Dear Bungie, We all love #Destiny, and there are millions who love destiny mostly because of crucible matches. This Video briefly shows the problems (Lags, Lags and Lags) which we all facing in day to day playing crucibles. Sometimes fine and sometimes just really annoying. Thanks to Planet Destiny to bring this issue up. Please pay attention to this issue as the first priority on launch of Taken King.
Trials matches are made based on connection ,,,sure they are Bungie sure they are....
Were do i post a video from trial's to report cheater's ?
This would be better suited in #Feedback, I have moved your thread over there for better visibility.
It isn't sometimes fine at all anymore. Every single match now has red and orange bar people running around ruining the game for everybody else. But Bungie will do what they're good at and ignore it all. They will ignore this post about lag, they will ignore the next post about lag and they have ignored the hundreds if not thousands of posts up until now about the ridiculous lag in their shit Crucible. It's been nearly a year now and the problem is worse than ever. It is literally every single game. Bungie says that feedback is important and that they listen to their community.....which is a complete lie. They know their Crucible is an utter train wreck, but at least helmets are are an option in social spaces and the ball in the tower lights know, those 2 things that the community was just screaming out for...... priorities aren't a big thing at Bungie HQ.
This really seems like its players cheating. I mean, really it runs fine and then suddenly some douche on the other team is losing and the game chops up and lags out. Took 4 hits on this one douche with bladedancer while he was moving around fine and continuing to attack me. These sad mother-blam!-ers really need to stop.
I never red barred, or was even kicked EVER from destiny, until the last update they put out. Now it's nothing but red bars everywhere, along with constant pineapple codes. Making it very hard to enjoy the game. Its just awfully funny that from launch, I never had a issue until this update came out. Coincident, I think not, bad update? Definitely!!!!!!!
The lag has definitely got worse lately, one game, everyone in the lobby is green, the next game, everyone is red, then you get a game, where you're all green barring an invincible red bar on the opposing team. I used to go red bar very rarely, until lately.
i am glad that i am not the only one who runs into this. glad to hear that there are others who are going through it as well and not just me. (not in a bad way)
I feel your pain this is why I cannot do the rumble salvage cards because I keep on getting put with people you are always got green bars for connection and I have red . I worst of all the trials I am red bar all the time everyone is green so basically I am there for revives and to throw granades. Which is shit because I am decent at pvp but it's the connection that lets me down .