I've mentioned this numerous times only to have it ignored by the developers of [b]Destiny[/b] every time, now I've had enough & am moving on to better things. I've been requesting proper keyboard/mouse support for the game since the beta & not once have I gotten an official response out of it; it's not even a matter of refusing to add that support, it's a matter of flat-out ignoring it. Because that support is not there, I'm not willing to purchase into this game anymore & the game is not worth playing if you don't have the latest expansion packs. Seeing as the last patch started locking off features for those who haven't purchased The Taken King, I am not only done with [b]Destiny[/b] at this point, but also with Bungie.
I will be requesting my clan to remove me from it since it will be very unlikely I'll be coming back to this game unless one of my friends tells me Bungie has added that support; I won't need to delete the game since I upgraded my drive in my PS3 to a 1 TB drive & still have plenty of space, but [b]Destiny[/b] will be the first thing to get deleted when I do start running out of space. I will also be starting a public boycott against Bungie on my personal site & the developers ignoring the request for over 2 years isn't going to help my reviews on the game (I've only given this game 2 out of 5 stars on PSN, I'll likely lower it to 1 now; reviews on other sites will be another matter).
Long story short, if Bungie is going to ignore their customers, those people no longer need to be their customers.
Last comment I'm going to be making on these [i]forums[/i] since I'm tired of the harassment & Bungie not enforcing their own CoC. Boycott page has be published (link in OP), I'll continue this on my personal site where I can mitigate the attacks under my own terms. Currently there's no form of user-input on my site, but I'll be looking into adding Shoutboxes (or some other form of user input) once I've figured out how to mitigate attacks from spambots & human-scum like I've had to deal with on these forums. I will continue backing up the posts from this thread in case it's deleted, should I need to continue to prove just how bad the attacks are on these forums & Bungie's incompetence in enforcing their own CoC.
Keyboard and mouse is on the very very bottom of a long list of more important stuff. But don't let me stop you - please leave and sell the game to somebody more mature . We definitely do not want players like you in this game
Key board and mouse ? Why
You're a joke. I pity you for putting this much effort into so much hate over so little. Buh bye!
Throw tantrums every time you don't get what you want? You know, they aren't cute anymore once you're old enough to speak in full sentences. Never mind write complex ideas in paragraph form.
Seriously man relax. I get it you want to play it with a key board and mouse. They aren't going to offer it when it's a very small minority that wants it. Now that being said all your reporting and blocking people who disagree with you and tell you to haul it back to a pc if you want it so bad does nothing but show insecurity. Consoles use controllers and pc's keyboard and mouse stick to the one that works best for you.
Edited by WonderGamer: 10/25/2015 1:34:20 PMFurther development into this after I learned that [b]Destiny[/b] was getting a micro-transaction shop added to the game. Now I don't think I'll come back to the game even if proper keyboard/mouse support gets added unless that shop only contain purely cosmetic items (which normally isn't the case with F2P games...which might be the only thing that [b]Destiny[/b] has going for it now...).
Dude, calm down its a game get ur panties out of a bunch if u dont like it dont play it dont throw your hissy fit so all the world can see
Edited by SunlightHeart: 10/11/2015 1:10:17 PMWhat PS4 or XBONE game can be played with KB&M? Im honestly curious.
Bungie has millions of customers who all want something, and there are probably three of you who have requested mouse and keyboard support. You're not being "ignored", you're not being heard; you're part of a very small minority which isn't worth paying attention and resources toward. Even if they did hear you, they'd probably laugh at how ridiculous of a request that is mouse and keyboard support.
Edited by wedezaa: 10/11/2015 12:49:55 PMThere should be a poll on these sort of posts. A: Feel sorry for you, you will be missed. B: I feel really sor...... fk am I kidding BYE lol kek
Edited by MatrixasISeeFit: 10/10/2015 6:10:13 AMMouse and Keyboard?... Bungie has bigger problems to completely ignore.
It's laughable how many people you've blocked for simply having a different opinion than you. Simply childish.
why do you need keyboard/mouse support? you're on the ps3 right?
Bye will not be missed
Why should they add keyboard and mouse? 1. its a console game 2. There's locked aim assistance (you can't turn it off)
Bye bye
Buh bye
They certainly listen when people are asking for nerfs.
I can see where you're coming from as on pc I need my gamepad... I don't understand why it wasn't implemented at launch, if they're "tinkering" with the "idea" of a pc launch. Which last I checked they said it as a definite maybe as far as a pc launch goes.
Buh bye
You seem very concerned that Bungie hasn't said anything about this very niche thing that so few people want. I browse the forums regularly and you're the first that I've seen to even remotely complain about this. You also have severe snowflake syndrome, and need to realize that your boycott won't end up mattering to Bungie in the long run. Making the scene you've made out of it is comical, like you expect any of us to care? For them to care? Do your silly complaints, and in two years when you realized that you got -this- upset over a medium of entertainment, hopefully you, too, will see that it's kind of stupid. Have a great day, <3
If you had a keyboard you would have really, like insane, sensitivity. You can play it on windows 10 with a keyboard though.