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originally posted in: Marriage made in The Last Array
Edited by Xûr Mixalot: 8/29/2015 7:37:10 PM
*Variks walks your wife down the aisle, whilst Dregs poke and prod at an Organ, making a hideous excuse for music* Archon Priest: "Do you, Guardian, take this lovely female Guardian to be your happily wedded wife?" You: "I do." Archon Priest: "And do you, female Guardian, take this male Guardian to be your wonderful wedded husband?" Your wife: "I do." Archon Priest: "Psst, Variks, are you crying, bud?" Variks: "No..*sniffle*...Variks does not cry...Variks' eyes are leaking, yessss? *sniffle*" Archon Priest: You may kiss the bride." *you both look into each other's eyes, and moments before your lips touch...* [spoiler]A WARSAT enters the atmosphere and plummets towards your location at thousands of miles per hour, while Dinklebot says "Hold on...."[/spoiler]

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