Arc Blade is the most powerful super, needs nerfed.
Golden Gun is the most powerful super, needs nerfed.
Fist of Havoc is the most powerful super, needs nerfed.
Ward of Dawn is the most powerful super, needs nerfed.
Nova Bomb is the most powerful super, needs nerfed.
Radiance is the most powerful super, needs nerfed.
Arc Blade is weakest super, needs buffed.
Golden Gun is weakest super, needs buffed.
Fist of Havoc is weakest super, needs buffed.
Ward of Dawn is weakest super, needs buffed.
Nova Bomb is weakest super, needs buffed.
Radiance is weakest super, needs buffed.
Hunters require the least skill.
Warlocks require the least skill.
Titans require the least skill.
Hunters require the most skill.
Warlocks require the most skill.
Titans require the most skill.
Hunters need buffed.
Warlocks need buffed.
Titans need buffed.
Hunters need nerfed.
Warlocks need nerfed.
Titans need nerfed.
Most importantly, if you disagree with ANY of these statements, you're obviously an idiot or a noob and have no idea what you're talking about (and will be told so with an added "lmao").
You will be proven wrong by having your profile combed through. If your k/d or grimoire is lower than the opposing person**, all of you opinions, stated facts, and observations are immediately and permanently invalid.
**if k/d or grimoire is not lower, you may substitute play hours, trophies, number of raids completed, or any apparent age difference.
Spot on