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8/30/2015 11:49:38 AM
Yeah, I think just the way you worded or phased some things might be interpreted a different way, but language has a way of doing that in general; especially written word. Most people don't realize how much context you get out of expressions and gestures from people when you are talking to them verbally/visibly, and how much you lose of that when it is only written. In comment to your second paragraph, I figured that would be your perspective and 'interpretation' of the scripture I mentioned from Jesus' perspective. I still thing your view there glosses over things and makes it easy to acknowledge, but not really think about the Old Testament. That is cool though, because the fact is we aren't going to agree on everything and I don't even think there is anything wrong with that. Also, I reviewed the viewpoints you sent me with the links, and they are the standard justifications I often hear by people that are at least knowledgeable biblically, rather than the ignorant people that don't know why they believe what they do. (Faith is a powerful thing and can be wonderful when used in conjunction with intelligent motivation. However, blind faith is one of the worst things to ever plague religion, corrupting it into something that is used to manipulate ignorant people who base their views solely on emotion; completely ignoring all logical understanding. Just one horrific massive example of that is the Crusades, but the fact is it still happens all of the time even today, just generally on a smaller scale.) I can respect that at least those scholars in the links you provided took time to convey a perspective with connecting things, but I still think so much is liberally interpreted that to the average outsider (a person looking into their religion, and not part of it) it just looks like loose conjecture to justify the harshness of the Old Testament, and connect two separate beliefs (Judaism/Christianity) and tie them together though the foundations are so drastically different. (Note: I'm not saying this is my view, I'm just pointing out both viewpoints rather than negating one just because I don't agree with it.) Lastly I'd like to say I appreciate your intelligent, and thought out response. It is rare nowadays to get someone that doesn't bash, ignore, and/or demean you for a different point of view (which ironically is hypocritical for a christian to do, but I sadly think many people are christian only in name, like the pharisees and sadducees of old) I appreciate your candor and respect, especially when it comes to something as touchy as religion and/or your personal beliefs. I wish you the best on your own journey of faith.

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  • Yeah it's a lot easier to convey ideas like this in person. And yeah there are so many grey areas that people will have different views. And I can understand where you are coming from. I'm glad though you took the time to read the links I appreciate that. And yes I 100% definitely agree blind faith can be terrible. It is important to reach beliefs through one's own self-discovery and pursuit of knowledge. One should not just believe because someone else told that person what to believe. You are also very right in that a lot of Christians seem unfortunately to be Christians by name or solely because it benefits them. That's a wonderful statement there that faith can supplement intellectual motivation to be a powerful force. Thank you so much for the kind words. I say the same for you. It was great and refreshing having this discussion with you. I'm glad we could both be respectful and mature in discussing this subject. I think talks like this help in better understanding our own beliefs. Best of wishes to you as well in your future and in your continued growth.

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