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4/2/2009 5:17:14 AM

Are the moderators more tolerant of the misbehavior of highly ranked member

So, i have recently come out of hiding. Mainly, due to boredom. I have not posted terribly much. However, a friend of mine mentioned me today that I should be banned because he thinks that all of my posts since my re-emergence border on spam. However, he thinks that the reason I have [i]not[/i] been banned is because of my Mythic status. Now, as I've not come to the forums for quite a long time(to me), I have no idea if this seems to be a plausible, prevalent phenomenon. What do you think? EDIT: argh! accursed character limit in the title bar! [Edited on 04.01.2009 9:20 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] TOM T 117 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] burritosenior [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SonicJohn Are there any Mythic Members who have not been blacklisted or warned?[/quote] I have been. I know I'm not Mythic right now, but I've just not been active. I will be again in a few days, I'm sure. So I thought I'd contribute :).[/quote]A little quicker than a few days ;-)[/quote] I thought titles only updated once a day?

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  • I don't think it's the color bar so much as the person behind it that gets the leeway. I've seen several longstanding members post against the rules or spam, and instead of warnings or locks, the mods actually posted in the thread going along with it. Take BB for example (no offence guy) but I remember when he posted a "This is my ___ B.Net birthday, cheers for me" here in the septagon. This would normally get locked, and probably a warning, since it went against the "specific user threads" and generally didn't belong here. However, most of the mods actually posted in the thread with congrats and many more posts. I know for a fact if I made the same thread, I'd get it locked, and while I might not get banned, I'd probably get a "This is not your blog" response. So to sum up, some people are allowed to bump elbows with the mods and step on their toes a little since they know them so well.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] burritosenior [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SonicJohn Are there any Mythic Members who have not been blacklisted or warned?[/quote] I have been. I know I'm not Mythic right now, but I've just not been active. I will be again in a few days, I'm sure. So I thought I'd contribute :).[/quote]A little quicker than a few days ;-)

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] NoNeckin They should grant leniency to potential Mythic members as well. [/quote] EVERYONE is a potential Mythic Member.

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  • They should grant leniency to potential Mythic members as well.

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  • . [Edited on 04.02.2009 10:32 AM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] The Slayer I only ban blue bars. I'm coming for you next, Skib.[/quote]You should have stayed in HFCS during April fools, then you'd have had a legitimate excuse. There is always next year though ;-)

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  • I only ban blue bars. I'm coming for you next, Skib.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Bapabooiee I would imagine, yes. I made a painfully obvious troll post in the Halo 3 forum a while ago -- and normally (from my experience), a troll would've been instantly nuked. But all I got was slap on the wrists and some free hugs D:[/quote] Yes, I've seen the rise of trolls getting slightly more annoying.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SonicJohn Are there any Mythic Members who have not been blacklisted or warned?[/quote] I have been. I know I'm not Mythic right now, but I've just not been active. I will be again in a few days, I'm sure. So I thought I'd contribute :). I'm a completely selfish guy, so I don't mind getting a little leeway for having a higher title. However, I must say that I really like Pezz's reasoning on page 1, the first part of the post. Is it fair? No, not necessarily. But if those members generally help and stuff... a little leeway is perfectly understandable in my opinion. Unless a rule is really broken, like flaming or bypassing the filter or whatnot (though I've bypassed it a couple times myself- always for the sake of the discussion).

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  • I would imagine, yes. I made a painfully obvious troll post in the Halo 3 forum a while ago -- and normally (from my experience), a troll would've been instantly nuked. But all I got was slap on the wrists and some free hugs D:

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  • My thoughts are that it is, or rather should be, a double edged sword. They will likely have an advantage for minor offences as many mods have commented on due to an evident ability to contribute constructively rather than destructively. However, I would imagine that for major offences or blatant/idiotic rule breaking they should/will be hit by the hammer harder; they should have a greater understanding of the rules due to their longer membership duration. They should be setting an example, failure to do this should quickly end their trust displaying title bar and prevent it popping up again for quite a while. This is my personal opinion anyway and how I think things should be handled for general cases. -spelling and grammar fixed in edit- [Edited on 04.02.2009 9:47 AM PDT]

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  • I havent gotten anthing yet

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  • I would assume that the only reason it seems that mods are more lenient when it comes to higher ranked members is because when a mod bans a legendary or mythic member, they could lose their title bar color immediately, making it seem like it was a heroic or normal member who was banned.

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  • This is even more support for my plan of keeping my head down until I reach a higher level where I will be able to get away with more stuff ;) lol. Im kidding.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Tartan 118 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] x Foman123 x [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SonicJohn Are there any Mythic Members who have not been blacklisted or warned? I have a feeling that one of the requirements to reach Mythix is to have some warning/blacklist history. If only for the sake of the persons understanding rules that much better.[/quote]Sorry John, your feeling kinda makes sense, but there are plenty of Mythic Members with no warnings or blacklistings. Including many of the site's admins, Bungie employees, and Forum Ninjas.[/quote] Not including Urk and Duardo :P[/quote]... Each ban was my own doing...except for a warnings a couple years ago

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Tartan 118 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] x Foman123 x [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SonicJohn Are there any Mythic Members who have not been blacklisted or warned? I have a feeling that one of the requirements to reach Mythix is to have some warning/blacklist history. If only for the sake of the persons understanding rules that much better.[/quote]Sorry John, your feeling kinda makes sense, but there are plenty of Mythic Members with no warnings or blacklistings. Including many of the site's admins, Bungie employees, and Forum Ninjas.[/quote] Not including Urk and Duardo :P[/quote]Burn? I'm just curious when the negative effect of my ban a few months ago is going to wear off. Jeez, it seems like I've been stuck at Member forever. Funny thing about that ban is that it was in a "nuked" thread, in which the only people that did not get banned were the Mythic and Legendary Members. I, being Heroic at the time, got banned, whereas the moderator (who I'll keep anonymous) banned myself for [i]replying and commenting on the ridiculous post left by a Mythic Member[/i]. That was testament enough to me that the favoritism is strong towards the higher ranks; sometimes for the worst.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] x Foman123 x [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SonicJohn Are there any Mythic Members who have not been blacklisted or warned? I have a feeling that one of the requirements to reach Mythix is to have some warning/blacklist history. If only for the sake of the persons understanding rules that much better.[/quote]Sorry John, your feeling kinda makes sense, but there are plenty of Mythic Members with no warnings or blacklistings. Including many of the site's admins, Bungie employees, and Forum Ninjas.[/quote] Not including Urk and Duardo :P

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] x Foman123 x [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] bobcast I guess my question is, why is the line drawn in different places for different members? [/quote]I think I explained my reasoning behind it -- were you unsure about what my reasoning was or in disagreement?[/quote] No, I understand. Pezz's post was before yours.

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  • I was handed a warning back in January for a blog style post, while being Legendary, but still attained Mythic status for the third time. Another ninja explained to me that there is definitely some leeway with higher members, but I feel that warnings and such should still be considered. I was not upset with the warning (first ever), but I learned something new, even after reading the rules multiple times, it's a learning experience and can be used to assist the newer members.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] bobcast [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Pezz But as soon as they cross the line, just like anyone else, they're gone. [/quote]I guess my question is, why is the line drawn in different places for different members?[/quote]To my understanding, a user's ban history is a large factor in determining how harsh they will be punished, right? So if the member titles are somewhat of a visual representation of a user's non-recent ban history, then I can see how it would appear that members are being treated differently. Besides bobcast, aren't you against mandatory minimum blacklistings? If it is equality that you are concerned about, then mandatory minimums across the board would be the most equal moderation option.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] elmicker [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Pezz We were always pretty impartial, or tried our best to be (inb4 snide comment by elmicker or Shai), but it's easier nowadays.[/quote] It's funny because shai's a jumper too.[/quote] But seriously, i jest. The Jumpers were upstanding, pillars of the community. "Well-known positive contributors", if you will.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] bobcast I guess my question is, why is the line drawn in different places for different members? [/quote]I think I explained my reasoning behind it -- were you unsure about what my reasoning was or in disagreement? [Edited on 04.02.2009 7:56 AM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] borrowedchief [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] x Foman123 x [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SonicJohn Are there any Mythic Members who have not been blacklisted or warned? I have a feeling that one of the requirements to reach Mythix is to have some warning/blacklist history. If only for the sake of the persons understanding rules that much better.[/quote]Sorry John, your feeling kinda makes sense, but there are plenty of Mythic Members with no warnings or blacklistings. Including many of the site's admins, Bungie employees, and Forum Ninjas.[/quote] Were you ever banned Foman? I don't ever recall you being banned before. Edited for elaboration[/quote] Oh he was. I remember it quite well. I even remember what it was about. Regardless of Fo's questionable past (teehee) it doesn't define his contribution to the community. Nor does 1 spam post by a Mythic define what they do. I post a lot of times off-topic, to kinda throw a little humor in here and there. But at the same time I'm posting in threads about what I think Optimatch should look like or answering questions when I can. And every now and then I'll get a PM from someone asking about Marathon, and that never makes it to the forum. If a Mythic is continually breaking the rules, I have no doubt that the mods will smite them. It doesn't even have to be a Mythic member either. I've seen long term members being given more deference than some Mythics. And as Pezz said, that's because before we even had these fancy-smancy titles, certain members got leeway because they were well-known positive contributors. ~B.B.

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  • I just banned an Exalted Mythic for political discussion. On a side note, I will generally give a Mythic a little more leeway than usual, but if it's really against the rules, I'll take action.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BadBall3r47 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] bobcast [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Pezz But as soon as they cross the line, just like anyone else, they're gone. [/quote] I guess my question is, why is the line drawn in different places for different members? [/quote]Is it?[/quote] Apparently. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Pezz Most mythic members are long time institutions in the community, they're important to withold the sense of community and they're part of the experience. So that has a bearing sometimes.[/quote] [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] x Foman123 x For me personally, Legendary and Mythic members get more leeway generally -- not necessarily because I know them, but because their member titles are a recognition of a long history of being around, being active, and not getting into trouble with the rules. In other words, if the website's trust rating trusts you enough to give you a legendary or blue bar, then I also trust you to not be the kind of person who intentionally breaks forum rules or simply does not care about them. For small mistakes, this definitely gives Legendary and Mythic members the advantage of having some leeway in their posting. [/quote]

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