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originally posted in: "Girls only like jerks"
8/3/2015 6:40:15 PM
How to get laid, brought to you by "the porn guy". There are two methods. I am not endorsing either of them in particular, I'm simply providing information and reducing this whole hot mess to its bare essentials. It reads very clinical and impersonal, but unfortunately, that's the only way some of these betas are ever going to get it. [b][u]METHOD 1: Cash[/u][/b] [b]1[/b] - Select a girl whom you find attractive. [b]2[/b] - Pay her. [b]3[/b] - Get laid. [b]Advantages[/b] - No bullshit. If you have the money, you get the sex. [b]Disadvantages[/b] - No passion. She is doing it for the money. She doesn't care about you. [u][b]METHOD 2: Personality[/b][/u] [b]1 [/b]- Select a girl whom you find attractive. [b]2[/b] - Treat her like a normal f*cking person, except make sure she knows that you're attracted to her. (Don't skip that part. It's important.) [b]3[/b] - Get laid. [b]Advantages[/b] - A real connection with real passion and the real possibility that she will actually [i]come back to you for more[/i], of her own accord, i.e. without you doing anything. [b]Disadvantages[/b] - You have to spend time with her for this to work. It's not instant gratification. Now, there's something very important to note about [b]METHOD 2[/b]. When I say "treat her like a normal f*cking person", I mean exactly that. I don't mean tip your fedora in her direction and tell her how much you respect her. That's not how you'd treat a normal f*cking person, that's just how you treat women for some stupid reason. TREAT HER LIKE A NORMAL F*CKING PERSON. If she's funny, laugh. If she makes a good point, agree. If she does something impressive, praise her. BUT ALSO. If she makes you angry, get mad. If she does something stupid, let her know. If she pushes your limits, remind her of them. No woman will ever respect you if you don't call her out on her bullshit, and if she doesn't respect you, she won't sleep with you, unless you resort to [b]METHOD 1[/b]. That's it. No seriously, that's it. Expensive gifts, unwarranted praise, and all that other bullshit is [b]completely unnecessary[/b] to getting laid. Now don't get me wrong. If you love her, it's okay to give her something nice every now and then. It's okay to tell her she's beautiful, or that you're glad you found her, or that you're thankful for her love. But don't make it a habit. These are gifts. They should be presented to her as such. If you're constantly showering her with that shit, then she will come to expect it from you, and then you've gone and f*cked yourself good because you can't possibly satisfy her when she wants more all the time. Just have some common sense, guys. Women are complicated, but they're not that difficult to satisfy. inb4misogyny Nothing I have said is misogynist. I love women. It's basic common sense and human psychology.

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