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9/15/2015 11:46:17 PM

Official Feedback on The Taken King - The Story

The one about the story. Better story has been a big request from the community since Destiny first launched last year. Many of you have gotten through the initial story missions. There are still some untold elements in the end game, but what are your thoughts on the story so far. What do you like, what do you dislike? What do you think about the characters, are they more interesting than in the past? Did you enjoy the new cut scenes? Let us know what you think.

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  • The campaign this time around was amazing. The cutscenes were a huge addition to the storyline. Character development happened and all of a sudden NPC merchants became actors in an ongoing story. The interaction between Cayde and Erik's Mom(Eris Morn) were great. The scanning items to add lore and story was fantastic. I went from zzz'ing on lore to being interested to learn more about Rasputin. The Oryix boss fight was good. Definitely felt like a boss fight and not a kill the side stuff and the main dude will fall over. I am excited for more story. Hell, I'd even read a book if one came out.

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  • The story is literally 100x better then destiny vanilla + both DLC. A few of the Characters actually have personalities, which is very nice. It would be nice to see your guardian say something. My only complaint is that the story was too short, I realize it's an expansion but I really wanted to keep going. Perhaps in the future a much longer campaign could be designed? I enjoyed the levels but there were only a few "new" concepts introduced. The stealth mission was a lot of fun and made me wish more unique missions were available. I believe a lot more effort was put into the story and as a PVE player I appreciate that. I will say this, the final fight in the mist hit me wrong. It was easy that's for sure, but it felt like I was fighting a old Zelda boss.

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  • The best thing was the missions start right away and we didn't need to drive a sparrow unnecessarily for several minutes prior to each mission. It was amazing to see that we now have the option to skip the cut scenes. With that said, I did not skip a single cut scene. I really enjoyed them. I can tell there was some effort put into characterizing the NPCs. I did notice some of the scenes were better animated than others. One of my favorite parts of the story line comes from (please excuse the description because I can't remember the name of the mission) the moon I believe. There is a part where I step outside and run towards my ship. Just as I came out there was ships flying by, explosions, cannons going off.... That was really fun to watch. There was a lot more going on with the environment. I also liked that we were able to go inside VOG and Crota's End. I definitely do not mind exploring VOG more. All in all, good job. I can't wait to see how you will make this better next time.

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  • I felt like a part of it now. year one was just loot.

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  • I like the taken kings short story better than all other story parts of destiny combined Nice job guys

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  • Love it keep it coming

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  • Cutscenes are badass

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  • Completed the story last night. Was expecting more. I'm seriously hoping you do not just throw a raid at it to close holes in the story but build on it through patches similar to how MMOs do it since this was originally supposed to be an MMO till activision decided to rip the game apart. If you charge people for those "patches" I can honestly say you will lose your player base of you haven't already with this latest stunt besides your fan boys. The white knights will move on to another game quickly enough when their selection of players gets low enough.

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  • I like how you fuked everyone out of previous content, made all of our old guns worthless, dropped legendary marks to 200 at a time, made it hard to get marks in the first place and made light levels attached to guns(full retard), so you have to use the highest shit you have regardless of what you want to use, to qualify to play content in the first place. First rate bunghole, first rate. At least there's a story. (slow clap) SMASH! (just smacked Luke Smith in the face with a bag of nickels.) Have you seen that bundev video? Hilarious. Fat bastard. Otherwise it's great. Again they got shit to fix. Ugh.. Now I'm pissed. I've got to go punch a mime. The expansion is fun but so many fuk ups again. No more money from me bungie and Activision. Ever. This was your last chance. Blew it.

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  • The story added a lot to the feel of Destiny and I wish the interaction with the NPCs would've been in the original release. I've spent a year not caring about them, and now they have personality.

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  • Edited by Halcyon: 9/16/2015 12:31:27 PM
    All I have to say Bungie is...[i][b]"Roar! Raze-Lighter!!!"[/b][/i] [i]"Down with Oryx! Let us uncrown The Royal Taken King together Guardians!"[/i] Love it so far Bungie. You've outdone yourself.

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  • Excellent job fleecing all the sheep for elements that should have been in the game at launch. Y'all are truly masters of manipulating the weak-minded.

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    15 Replies
    • Like Story Mission Upgraded gear Light levels Dreadnought New subclasses Dislike Lockout if you have ttk - why force people to quit playing Lots of back forth to tower for a quest ok to go to different planets Can't turn in quests from character when many quests are just old bounties Mayhem allows level 0 players with no supers at least put them on opposing team Dreadnought battles could be bigger Wolves gone but nothing replaced them except ins specific areas now

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    • I'm only bumping this so people have a chance of seeing it, since you are getting down voted to hell.

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    • Yeah im good on the ttk dlc. When i read that bungie wanted to charge folks to store data on their server because on lack of console memory i gave up on destiny completely. 1000 plus hours earning weapons that aren't needed due to the update. 18 gigs for a dlc most of the community is complaining about? I am also reading that alot of story content was added which is great. I've also read without ttk destiny is pretty much something to break weed up on. I loved destiny only because it allowed you to experience an adventure with others. Like tomb raider for 6. But now it's just about meeting the contractual obligations to Activision. In other words the game is just a cash grab. I remember reading several posts about how this dlc would kill the destiny. Between pricing and forcing us to not only delete weapons from raids we spent hundreds of hours obtaining but we are forcibly locked out of major components of the game and pushed to buy the ttk dlc. Cozmo if you are reading this i tried bro. From being kicked so many many many times back when the game launched all the way up to now. I hung in there with faith in you guys at bungie to correct the flaws in and out of the game. But here we are. This is where we part ways. Its pointless to even insert the disc when you can't do anything because you're locked out of the game and forced to buy ttk. And for those who think this is a rant based on my inability to purchase the dlc YOU ARE WRONG. I could buy the collector's edition if i wanted but why? I even told my Fireteam i would do the new raid blind with them. Then i thought for what? Because in the end im paying to spend a 1000 plus hours to collect guns that will be obsolete in the next 2 or 3 dlc's. If this is a preview as to how destiny 2 will be good luck bungie. I hope it sells.

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      8 Replies
      • I loved the story it is awesome! Keep up the good work Bungie. Anyone who says it's bad is lying to themselves. It would be similar to not liking a million dollars. There would be some dummy who would complain about the color of the bills and how it should have pictures of cats on it instead of presidents. Excellent work on the strikes as well. Can not wait to play the raid!

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      • [Rework]Vanilla Destiny, TDB and HoW: expanding to meet the quality of TTK

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      • hey Cozmo here's a story part of destiny i like, the PART WHERE YOU STEAL OUR CONTENT. WHY AM I LOCKED OUT OF A GAME I PREVIOUSLY BOUGHT? HOW DARE YOU STEAL OUR CONTENT. THE BIGGEST IMPROVEMENT YOU HAVE TO MAKE IS BEING FAIR TO YOUR PLAYERS AND NOT BEING A BUNCH OF GREEDY DICKS. go ahead and ignore this comment as you have been ignoring everyone that calls you out for the bullsht you've just pulled. screwing off veteran players such as me and forcing us to spend money on this game.

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        3 Replies
        • The opening cutscene was cool, but to get any explanation of what happened you'd need to have read the grimoire, which not everyone has. Lots of questions which hopefully will be answered as we progress (I get the feeling perhaps that it will be a long time before Mara's plan is revealed). One huge change was how the lack of information given to the main character was handled. Previously we've heard the exo stranger and the Speaker both tell us that they know things and that they won't be sharing their knowledge - so frustrating! This time, though there's still a lot that we want to know, it feels okay because we're not being taunted by an NPC that has the answers. As far as Oryx is concerned, I'm not really clear on why we want to kill him. Sure, he turned up in illusion form a couple of times, but I couldn't really hear what he said over the sound of gunfire, so the satisfaction of going to his house and sticking a rocket somewhere painful was slightly lost on me. Might become clearer when I replay the story missions. Whilst on Oryx, someone below said the fight made them feel like it was an N64 boss. Personally, I liked that. It felt like an actual boss fight, but I appreciate that it might not work for everyone. Over all, the story in TTK was a huge step up from last year. The characters felt relevant and had believable personalities. Ghost feels different now, not just because of his voice, but because the writing for his script was better this year - I definitely feel that he's my sarcastic little sidekick now, where he used to be a talking key. Also, Cayde is fantastic. Tl;dr Very positive in most places, characters way improved. Still don't really care about the big bad.

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          3 Replies
          • Much better story telling! It should have been like this from the beginning! I finally knew why I was doing stuff!

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            3 Replies
            • Edited by BLK_DTH: 9/16/2015 11:33:25 AM
     good. I really like that we get bits of story by scanning things with our Ghost. Really good idea. It makes our Ghost have a purpose besides opening doors. Awesome! The first cinematic was badass and the ones in the tower are hilarious. The first story mission was suspenseful and actually raised the adrenaline a bit...the music is perfect! And then going from that on edge feeling to the many lols of the tower cinematic was perfect. You guys killed it. Very happy with the story end of things...big improvement over the story telling up to this point. Keep it up!

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            • Edited by The 7th fall: 9/17/2015 11:03:09 PM
              This is just a rundown review: I think the story telling is much better, the characters actually have character, and Orxy is actually a worthy boss, which also brings up that the strike bosses so far are fun and require an amount of strategy to kill off rather than 'hide 'n seek snipe 'n rocket' a boss to death. The quest lines are pretty good, rewards are much better, RNG isn't such a b**ch anymore, the gear we can find and customize is solid and a good change, and the light leveling is pretty good too. Shader, emblem, ship, and sparrow customization choices are good, vendors and factions are much better organized, packages don't just give motes or materials, and the stuff that we can buy is for the most part good and usable. Though what fell short were the Taken encounters, namely finding the majors on the different planets, was just endless mob spam and a bullet sponge boss firing a gun without overheating or reloading that makes me play hide 'n seek with a sniper and or rocket launcher. So in that respect the bosses need a tone down in health and or timed mob spawn, like you did with Skolas. And perhaps a longer storyline, but otherwise good game(seriously, not the taunt kind).

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            • I thought the story telling was MUCH better. It left off on a cliff hanger again, but this time it felt like it was actually planned, and not just a story cut too short. Me and my buddy bro-oped it in a few hours, and the final boss fight was awesome. It felt like an actual boss fight, and not just a giant, stand in one spot and never move bullet sponge. And the actual utilization of Nathan Fillion and the other voice actors really helped push it over the edge. Overall I've thoroughly enjoyed it so far. Can't wait for the raid to drop.

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            • Hi Cozmo, Nice of you to drop by! :-) What I like about the story, is that there is a story now. I still don't believe why 4 different alien races are fighting us over one solar system, when there are so many solar systems free to take. But, it's a game. I get that. What I don't like about the story is that people who bought Vanilla Destiny and all the expansions but NOT The Taken King are now left with an empty shell of a game. Forever stuck at level 34. No new subclass (the subclass that should have been there in Vanilla Destiny). The reduction of all intellect, discipline and strength levels on legendary items, so even playing crucible is not doable. I honestly don't know why you work for them. How would you feel if you bought a new smartphone and after a year the phone company let's you install something on that phone that makes it really slow and let's you not use parts of the phone that you could use before? For example you cannot use the internet anymore. You HAVE to buy an update. I bought TTK because I can afford it. But I feel shitty for doing it and I almost feel like a traitor to my fellow guardians who don't have the money. Kids who have to wait for their birthday or christmas to drop before they can get in. All their weapons and armor are useless! Like I said: even in crucible. I honestly feel shitty about it and Bungie should feel that way times a thousand. I think you guys can pull this shit for only a limited time. Asking us about the story feels like asking earthquake victims how they are liking the weather.

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              3 Replies
              • Turns out, Cayde-6 knows how to party "Get your rock off my map" favorite line

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                4 Replies
                • Everything about this was a million times better. I'd rerun this new story and enjoy and watch Cut scenes over and over. The dialog is top notch love the interaction between npc's All in all its been awesome so much to do I ain't even played my warlock or Titan yet.

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