequent), and that it has a high impact. i personally used a scout rifle, sidearm, and LMG. that was until i got the raid shotgun. but everyone else on my team used a sniper with high impact. Now the biggest thing. TEAMWORK. this is bottom line the most important part. run with a team of people you know. this will take more cooperation then any challenge Destiny has provided us with so far. its almost unreal how much communication is needed throughout the whole thing. also this raid is different then old raids. everyone will have to carry their fair share of weight seeing as everyone has a role to play in every checkpoint. even being down one person can make the difference of beating a checkpoint or not. So from here all i can do is wish you all the absolute best of luck. Find your team, level your gear, and most importantly have fun. even after millions of retrying attempts no one in our group got mad at any point and i feel that helped a lot. GOOD LUCK GUARDIANS, may the travelers light shine upon your efforts!!

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