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5/12/2009 9:13:40 PM

Render-to-Video Public Beta

Online and open for beta business. [url=/news/content.aspx?type=topnews&link=RTVPublicBeta] click for full story [/url] edit by Roger: zeroth. I'm comandeering this post to answer any (good) questions that come up. Enjoy, everyone! Q: Can I upgrade from free-DLC-Pro to Beta status? A: Sorry, no. There are too many people in that situation for us to be able to do that and still keep the beta small. Q: When will videos appear on the file search? A: If you filter by "in the last day", you can use it now. Other time periods are on a nightly refresh. Q: Will files already converted into video format be downloadable by other users without charge (provided they have a Bungie Pro Subscription)? A: Yes, at least for now all Beta users can see all other users' videos. We're watching what this does to bandwidth, and we might have to adjust it. Q: Does this only work on PCs? A: The videos are WMV, and Macs can play that format with the right software Q: Can I render six 10-second films for one "minute" of points? A: No, points are used per minute or fractional minute. A 61-second clip is "2 minutes". You will see the point cost before you confirm the purchase. Q: If I delete the base film from my fileshare, will the video get deleted? A: No. Current plan is to keep videos around for a long time regardless. They can still be accessed by search or via the game they relate to. Still, save off your file when you can, since we can't keep all the videos around *forever* Q: How do I report a broken video, such as the end getting chopped off? A: [url=]Reply in this thread[/url] Q: If I like to make machinima with lots of multi-angle shots, shouldn't I just get a capture card? A: Probably, yes. Render-to-video is geared toward players who want to highlight gameplay footage that is special to them. Buying a capture card that can encode 720p (or even digital 360p) is expensive and troublesome for the infrequent capture user, and this service is an inexpensive alternative. When final pricing is announced this summer, you can decide if you really plan to produce more footage than this service will give you for the same price. Q: Why is there audio before the action starts moving? A:That's intentional, to make sure the game engine has had a chance to fully load everything. The simulation starts paused, then we start recording, then we yell, "Action!" Similarly, we have the on-screen Spartans hold their pose for an extra second at the end before we stop recording. Q: Why is it that for a few films, the thumbnail black, the film is unseekable, the length reports as 0, and the end is chopped off? A: It was a bug which I think should be fixed as of now (May 13th, 4:33 PM) for all films rendered in the future. I'll keep an eye on it to make sure the problem is gone. Q: Where's the reticule? A: How about that? The game itself doesn't display a reticule for *clips* until you leave and reenter 1st-person camera. We're showing it the same way the game does. We'll dig around and see if we can prepare a fix for the version of the game engine that runs on the Hydra. Q: Can I render other people's videos and vice versa? A: Yes, any film that's shared on is fair game for anyone. Q: Why can't you charge by the second rather than rounding to the minute? A: Each clip, no matter how long, takes a certain amount of our machine time as overhead, loading the clip. It's about 30 seconds of wasted time per clip, So your 1-second clip costs you 60 seconds of Points and costs us 31 seconds of machine time. But your 59-second clip costs us 89 seconds of machine time and still costs you 60 seconds of Points. In the end, it comes out even. [Edited on 05.17.2009 7:57 PM PDT by sawnose]

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  • how do you get bungie points?

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  • Hmm, so not only will we need to subscribe to bungie pro, we will also have to pay [i]extra[/i] to be able to upload more clips that are longer and to do it more frequently. Don't forget that you need to have an xbox live subscription as well. Sorry, but I find that pretty rediculous. In other words: Hooray for capture cards!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Joe Joe Z This is amazing. I've been waiting for this. Okay. Why couldn't it just free? You're only rendering a video, right? And, I know someone already answered it but, Will there be any other alternative to obtaining points i.e. contests? [/quote] They are giving a bit for free. But it does cost money for them to have the service running and if everyone did it all the time then it would overload the service and it just plain wouldn not be practical. So they are giving a bit for free and then you might be able to pay for more. It also encourages people to think about what they render :) Could you imagine the absolute flood of videos being made and uploaded to youtube and what not if it was all 100% free for all. LOL I can only think of that for a moment without feeling a sense of dread *joking*.

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  • This is full of win! The points idea is pure awesome!! Nice work!

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  • Ha something so awesome still garners complaints. Way to go Bungie. I already did 2 videos. Excellent system. Smooth and easy to use.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Joe Joe Z Okay. Why couldn't it just free? You're only rendering a video, right? [/quote] they just dont want too many people rendering videos because that would make the wait for a video pretty much forever and yes i do hope there would be contests and that would be cool

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  • Sounds nice. The sample video looks pretty cool. I have to hand it to Bungie. Even though I have had a few BAD experiences with Bungie I have to say Bungie do deliver more than enough good stuff to make up for it. I will take back a few of my harsh words foolishly whispered to shady characters in dark ally ways. I will now shout a few praises in the street and spray paint "Bungie Rules" all over the walls in those allyways. Should be fun "Yayyy Bungie did it again...." :) Seriously though... This is a pretty cool feature that many, many people will find useful. I am not much of a video editor but I still will use the feature now and then. What is not to like about it. I also have to hand it to Bungie about how well it looks so far. Though I do ask that they please make it at least that good when they actually release it in its full blown version. Otherwise cheers Bungie. Another handy feature you guys and gals have given to you community. Almost makes me wanna get you lot a beer or two :). But alas the best I can do is send a few thank you's. ps: Oh and another idea in regards to the points. Maybe you make it so people can trade or swap points they don't use. Sure some poeple will probably misuse the feature but it could also generate a lot of cool ideas and maybe some people that can't afford points can get the points that way legit of course. Just a thought. [Edited on 05.12.2009 3:47 PM PDT]

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  • Nice job Bungie :-)

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  • hey im in the beta and i have a couple ideas to acquire bungie points besides the monthly points 1. forum posts or online alot like a daily basis or something 2. doing something for the bungie community the only thing about forum posts is that people would be post like crazy and post the most randomist stuff expecially on the flood

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  • This is amazing. I've been waiting for this. Okay. Why couldn't it just free? You're only rendering a video, right? And, I know someone already answered it but, Will there be any other alternative to obtaining points i.e. contests?

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  • Nice! I knew my Pro subscription that I never use would pay off one day! :D Seems to be working fine though.

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  • Question: Will we eventually be able to use PayPal to get more points? Question: Does this mark the subtle return of the Bungie Store?

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  • I`m really excited about this. What is annoying is that I already have B pro from the mythic maps. Another thing are we going to have to pay for Bungie Points as well as B pro?

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  • YES!!! I'm so glad I'm a paid subscriber. Seeing that little red "beta" on my films just made my day. Now I just need to figure out what I want to render first. Thank you.

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  • No fair Lane and Turtle, you know right when the update will be up. :( Awesome Beta, too bad I'm not eligible, I got my Pro from Mythic.

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  • yay! let's all celebrate, I'm gonna go play SWAT and make someone cry! I'm so excited!

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  • This what we have been waiting for :D

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  • Woot! Congratulations to the beta testers. (And I should've known it comes out on Bungie day!)

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  • I like this update! Great Job.

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  • Interesting...Although members will spam the forums with their videos.

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  • people constantly tell me i need to grow up...then bungie comes up with something new...and these same people are hiding in dark rooms with faint sounds of three round bursts... thanks again bungie, thanks for keeping me young.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] thestrangestick In what way? How on earth can they get 'all over' Bungie for providing a service? They haven't infringed anybody's [i]anything[/i]. Anyway, having recently purchased a cheap and cheerful (but good quality) generic video cap card off eBay I was just thinking 'oh great!' as I saw this news item but reading it through has calmed my fears. A pay-per-cap video system is preposterous and not at all viable for somebody that wants to make a lengthy film project, have you ever heard of a montage made entirely using films purchased from eatHalo? In fact, seeming as that service is also pay-per-view, why doesn't everyone that cannot use the 'render' feaure 'til July just use that site instead? To anybody reading that was holding back for this system to enable themselves to make a machinima, just bite the bullet and get a capture card. It's also a lot more flexible, this feature from Bungie is more like the MLG GameRoom with Gamevee strapped on top, and considering the complications with lengths of film etc, multiple angle based productions become impossible. I'm not entirely surprised though - think of the route Bungie (MS) took with the Mythic maps - tying their release to two different video games, although of course that is beyond their control, which makes me wonder if this feature is also controlled by higher powers... To be fair though, it will be the best quality free-ish Halo 3 video service around, and you have to give Bungie credit for the concept, I can't think of any other company that panders to the movie editing community as much! [/quote] Why are you complaining already? Think of the [i]time[/i] and [i]effort[/i] this feature will cut for us? Before if I just had an amazing neverbeforeseen kill I'd have to buy a capture card, record the film, edit the film and then upload it to a video hosting site. Now all I have to do is put in my fileshare and BLAM! Its right there for viewing pleasure. I know it wont be ideal for machinimas or montages [i]right now[/i] but I'm sure Bungie have taken that into consideration and are working on a way around that. Just be thankful for this sweet update and Love Bungie X

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  • Today is a good day.

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  • Wow. I'll probably buy it when it becomes available. I'm not much of a Machinima maker. Good job webteam! Hopefully this will bring back people into Halo 3.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Eliper [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Mmm 0 r g a s m Why would I pay to have these captured for me? You can buy a decent capture card and editing software for as cheap as $50 now. If i've already paid for a bungie pro subscription, I should be able to render as much as I want with this new feature. Why should I pay for something else? This is just another way Microsoft and Bungie are milking us for all we have. o_O I guess this feature will be nice for those that have access to mommy's credit-card and are too-lazy to order a capture card. ^_^[/quote] The capture card companies would be all over Bungie if that happened. [/quote] In what way? How on earth can they get 'all over' Bungie for providing a service? They haven't infringed anybody's [i]anything[/i]. Anyway, having recently purchased a cheap and cheerful (but good quality) generic video cap card off eBay I was just thinking 'oh great!' as I saw this news item but reading it through has calmed my fears. A pay-per-cap video system is preposterous and not at all viable for somebody that wants to make a lengthy film project, have you ever heard of a montage made entirely using films purchased from eatHalo? In fact, seeming as that service is also pay-per-view, why doesn't everyone that cannot use the 'render' feaure 'til July just use that site instead? To anybody reading that was holding back for this system to enable themselves to make a machinima, just bite the bullet and get a capture card. It's also a lot more flexible, this feature from Bungie is more like the MLG GameRoom with Gamevee strapped on top, and considering the complications with lengths of film etc, multiple angle based productions become impossible. I'm not entirely surprised though - think of the route Bungie (MS) took with the Mythic maps - tying their release to two different video games, although of course that is beyond their control, which makes me wonder if this feature is also controlled by higher powers... To be fair though, it will be the best quality free-ish Halo 3 video service around, and you have to give Bungie credit for the concept, I can't think of any other company that panders to the movie editing community as much!

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