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5/1/2005 7:44:25 PM

what is the worst pain you ever felt?

[i]I was looking through the ruin of forgotten threads and I found this one I thought i would bring it back[/i] for me it would be getting hit in the balls with a baseball bat.
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  • It was when I jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge.

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  • Posted by: Ruze Catwoman the movie. We have a winner. yes yes we do

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  • 1. Having my wisdom teeth pulled, with no drugs. They pulled four teeth and it took almost two hours. Nothing like having your jaw locked open as the dentist hits you in the mouth with a hammer for two hours... 2. Any guy who has gotten the STD test will agree with this one... The q-tip the size of a sharpie pen, and they tell you where it goes. "Your going to stick that thing in my what?!"

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  • Getting jumped simultanousley by 20 people. And they all are kicking you in the balls.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Ruze Catwoman the movie.[/quote] We have a winner.

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  • Catwoman the movie.

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  • getting kicked in teh balls of course

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  • ok: [*] walking into a sign post that was stupidly put on the pavement about 5'6" off the ground. [*]Getting your hand jammed in those massive swinging doors. [*]Gettin hit by a van. Fortuantley i was really young so i cant really remember it. [*]Riding out of control down a really steep slope on your bike and going straight into a massive bush of nettles. [*]Something [b][u][i]VERY[/i][/u][/b] painful happening to my personal parts. [*]Getting kicked a few milimetres above the eye with metal studs (it didnt really hurt that much i was just really scared id lose my sight). [*]being in goal in soccer and being awful as well. i may as well have painted a bullseye on me given how many times i stopped goals with my groin (i dont know why they just seemed to have homing capabilities) [*]being depressed (as in for weeks rather than a couple of days) and feeling suicidal is awful.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Rabid Gnome Broken Heart > Broken Bones. I still don't see anything beating a broken heart... Even death is a welcome experience in the wake of a horrible break up.[/quote] Broken heart is overated. Grab a bear and -blam!-e. You'll live.

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  • # 1 you konw thoes surgery carama you one those all the way up the rectom the pain oh the PAIN OWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOW #2 540 volts i would take that 500 more time then do # 1

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  • Getting two shots (without novacaine) in the roof of my mouth before ten teeth were pulled out

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  • 1 a horrible accident while doing the blue flame. ive got a hole in a pair of boxers 2 i was toasting a mashmellow over a fire. when it beurt into flames i was swinging my stick around to put out the flame but the mashmellow (on fire still) was flung of my stick and into my eye! it was on fire! i had to pat it out! i had truoble opening and closing my eye for about a week! and when i could see the scar my eye looked like a giant scab!

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  • the worst pain I have felt was being constipated...and having gas pains at the same time. Oh lord...never again...

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  • I had kidney stones at about the age of 7. Thats when I also figured out im allergic to morphine. [Edited on 5/15/2005]

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  • Broken Heart > Broken Bones. I still don't see anything beating a broken heart... Even death is a welcome experience in the wake of a horrible break up.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Gorgerwert Having my femur (bone in leg) snapped in half playing soccer. Well, i did get to miss 2 weeks of school with the surgery and all so it was bitter-sweet.[/quote] O yes another person talking about a kidney stone reminded me that as a result of being imoble for so long i also developed a kidney stone which made my stomach/bladder feel like it had a knife in it untill i peed the stone out. Suprisingly it didn't hurt all that much to pee out. Also, because if a birth defect (cist) -spelling may be wrong- or a weak bone area in my left leg it was broken for the third time untill finally i had surgery done on it and got the bad bone replaced with a dead guys bone. I also broke my wrist once surfing on my sled going off jumps but that didn't hurt too much. My life sucks. [Edited on 5/14/2005]

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  • Shoulder dislocation, twice within a week of each other. The first time it happened I didn't know what happened, I just screamed and fell to the ground. When I hit the ground it knocked the ball joint back into the socket. The second time it happened it stayed out, and there was a doctor on the other team, who saw it happen and knew immediately what occured. He stopped the game, and sent me to the hospital.

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  • I was riding a bike that was a too small for me, i thought i could go off the side of a large vert quarter pipe and land it.... Big mistake not enough speed and the frame was to small. The frame got stuck on the side and i flew of the side landed and skidded on hard concrete. EDIT: and did i mention i was 5 or 6 feet in the air when i fell [Edited on 5/14/2005]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] mashmonster Wow, you guys are hardcore. The worst for me was probably when I slammed my left pointer finger in between the car door. [/quote] Yeah I've done that twice---It's no fun at all. I just remembered.. did something to my back a while ago. was bent over annoying the dog then started walking to the kitchen while straightening up and my back started hurting. It may not have been intense, but back pain is very unique. I had to lie in a very specific position-couldn't stand up straight or have my back in any other position without being in pain--not nice.. The vertebrae in your back are made of two pieces and are jointed so they can flex somewhat. a/some muscle/s in my back had gone into spasm and locked two of my vertebrae completely solid so they couldn't move at all, which was why my back wasn't too happy. Also once cut the end of my thumb off while I was cutting chicken--that hurt too. I had to sit down--went faint, which was odd as i've never done that before--kind of went into shock or something I guess. --For about a month afterwards it hurt to use an Xbox pad-the wound would split open and weep a bit and then reheal when I stopped-didn't stop me from playing video games, and amazingly it didn't scar.

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  • Wow, you guys are hardcore. The worst for me was probably when I slammed my left pointer finger in between the car door. Or when I was on my kitchen counter and I jumped off the chair and slammed my chin. Split it clean open.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SPYKUPP I can beat all of you by far im 16 now but when i was 12 years old i had 2 kidney stones each the size of golfballs which had to come out when i peed [/quote] Ow Ow Ow Ow Ow Ow Ow Ow Ow Ow Ow Ow Ow !

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] _RadioHead When I was in 2nd grade me and my friends would roll down the plastic slide in the playground all together into one big kid ball. One afternoon, we rolled down and I was on the bottom (with everyone on top of me) with my face on the plastic. We rolled down and my face got burned due to the friction between my face and the plastic. I was purple all over and bleeding. I still have the scars. Another would be having boiling water fall on my arm. I damn near passed out.[/quote] Now that doesn't sound nice!! P.S.--yes the heartbreak totally sucks too--I hate that-- really bad non-physical pain. talking of scars-- I have quite a few--I like em, I lie and say my dad threw an axe at me to make it sound more interesting I have two on my right knee from my surgery, one on the right knee from when I tried to climb up to shout down through an air vent at a friend on the toilet while we were at disney land and caught my knee on a nail sticking out of the wood work (incidentally just after that happened was climbing back upstairs from the toilets and there was an 8 year old girl with diarrhea (you know liquid poop) all down the back of her legs. two on my head--one from a collision with a table leg, and one from when I flew over the handle bars of my bike and did a proper cartoon character skid along the road with the top of my forehead (scraped right down to the bone). I also have a ridge running horizontal across the top of my skull due to a rather heavy collision with the top of a rather solid door frame (the head-trauma scars may explain a lot about who I am). [Edited on 5/14/2005]

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  • Having my femur (bone in leg) snapped in half playing soccer. Well, i did get to miss 2 weeks of school with the surgery and all so it was bitter-sweet.

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  • one time one of my friends had a lighsaber birthday party. Being the Jackasses that we are we said once you got hit you had to freeze and could only be saved by your teammate hitting you with the lightsaber. Well i had been "killed" and my friend threw his lighsaber. It deflected off of another person and went into my eye. I ran into the bathroom and looked in the mirror to se a cut along my i it hurt like crap. here is a list of other very painful things that has happened to me. head got stuck in corner of a wall playing wall ball and getting it stuck in your open eye playing dodgeball with a soccer ball and getting beamed in the balls with it(i couldnt move my friends had to carry me off the "feild" of play) having a friend trying to kick the skateboard up and catch it but misses the skatebored and it hits me in the eye having a luge race and flipping off of the board and skidding down the rest of the hill playing racketball and getting beamed in the face having your g/f break up with you after long relationship Damn a lot of things has happened to my eye

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  • Having a nail in my foot was painful...

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  • When I was in 2nd grade me and my friends would roll down the plastic slide in the playground all together into one big kid ball. One afternoon, we rolled down and I was on the bottom (with everyone on top of me) with my face on the plastic. We rolled down and my face got burned due to the friction between my face and the plastic. I was purple all over and bleeding. I still have the scars. Another would be having boiling water fall on my arm. I damn near passed out.

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