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9/21/2015 8:34:57 PM
There is actually a decent story line told during TTK and I found myself telling my wife, "Wow, for the first time I feel like a clear and cohesive story is actually being told." So, I feel like the story telling for the events that take place during TTK is actually really good. I hope we see much more of this in future DLC. However, we still need crucial backstory, and the lack thereof does bring the TTK story down. What happened during the collapse? We still don't know. Thousands of cars full of dead bodies cover the roads around the Cosmodrome. Something catastrophic and sudden obviously took place. We know this because all of those people are still in their cars just sitting where they were slain. WTF HAPPENED????? What happened that was so powerful that it killed tens of thousands of people instantly but didn't have a blast shock wave strong enough to destroy or toss the vehicles, or crush the walls to powder????? A 50 megaton nuke would certainly have killed all of those people, but the cars would NOT still be sitting there, the starships would NOT be standing on their pads. What was the collapse? Throw us a bone here! Where did all these alien races come from? How did the Awoken (obviously once human) come to exist? We don't know anything at all!!! Guys, do a good detailed cinematic video like those that make the TTK story so good. Make it available on our navigator. Give us crucial backstory so we can have real context for events. Answer some of these key questions. It is OK to have mystery, but right now there aren't enough clues to figure out anything at all. And the key to a successful mystery is that there are enough clues to figure it out as we go. Right now, it is an ocean of question marks where one occasionally finds a tiny island of answer, but not nearly enough.

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