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Edited by HeartStrong07: 9/2/2015 8:59:22 PM

Luke Smith Arrogance: "Sure, let me know when to take off work, Luke"

Luke Smith, please keep this guy and his arrogance away from the media: [ NOTE During a livestream for Destiny: The Taken King, Bungie has announced that you can play the new anticipated endgame raid, titled King’s Fall, on September 18 at 10:00 AM PT.] “I’m not going to announce the plan for it on the YouTube gaming stage…But I promise for people who are excited about the raid will know when it’s time to take time off work. We’ll give em’ a heads up”. Unlike nearly almost every other game that comes with the endgame content when you buy it, TTK will not. I will buy the DLC, maybe, when the Raid is available, or simply wait so long that I play one of the other games being released in the fall. Edit 1: I have a different opinion, or mode of business operation, than some of you. My principle is that I expect to get what I paid for, when I paid for it. Or, tell me ... Upfront ... what will be held back., not after the fact. Got it! Some of you operate your business exchanges in a different fashion, giving your trading partner as much leeway as possible. Edit 2: Seems like I should assume Destiny is an MMO, because it is and that is how MMO's operate, even though no one from Bungie has described Destiny as an MMO, nor, said that we shouldn't expect the principle endgame Raid of a product many of your pre-ordered (I did not) when you pre-ordered it. Got it! This is simply the MMO model. Edit 3: Luke Smith is joking and making light of the fact that many of you arrange your work schedule around a video game so he is actually helping you out. Even though, when he will tell you, and the length of leeway time he will give you is uncertain. Moreover, he cannot tell you now if the endgame Raid will be added in one, two or three weeks. Got it! Luke is helping many of you. I can appreciate this point. Edit 4: Video games take a lot of planning and investment and it is a miracle that they get released on time with as few bugs as they do. So, just be patient and do the missions until the endgame Raid is available. Got it. Best argument said by a few very respectful fellow Guardians Edit 5: I know they followed this procedure with VoG and Crota, but many would argue it was less about taking out bugs (because their was still plenty) and more about Bungie dictating how players play. Edit 6: I don't hate the game. I have many, many hours into Destiny and just want the game to improve and for Bungie to keep their word. Not a lot to ask. I appreciate the positive changes such as the improved story / missions in HoW and the addition of ToO. Let's not forget, however, that HoW was sold to include a Raid that was removed and included a PoE Horde mode that was repetitive and had horrible rewards.Destiny will not get better if we as players do not BOTH: 1) applaud the good and 2) call out the bad, or broken promises. Conclusion: I get where a lot of people are coming from, but Bungie seems to shoot from the hip a lot and say one kind one day (such as weapons growing with us and a Raid in HoW) and then something different another day. For me, they are consistently flakey, with their word not meaning much, for example how HoW would have so much variety and great rewards.

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  • They hold the raid back because it is a big event. No one will be able to play it day 1. They like to release the raid at a later date and its a competition to most. Teams that work hard to hid the minimum level to compete in the raid like to compete for world first. By holding the raid back, it allows these teams to go in and compete at the same time. It's a big deal in MMO/RPG style games. You may not care, but Bungie and most teams do care. By holding the raid back, it allows these teams to go in and compete at the same time.

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    11 Replies
    • Lighten up Francis.

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      TBH it depends how much time it will take to get the appropriate rank and light level. If it only takes 2-3 days to get the right level, and the raid doesn't come out for 2 weeks I will kinda have a problem. If it takes a week or 2 I will not.

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    • Oh gawd Who cares

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      2 Replies
      • All you're doing is showing that you're not a day one player and also, an idiot. VOG didn't come out day one. Neither will the TTK raid. Shut up about it. It makes sense

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      • You typed all this out because you're angry at a video game. They're doing it, most likely, because they don't want everyone scrambling to get enough gear and shit for the raid while ignoring everything else. Cry all you want. You're in the minority here.

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        4 Replies
        • TTK isn't a game, Destiny is, and it's had end game content. Your argument is invalid.

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        • I'm gonna teach you something valuable for life. Don't make something an issue that isn't, it makes you look petty. His comment was not arrogant in the least, it's called being playful/funny. They're delaying the raid so more people will have a chance to get to an appropriate level to complete it and thus create a proper race to be the first team to finish it. When someone makes a comment that doesn't sit well with you, stop for a moment and think about their intent. Do you think his intent was to be negative/arrogant? It clearly wasn't.

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          35 Replies
          • I'm just pissed that this fat guy makes a lot of money to be a dick.

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            • DeeJ and other bungie figure heads give very unclear and cryptic answers to everything filled with generic bullshit and everyone complains. This guy is honest and makes jokes like a real person (not to mention tons of people actually do take work off on day 1) and he also gets completely blasted. Makes sense.

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            • I'm fine with it. What I'm not fine with is all the cryptic talk by bungie pretty much about everything. Stop with the games bungie, give us the straight truth and not the double speak. You'd have a lot less venom and negative press if you'd just do that. After all, you're not the NSA!!!!

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              2 Replies
              • He is not being arrogant, you need to examine yourself. He's just having fun, chill.

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              • Sigh. This god damn community is the biggest bunch of whiney asses I've ever seen.

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                6 Replies
                • Lollololololplol

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                • U are such a pussy

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                • Honestly bud as said before, you're the minority. You are getting what you paid for. And to be upset about the raid is ridiculous as you won't be able to use it on launch anyways. Look at the past, vog, we had time to gear up and how did that go for most? 8+hours in the raid only to call it off? Be grateful us with lives that can't commit to 8 hour sessions uninterrupted won't be left behind because we couldn't prepare

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                • Lol you people all think that because you paid money you get to control the content of the game, the only thing you paid for was the right to play there game the way they want you to play it the can release content however they wish.

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                • I'm a bit disappointed it's not being released right away. I do understand their reasoning though. If it were released immediately, people would be doing the raid as soon as they can when they reach 40. By holding it back, it will be a mad dash when they open the gates to Kings Fall. One last chance to hype the expansion.

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                  6 Replies
                  • If the raid is out day 1, everyone and their mother is going to rush to level 40 to do it then complain about how "there's nothing left to do." Enjoy the game. Don't be so dead set on doing all the stuff day 1 and just enjoy getting there.

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                  • Hey meathead Luke was being cool to let us working folks know when we could take time off work to try out the raid.

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                  • I think your frustration is caused by the lack of money being thrown at the screen

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                    4 Replies
                    • Luke Smith is [i]such[/i] an asshole. Honestly I wish I had his job. It clearly isn't very hard or demanding.

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                      14 Replies
                      • Shut your whore mouth.

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                      • It's funny how people find something new to complain

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                        4 Replies
                        • I'm fine with it. It'll give us a chance to work through all the other new content, get our weapons straight, start collecting some loot, and leveling up before it's raid time. I don't understand why everyone is so surprised by this though. I mean Vanilla Destiny didn't come with a raid right off the bat. HoW didn't come with one at all. This is only the third DLC, 4th content release if you want to count Vanilla, and only one of them came out with the raid all ready to go. I wish everyone would just take all the news in stride and realize that it's just a game, and not a perfect one at that. If you really enjoy the game, you'll just be excited for TTK in general. I am at least. Who cares if we have to wait a couple weeks for a raid? It's not like there will be nothing to do at launch. I would much rather them take their sweet time on it and release it as glitch free as possible than rush it to satisfy all these salty forum folks and release a buggy glitchfest. Which, by the way, would just make said salty forum folks twice as pissy and screaming at Bungie to "FIX IT OR IM LEEVING 4EVER BUNGIE I DESERVE BETTER THAN THIS WAH!"

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                        • Were you here when destiny first launched? They did the same thing for Vault of glass

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