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4/2/2009 5:17:14 AM

Are the moderators more tolerant of the misbehavior of highly ranked member

So, i have recently come out of hiding. Mainly, due to boredom. I have not posted terribly much. However, a friend of mine mentioned me today that I should be banned because he thinks that all of my posts since my re-emergence border on spam. However, he thinks that the reason I have [i]not[/i] been banned is because of my Mythic status. Now, as I've not come to the forums for quite a long time(to me), I have no idea if this seems to be a plausible, prevalent phenomenon. What do you think? EDIT: argh! accursed character limit in the title bar! [Edited on 04.01.2009 9:20 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] bobcast I believe that a lot of peoples contributions and thoughts are ignored based on their member title.[/quote]Honestly in a way being plain "Member" is my favourite, although Mythic was pretty hawt. The people who respond to you are generally the ones who are likely to actually read what you have to say rather than suck up to a coloured bar. I get by and so do you (I can guarantee that by the time I finish this post another person would have quoted you aside from me). Sure some things get ignored and one would prefer a system fostering equality but in a way having a lower title filters out the suck-ups. [Edited on 04.02.2009 12:50 PM PDT]

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  • What makes a good member? Someone who is responsible, who knows the forum rules, etc. I may be wrong, but I don't really think that anyone can become a "higher member" for doing these things. Certain factors go into place, and for further clarification, I really don't know how I am Honorable...Play nice is the only piece of advice I have in mind.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] bobcast It would be interesting to see how conversations would change if the member titles/bars were removed. [b]I believe that a lot of peoples contributions and thoughts are ignored based on their member title.[/b] [/quote] Yes, this happens. I have made a few threads in the Halo 3 Forum in the past that just shot down the page with no results. I keep those archived threads of mine saved in case I want to try to reuse that topic again, if the topic still holds.

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  • Sounds interesting. Somebody needs to revive that achievement thread. Interchangeable titles do certainly seem much more appealing than the current system, I think the prefix titles could do with a few more additions as well if the heroic/legendary/mythic were to go to make them broader and reward more varied types of behaviour. Perhaps, just as an example one title could link with winning X amount of games without quiting, another could link forum activity and the game, another could link ban history, activity and the game. Certainly an expanded, customisable experience would add purpose and identity to the current system to make it more representative of a user's character and rewarding of good behaviour. I wonder if Bungie have considered linking with the game and vice-versa so that certain armour for example (in future titles) is only obtainable when the account linked has a certain level of activity and trust but relocks when this is lost. I know this would verge on elitism and may spawn immaturity but the beauty of such a system is Bungie could easily reduce trust while reclaiming it would be difficult. With systems such as this people would be more inclined to follow the rules and join and participate because of the advantages of the participation and disadvantages or getting banned. Obviously I have no idea how this could work and there are numerous issues Bungie would have to get around but I'm just throwing ideas into the ball park.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] bobcast It would be interesting to see how conversations would change if the member titles/bars were removed. I believe that a lot of peoples contributions and thoughts are ignored based on their member title. [/quote] Tru Dat. I hate typing a long explanation for something to have it completely ignored, only to have a Mythic come by and post three words and everyone quotes him and listens.

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  • Mythic members are given a little leeway, but not because of the title, but because of what the title represents. A mythic member basically means you been here for a while and you're trusted. Is it a bit biased? A little, but there will always be a bias attitude in everything you do.

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  • It would be interesting to see how conversations would change if the member titles/bars were removed. I believe that a lot of peoples contributions and thoughts are ignored based on their member title.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Achronos The trust rating already includes elements of game participation. [/quote] Wait, does this mean if I play Halo 3 more that I'll have a higher rank? *readies Halo 3 disk* It does somewhat come down to how well the moderator knows the member. For instance, if the moderator is familiar with the person and knows that he is a good contributor and does good in the community than he'll be more likely to let a slight infraction slide. While this doesn't always apply to all moderators, it does apply a lot of the time. Whether intentional or unintentional.

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  • I heard if you add: LOL, J/K, :), or :-) to the end of your post, you can pretty much say anything you want..... It's all about total contribution I would say. The poster who does great things most of the time and dumb things rarely will have an easier time than the member who is routinely does dumb things or is new. :)

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  • I liked it better when everyone was just a regular member back in 2006. Sure, [url=]I've read all of this[/url], but I don't understand why some members with newer accounts than mine are both higher in base title and prefix title as well. Oh well, maybe I should post longer responses or something.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Lord Snakie Then it could possibly turn into a "recon for the forums" situation.[/quote] We already have that...*looks at snakie's title bar* I do think Mythic members get a slight preferential treatment. Instead of a ban, they get sent to the basement with Duardo and a stick of butter.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Achronos The trust rating already includes elements of game participation. I'm talking about making titles less about rankings and more about just labels. Right now, there is a hierarchy. What if there wasn't really a hierarchy. What if they were just labels that you got? The current idea that I fancy is that they'd be a user setting - there would be a set of titles that you can earn for various things, and then you'd go to your My Settings page and select which one you want to use. The prefix would still be done in the same way it is now, to differentiate a bit more. Not sure what I'd do about the bar colors, maybe they'd be earned too. You guys think of the forum titles as a ranking system, but that's not how I see their purpose. I see it more for differentiating people on the forums, just like avatars. Nothing really planned here, just thinking out loud.[/quote]I actually really like this idea- I would love to be able to choose my title and bar color out of a set of ones available for accomplishing certain things. Not only that, but it would kill these titles and bars that we have right now... I don't like them and never have. The only thing I can see a problem with is if some title/color bar is rather incredibly harder to gain than any of the others. Then it could possibly turn into a "recon for the forums" situation.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Achronos The trust rating already includes elements of game participation. I'm talking about making titles less about rankings and more about just labels. Right now, there is a hierarchy. What if there wasn't really a hierarchy. What if they were just labels that you got? The current idea that I fancy is that they'd be a user setting - there would be a set of titles that you can earn for various things, and then you'd go to your My Settings page and select which one you want to use. The prefix would still be done in the same way it is now, to differentiate a bit more. Not sure what I'd do about the bar colors, maybe they'd be earned too. You guys think of the forum titles as a ranking system, but that's not how I see their purpose. I see it more for differentiating people on the forums, just like avatars. Nothing really planned here, just thinking out loud. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] TOM T 117 [quote]I often wonder if it would be better to link it game participation (probably keeping the prefixes, I like those) and just lose the Heroic/Legendary/Mythic. Maybe as we make more games available we could think up some alternate stuff.[/quote]Linking it to game participation is a direction I would not like to see the system take. One immediate issue I can see is people regarding these titles much as they do with the Spartan vs Elite scenario. I think the titles should stay related to forum participation and on site activity rather than off site activity, it just complicates the affair. The current system is trust rating based hence elitism is less likely to spawn (as those with higher trust ratings should know better), I fail to see how this could be controlled on a system based off site without trust ratings still being heavily weighted. I wouldn't mind the removal of bar colours, it makes some posts stand out more than others which, in a community based on equality of members, (we'll ignore the employees for the sake of argument) isn't really ideal so in that sense I wouldn't mind the removal of the heroic/legendary/mythic titles (don't tell Skibur).[/quote][/quote] That's an interesting idea. Personally, I like the current system. It has always seemed to me as a fun little feature to promote good behavior and, as you said, differentiate between users on the forums. However, if you don't think of it as a ranking system but more of a user label, then your suggestion is more in line with a 'user labels' feature, in my humble opinion. I would look forward to something like that being implemented, as long as there is still a variable that is affected by trust. [Edited on 04.02.2009 12:12 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ShiningJustice Isn't that stereotype? Not all of the bans are judgement calls.[/quote]Sometimes it's an easy judgement. Think of a baseball umpire. Some calls are easy rules interpretations, some are a little fuzzy. Ultimately the unpire makes a choice. Picture a manager argueing with the unpire. A volatile manager is more likely to get a quick boot, whereas a mild mannered one will probably get a little time to blow some steam the umpire's way. That's how it does and [i]should[/i] work.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] TOM T 117 Obviously my action didn't influence the change however it certainly seems to be updating much more frequently than it has in the past; Tartan 118's title also changed yesterday for extra evidence.[/quote] That's odd because I went from Heroic to Member to Honorable Member and I've been stuck here ever since they added the new Titles.

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  • The trust rating already includes elements of game participation. I'm talking about making titles less about rankings and more about just labels. Right now, there is a hierarchy. What if there wasn't really a hierarchy. What if they were just labels that you got? The current idea that I fancy is that they'd be a user setting - there would be a set of titles that you can earn for various things, and then you'd go to your My Settings page and select which one you want to use. The prefix would still be done in the same way it is now, to differentiate a bit more. Not sure what I'd do about the bar colors, maybe they'd be earned too. You guys think of the forum titles as a ranking system, but that's not how I see their purpose. I see it more for differentiating people on the forums, just like avatars. Nothing really planned here, just thinking out loud. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] TOM T 117 [quote]I often wonder if it would be better to link it game participation (probably keeping the prefixes, I like those) and just lose the Heroic/Legendary/Mythic. Maybe as we make more games available we could think up some alternate stuff.[/quote]Linking it to game participation is a direction I would not like to see the system take. One immediate issue I can see is people regarding these titles much as they do with the Spartan vs Elite scenario. I think the titles should stay related to forum participation and on site activity rather than off site activity, it just complicates the affair. The current system is trust rating based hence elitism is less likely to spawn (as those with higher trust ratings should know better), I fail to see how this could be controlled on a system based off site without trust ratings still being heavily weighted. I wouldn't mind the removal of bar colours, it makes some posts stand out more than others which, in a community based on equality of members, (we'll ignore the employees for the sake of argument) isn't really ideal so in that sense I wouldn't mind the removal of the heroic/legendary/mythic titles (don't tell Skibur).[/quote]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] The Slayer I only ban blue bars. I'm coming for you next, Skib.[/quote]That somewhat fits your username. Heh heh

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Yoozel I thought the best social experiment was how people react to their blacklists? Hm.... [/quote]I respond with "OMG this is freaking ridiculous" because it [u]almost[/u]* always is. *Keyword covers me, see the useless qualification Critical Thinking isn't entirely useless.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Yoozel I thought the best social experiment was how people react to their blacklists? Hm.... [/quote] I do indeed see what you did there good sir.

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  • I thought the best social experiment was how people react to their blacklists? Hm....

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Old Papa Rich All bans are judgement calls.[/quote] Isn't that stereotype? Not all of the bans are judgement calls. [Edited on 04.02.2009 11:12 AM PDT]

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  • [quote]I often wonder if it would be better to link it game participation (probably keeping the prefixes, I like those) and just lose the Heroic/Legendary/Mythic. Maybe as we make more games available we could think up some alternate stuff.[/quote]Linking it to game participation is a direction I would not like to see the system take. One immediate issue I can see is people regarding these titles much as they do with the Spartan vs Elite scenario. I think the titles should stay related to forum participation and on site activity rather than off site activity, it just complicates the affair. The current system is trust rating based hence elitism is less likely to spawn (as those with higher trust ratings should know better), I fail to see how this could be controlled on a system based off site without trust ratings still being heavily weighted. I wouldn't mind the removal of bar colours, it makes some posts stand out more than others which, in a community based on equality of members, (we'll ignore the employees for the sake of argument) isn't really ideal so in that sense I wouldn't mind the removal of the heroic/legendary/mythic titles (don't tell Skibur). [quote]watching how you guys behave relating to a somewhat arbitrary rating is very intriguing.[/quote]I'm more than a fluctuating number, I swear! [Edited on 04.02.2009 11:13 AM PDT]

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  • This. A known member (irregardless of title) is more likely to get away with things because they know the line they can't cross, and moderators know they know the line, and allow them to skirt it a bit. This isn't bias, this is making a judgment call about trust. Sometimes those calls are wrong, and a ban must be issued. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Old Papa Rich [i]All[/i] bans are judgement calls. [/quote] The title system for displaying the trust rating sure has had some interesting side effects. A great social experiment, IMHO. There are lots of different places we could take it, you know. The current system was mostly set up as a way to not constantly just have "Member" for everybody, and the trust system was the datasource because we didn't have anything else to base it on. I often wonder if it would be better to link it game participation (probably keeping the prefixes, I like those) and just lose the Heroic/Legendary/Mythic. Maybe as we make more games available we could think up some alternate stuff. But in the meantime, watching how you guys behave relating to a somewhat arbitrary rating is very intriguing.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ImTriForceGuy [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] TOM T 117 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] burritosenior [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SonicJohn Are there any Mythic Members who have not been blacklisted or warned?[/quote] I have been. I know I'm not Mythic right now, but I've just not been active. I will be again in a few days, I'm sure. So I thought I'd contribute :).[/quote]A little quicker than a few days ;-)[/quote] I thought titles only updated once a day? [/quote]They don't anymore that is for sure, criteria seems to be changing all the time. For example Capt Molo changed to Mythic as I quoted him yesterday, before I clicked quote he was Legendary, on the following page he was Mythic. Obviously my action didn't influence the change however it certainly seems to be updating much more frequently than it has in the past; Tartan 118's title also changed yesterday for extra evidence.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] MikeNeel Take BB for example (no offence guy) but I remember when he posted a "This is my ___ B.Net birthday, cheers for me" here in the septagon. This would normally get locked, and probably a warning, since it went against the "specific user threads" and generally didn't belong here. However, most of the mods actually posted in the thread with congrats and many more posts. I know for a fact if I made the same thread, I'd get it locked, and while I might not get banned, I'd probably get a "This is not your blog" response.[/quote]The reason the thread didn't get locked from observation is that had a discussion point, it wasn't just a plain "It's my Bday wootz" thread. I recall some form of reflective discussion, it had a blog element but it could be related to and the motive and interpretations from the post gave it enough reason to remain open; of course the thread could have merited a lock and some form of lenience was present however you can't put that down to favouritism or a bar colour when the thread has some discussion purpose.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] TOM T 117 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] burritosenior [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SonicJohn Are there any Mythic Members who have not been blacklisted or warned?[/quote] I have been. I know I'm not Mythic right now, but I've just not been active. I will be again in a few days, I'm sure. So I thought I'd contribute :).[/quote]A little quicker than a few days ;-)[/quote] I thought titles only updated once a day?

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