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Edited by Arbiter1470: 8/28/2015 6:21:13 PM

We Gotta Separate THESE Colors

Now before you get triggered by the title and fuel me with your rage in the comments, listen up: If you think I'm talkin' about races, well, you're dead f***ing wrong. The only colors that we should actually separate are Black, White, and Blue from Red and White, as well as from Blue, Red, and Orange. I'm talking about factions. I wonder if I'm the only one who thinks that it is simply wrong, and even shameful, to wear a shader and mark of different factions. Like, if you are wearing the color motif of Dead Orbit , then you shouldn't be representing New Monarchy around your waist, on your arm, or around your head. If you think about it, that is so directly opposed to the lore of the game, considering how each of the factions have greatly differing opinions. I promise you, oh reader mine, that even if I get a different faction shader than those of Dead Orbit, I will wear it and the faction's corresponding mark with total pride. It won't even matter to me. But you won't catch me dead while wearing clashing faction gear. I understand that the Shader Grind is undeniably real, and I too am a slave to it. I wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy. But please, if you do the above pet peeve, heed my words or at least explain the appeal of it. I see it the most with people who wear Bittersteel (Dead Orbit) with a New Monarchy mark, and I know that DO has great shaders but at least give that damn faction some love!? For Kabr's sake, Guardians! -Arbiter1470-

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