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8/1/2015 4:00:27 PM

Dedicated Servers Petition!!

Destiny is a good game. Its unique and has a lot of interesting things to do and also find, but there are downsides to this. If you ever played pvp in Destiny which im pretty sure most of you do or maybe even don't because of lag and this games Multiplayer Meta but we will talk about that later. Alright, with the TTK coming up bungie has started handing out ban hammers to people who are lagswitching and if you don't know what lagswitching is its basically someone can make the servers lag for their own advantage. Which makes it almost impossible to fight against. So now bungie is banning people that they assume are lagswitching which I honestly think is a bit of a good thing because they are banning the cheaters in this game. There's also something bungie is doing to help them ban people which are "reports". Anyway people have probably got reported for no good reason for example in Trials Of Osiris (aka. Thorns Of Osiris) people are getting reported for shutting someones card down. But still that isn't the reason why we are talking about this Dedicated Servers will prevent people from lagswitching because when they lagswitch they are going in to the servers and possibly changing they hosts connection to theirs. So with that being said should bungie add dedicated servers or just screwing people over by accidentally banning innocents.

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