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9/3/2015 10:35:07 PM

The Five Families [5FAM] XBONE

Want a clan to call family? The Five Families is a new clan looking to build an empire. We'll be the clan that is spoken of in the shadows, the clan that guardians fear in Crucible, but we'll be known as the guys who will stop what they're doing to help out anyone who asks. Does this sound like somewhere you'd fit in? Perfect. Here are our requirements. 1. [b]Level 20 or above.[/b] We know it's tough getting to 34, so we're here to help. 2. [b]You're on Destiny too much. [/b] Most of the clan's leaders are on almost every night. Which means we're constantly making progress. 3.[b] Strive For Greatness. [/b] We know a lot of other clans say this, but we're here to earn it. Strive to be great. The guardians of legend and lore. 4. [b]18+[/b] Sorry kiddos. We need mature players. 5. [b]We're Family. [/b] Just like the mafia, we aren't blood related, but we have each other's backs. If you meet these requirements, [b]AWESOME![/b] We are SO stoked to meet you! The next step to be accepted is to shoot a friend request to KN0CK3M0UTTIMMY, we'll get a few leaders together and run a strike, POE, or raid with you, see how you flow with our chemistry and then welcome you in! Thanks for your time!

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