We are a clan of older, more mature, players seeking to bring in new friends to join us on our nightly expeditions.
We usually run various teams through PoE, Raids, ToO, etc on a nightly/weekly basis. We are helpful and respectful to others and pride ourselves in our prowess of helping lower level players reach max level quickly and efficiently.
What we require from you:
Be respectful, mature, and flexible.
Participate in clan activities on a regular basis.
Be active (see above)
Preferably over 21 years old (We hold drunk raids and drunken crucible events from time to time - Hilarity ensues)
Respond to this forum post or add Lucky_Sevyn to inquire. You will be lightly interviewed and put through a trial period before full membership (Usually all goes well in a day)
I am looking for a new clan, psn is JIM-9000, been playing since launch and have picked up over a 100 friends while playing, but unfortunately rarely play with same guys. Can you help? Tnx.