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originally posted in: Credit Resets
10/2/2010 2:47:59 AM
first off i don't have the option for wifi where i live so i go to my cousin for there wifi i bought the limited ed halo game so i got a trail card with it, I entered the game and a massage popped up saying relinquish so many credits so i can see my armor in matchmaking so i did so i could show off the armor and the helmet i got(it never said I'd permanently lose them!) thinking once i go home and played I'd gain them back along with my rank but no i didn't i lost 5 ranks from warrant officer grade 3 i even lost my items and ill have to buy them back too i played a level on legendary and only got 50credits i then did 2 levels on legendary and got nothing whats going on what did you guys do to my game i could never get my rank or my gear back, plus the book that came with my game has 2 pages torn out is that suppose to be like that? = didn't know where to place this and what does Challenge Reset mean?

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