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5/12/2009 9:13:40 PM

Render-to-Video Public Beta

Online and open for beta business. [url=/news/content.aspx?type=topnews&link=RTVPublicBeta] click for full story [/url] edit by Roger: zeroth. I'm comandeering this post to answer any (good) questions that come up. Enjoy, everyone! Q: Can I upgrade from free-DLC-Pro to Beta status? A: Sorry, no. There are too many people in that situation for us to be able to do that and still keep the beta small. Q: When will videos appear on the file search? A: If you filter by "in the last day", you can use it now. Other time periods are on a nightly refresh. Q: Will files already converted into video format be downloadable by other users without charge (provided they have a Bungie Pro Subscription)? A: Yes, at least for now all Beta users can see all other users' videos. We're watching what this does to bandwidth, and we might have to adjust it. Q: Does this only work on PCs? A: The videos are WMV, and Macs can play that format with the right software Q: Can I render six 10-second films for one "minute" of points? A: No, points are used per minute or fractional minute. A 61-second clip is "2 minutes". You will see the point cost before you confirm the purchase. Q: If I delete the base film from my fileshare, will the video get deleted? A: No. Current plan is to keep videos around for a long time regardless. They can still be accessed by search or via the game they relate to. Still, save off your file when you can, since we can't keep all the videos around *forever* Q: How do I report a broken video, such as the end getting chopped off? A: [url=]Reply in this thread[/url] Q: If I like to make machinima with lots of multi-angle shots, shouldn't I just get a capture card? A: Probably, yes. Render-to-video is geared toward players who want to highlight gameplay footage that is special to them. Buying a capture card that can encode 720p (or even digital 360p) is expensive and troublesome for the infrequent capture user, and this service is an inexpensive alternative. When final pricing is announced this summer, you can decide if you really plan to produce more footage than this service will give you for the same price. Q: Why is there audio before the action starts moving? A:That's intentional, to make sure the game engine has had a chance to fully load everything. The simulation starts paused, then we start recording, then we yell, "Action!" Similarly, we have the on-screen Spartans hold their pose for an extra second at the end before we stop recording. Q: Why is it that for a few films, the thumbnail black, the film is unseekable, the length reports as 0, and the end is chopped off? A: It was a bug which I think should be fixed as of now (May 13th, 4:33 PM) for all films rendered in the future. I'll keep an eye on it to make sure the problem is gone. Q: Where's the reticule? A: How about that? The game itself doesn't display a reticule for *clips* until you leave and reenter 1st-person camera. We're showing it the same way the game does. We'll dig around and see if we can prepare a fix for the version of the game engine that runs on the Hydra. Q: Can I render other people's videos and vice versa? A: Yes, any film that's shared on is fair game for anyone. Q: Why can't you charge by the second rather than rounding to the minute? A: Each clip, no matter how long, takes a certain amount of our machine time as overhead, loading the clip. It's about 30 seconds of wasted time per clip, So your 1-second clip costs you 60 seconds of Points and costs us 31 seconds of machine time. But your 59-second clip costs us 89 seconds of machine time and still costs you 60 seconds of Points. In the end, it comes out even. [Edited on 05.17.2009 7:57 PM PDT by sawnose]

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  • Looks amazing! Thanks again!

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  • This looks awesome! I just used one of my minutes, and I'm pretty pleased. The quality isn't perfect, but it definitely is pretty good. Can't wait for HD! [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Mini Waz Nice, is it possible to get the crosshairs to show on our rendered videos. All first person video which are tagged [url=]here[/url] don't seem to have them where as the example clips given do.[/quote]I'm also wondering about Crosshairs in the video. [Edited on 05.12.2009 4:50 PM PDT]

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  • Very nice.

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  • Great that some get a chance to check this out.

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  • You have to pay for every video you download? This is a complete joke.

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  • ...and I thought they'd never release it! Awesome. I'm hoping the rendering time comes out cheap though. Being able to get HD captures of clips on demand would rock. BTW. Is the 10 minute time limit just for the beta, or is that for all time? Cus that would really suck. At least make it 20-30 minutes please, because that length cuts out a lot of standard length multiplayer games, and almost all campaign videos already :(

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  • muchos, muchos, muchos gracias!!!!

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  • So I waited a while for this service, only to find out that you are going to make me pay to render videos... when you actually let me use it, that is. Screw this. I'm out.

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  • The service sounds great, but I think I'll stick to my HD cap card for now.

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  • Nice, is it possible to get the crosshairs to show on our rendered videos. All first person video which are tagged [url=]here[/url] don't seem to have them where as the example clips given do.

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  • sweet. I'm in. Cheers to me for wasting money for Pro. 10 Interweb points says I break something when i try to use it. I'll have to find sometime this week to mess with it, so sweet !

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  • just hit start go to market place and buy!

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  • Wow, a points system for rendering the videos after paying for Bungie Pro. How about -blam!- you guys in the ass too? Glad I bought my HD card. This is bull-blam!-.

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  • i haz bungie proz thou

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  • Awww, thank gawd, finally!!!! Thank you!! Now I can more easily show people my roommate's crazy overkill that is better than any other overkill in the history of this game. [b]Question[/b]: Also, my Bungie Pro went away a couple months ago or so, and the option to subscribe to it again won't show up at the bottom! Is something wrong with my game, or am I not looking thoroughly enough?

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  • Wow. Well I guess I'll be buying a capture card then. This really is ridiculous, we have to pay for bungie pro, and then we have to pay for every clip we download. What if I have a lot of 10 second clips that I want to dl to make a montage, I don't want to pay for a minute for each. This is a big disappointment, I'll pay for a capture card that lets me dl unlimited amounts of videos, thanks.

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  • u haz to buyz???

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  • Well, im glad that the render to video thing is going well, but seriously? We have to pay for it? And why do current subscribers get better benefits? Thats just telling us other halo fans to go screw ourselves, we got the worse end of the deal! Its a great new feature and all, but I was really looking forward to gettin back into machinema without having to go through my crappy capture card (which the software wont work on vista, so its now useless) but reading that I will have to pay, just made all of those machinema ideas crash and burn... I understand that it is a pain going over the servers and space of all the GB of video that is gona be used, but shouldnt buying the game, and subscribe for pro be enough?! Its almost having to pay for full features on some mmorpg (like WoW) when you are already paying the subscription and paid for the game. Im sorry, but something I was sooo hyped up for, to just find out that I will be required to pay to do what I like to do (film/edit halo videos) then forget it. Good job either way Bungie. It's a great new addition to the Haloverse, just has disappointing problems...

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Codydawgxx how do i get it it always says only open to beta users do i buy it or sometin?[/quote] Apparently it comes out in July or something like that. But I think only Bungie Pro users get the free point. Though I suspect you will be able to purchase points eventually. But havign to pay anything for points might stop many people from using it at all. just look at all the pople who cry about the cost of the maps and they are like $10 and far more useful. Shrug. I can afford to pay for practically whatever I want I am just saying some people will not pay for anythig if they can help it.

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  • how do i get it it always says only open to beta users do i buy it or sometin?

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  • Cool. At least we know they are doing something productive. Time to test this thing out. I think points should be A) Given out in contests B) on Marketplace for 200 or 100 MS points. [Edited on 05.12.2009 3:58 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] furiocity Hmm, so not only will we need to subscribe to bungie pro, we will also have to pay [i]extra[/i] to be able to upload more clips that are longer and to do it more frequently. Don't forget that you need to have an xbox live subscription as well. Sorry, but I find that pretty rediculous. In other words: Hooray for capture cards![/quote] Actually you have a point there. Hmmm. Though it might still be worth it for many people. Most people have XBL anyway and many have Bungie Pro. It would cost me more as I am not a BP member but those who want this feature the most probably do. [Edited on 05.12.2009 3:57 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Joe Joe Z Okay. Why couldn't it just free? You're only rendering a video, right? [/quote] Bandwidth and maintaining servers costs money. It will also help prevent the service from being overloaded with requests. It sounds like a great feature, even if I won't get too much use out of it.It might not be the best for people who do a lot of recording. But for people who do some, but not enough to justify spending money on a quality capture card, it sounds like a good service.

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  • Wow, this is amazing. This really helps people out of don't have capture cards. I just have to say, good job.

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  • how do you get bungie points?

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